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Release Notes 2/21/2019

kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
edited February 2019 in Release Notes
High Noon
  • Added Dino Maw costume to the event store.
  • Added Countdown costume transformation to the event store.
  • Fixed a bug where regular Cowboy Robot enemies were dropping event items. Only the Mechanon versions should be dropping them.

  • Fixed a bug where the Shattering Rain device's debuffs did not count as the player's.
  • Fixed a bug where some Healing Rune abilities did not count as an Enchantment.
  • Fixed a bug where Specializations like Protector Mastery affected Active Ultimate abilities.
  • Fixed a bug where Shadow Manipulation's energy was scaling with Recovery.
  • Fixed a bug where Shadow Blast's Devoid advantage was not triggering off of Ebon Rift.

  • Fixed a bug with the Radical Mohawk's costume materials not displaying.
  • Fixed a bug with the Armor Ninja 2 bracer texture.
  • Fixed a bug where the Shadow Form legacy aura changed in appearance.
Post edited by kaiserin#0958 on


  • chaosdrgnz43chaosdrgnz43 Posts: 1,683 Arc User
    When will Shackle bracers have a non-metal texture?
    Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
    - - - - - -
    Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Circles are fixed! Thanks!
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • kjodellkjodell Posts: 84 Arc User
    I work all evening and when I get home Snake Gulch is a ghost town, so i'm rather disappointed that regular cowboy robots no longer drop event items
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    Just activate the mission and farm the event robots
  • grievehartgrievehart Posts: 192 Arc User
    kaizerin wrote: »
    [*] Fixed a bug where the Shadow Form legacy aura changed in appearance.

    Not yet. Indeed, shadow form legacy aura is supposed to have glowing eyes, which are now missing.
    Anyway, the last week iteration of that aura was cool. Any hope we can have access to it as a separate version ? If my memories are correct, it corresponds to the old shadow form aura ranked 1. Would be appreciable to have access to all ranked versions of that aura with MC powerhouse seller. A lot of old auras have that feature, why not shadow form ?

    More important:

    You still haven't fixed Compassion you stealthy broke last week.
    "Sentinel aura" heals from Sentinel specialization does not proc compassion stacks since last week
    Fix requiered

  • pwestolemynamepwestolemyname Posts: 979 Arc User
    grievehart wrote: »
    You still haven't fixed Compassion you stealthy broke last week.
    "Sentinel aura" heals from Sentinel specialization does not proc compassion stacks since last week
    Fix requiered

    I've been wondering when that would happen. Expected it ages ago.
    - - - - -
    Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    grievehart wrote: »

    You still haven't fixed Compassion you stealthy broke last week.
    "Sentinel aura" heals from Sentinel specialization does not proc compassion stacks since last week
    Fix requiered

    This might be an intended nerf doe. No other Form is able to stack with specs only.​​
  • grievehartgrievehart Posts: 192 Arc User
    lezard21 wrote: »
    This might be an intended nerf doe. No other Form is able to stack with specs only.​​

    Possible. But not sure until there is an official statement about it. Indeed, it was not in release notes.
    Moreover tooltips of both compassion and sentinel aura heavily suggest it should proc:
    "Gain a stack whenever you heal" ; "you and your teammates regain x health every 3 seconds".

    So if it's an accident, fix it.

    If it's not:

    1- Say it clearly.
    2- Modify tooltips to clearly inform compassion concern only "direct heals from powers" and sentinel aura heals are not "direct heals", so people cannot be fooled about it.
    3- Provide a free retcon to people with the compassion power. With no information in release notes about that stealth change, the last free retcon have been used to adapt to the other things that have been messed with. And i will certainly not pay a retcon to the ground because devs do not assume some of the decisions they take and stealthly push some changes without warning players before or after.

    Thanks for your comprehension and good continuation.

    For the future, please mention every wanted change relevant to powers and specs in release notes.

  • poptartmaniac#8493 poptartmaniac Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    grievehart wrote: »
    kaizerin wrote: »
    [*] Fixed a bug where the Shadow Form legacy aura changed in appearance.

    Not yet. Indeed, shadow form legacy aura is supposed to have glowing eyes, which are now missing.
    Anyway, the last week iteration of that aura was cool. Any hope we can have access to it as a separate version ? If my memories are correct, it corresponds to the old shadow form aura ranked 1. Would be appreciable to have access to all ranked versions of that aura with MC powerhouse seller. A lot of old auras have that feature, why not shadow form ?

    More important:

    You still haven't fixed Compassion you stealthy broke last week.
    "Sentinel aura" heals from Sentinel specialization does not proc compassion stacks since last week
    Fix requiered

    Yes Shadow form aura is now missing the eyes :(
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    grievehart wrote: »
    3- Provide a free retcon to people with the compassion power. With no information in release notes about that stealth change, the last free retcon have been used to adapt to the other things that have been messed with. And i will certainly not pay a retcon to the ground because devs do not assume some of the decisions they take and stealthly push some changes without warning players before or after.

    This isn't the kind of thing people would get a retcon for. Compassion still does what people took it for, and Sentinal Aura still does what people took it for. You only get a retcon when the function of something has changed significantly enough that it might no longer do what you originally took it for or might break your build, or if a power set has received substantial changes to its meta overall, or if something you had taken before no longer exists or has moved to a different power.

    The only way that this could break your build is if Sentinal Aura is your only source of stacking Compassion, and if that's the case then you made a very bizarre choice in taking Compassion to begin with. If you only want the retcon for the perception that another spec is slightly better than Sentinal Aura now, you don't get retcons for that.​​
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    grievehart wrote: »
    Possible. But not sure until there is an official statement about it. Indeed, it was not in release notes.
    Moreover tooltips of both compassion and sentinel aura heavily suggest it should proc:
    "Gain a stack whenever you heal" ; "you and your teammates regain x health every 3 seconds".
    Just checked. Sentinel aura still procs compassion. It just only procs when you heal an ally, not when you heal yourself. Which is what the tooltip says (test method: hang out at kiga blocking).
  • grievehartgrievehart Posts: 192 Arc User
    Just checked. Sentinel aura still procs compassion. It just only procs when you heal an ally, not when you heal yourself. Which is what the tooltip says (test method: hang out at kiga blocking).

    Since last week, Sentinel aura doesn't proc compassion anymore when healing yourself, healing a pet, healing another player. It's selfless ally which does it, and only if the support HP bar is not full.
    Testing method: Use flight and fall damage to deplete hp to you, your pet, and/or a human player and look what happens.

    Only procs when you heal an ally, not when you heal yourself. Which is what the tooltip says (test method: hang out at kiga blocking).

    Indeed compassion tooltips say exactly that: " Whenever you heal an ally".
    "Ally" for compassion always had, and always will be including your character for a simple and obvious reason.
    Not including the hero character in "ally" would mean that compassion would become the only energy form unstackable and so unusable in solo (without a pet), which would be a cosmic stupidity.
    Fortunately, devs are not stupid and compassion currently still include heals on yourself.
    So when you read " Whenever you heal an ally" in compassion tooltip, it means:
    grievehart wrote: »
    "Gain a stack whenever you heal"

    Which bring us back to the starting point. "Sentinel aura" doesn't proc compassion anymore since last week.
    Is it intended or not ?
    If it is not, fix it as soon as possible.

    If it's wanted, update tooltips to be coherent.

    Additionnal bug:

    It seems there is some inconsistancy in compassion stacking for healing powers too.
    Cannot explain it. Sometimes healing from powers does not proc compassion stacks. Tried it with several healing powers (lifedrain, celestial conduit, arcane vitality, rebuke...
    Testing method: Use flight and fall damage to deplete hp to you, your pet, and/or a human player. Use/tap a healing power. (Easier to see with rebuke wich is burst heal). Wait at least 20 seconds between attempts to eliminate stacking delay as a possible cause. Fall from high to be sure your hp bar will not be full before and after your heal.
    Repeat the operation enough times, preferably with only the basic stack of the form.
    You'll see sometimes it doesn't proc.

  • poptartmaniac#8493 poptartmaniac Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    Why mad about sentinel not stacking compassion anyway, do people play healers without heals? Have no other way to stack? O.o

    If you're really relying on sentinal to stack compassion, then you really shoudn't have either cuz that means you're not healing any other way.

    if anything however, they should fix how some heal powers struggle to, or don't stack compassion at all while healing others.
  • grievehartgrievehart Posts: 192 Arc User
    Why mad about sentinel not stacking compassion anyway, do people play healers without heals? Have no other way to stack? O.o

    If you're really relying on sentinal to stack compassion, then you really shoudn't have either cuz that means you're not healing any other way.

    First i am not mad about the change itself but about the way it has been done. Stealth change, no warning, no mention in patch notes, no communication on it before and after.
    Because of that i used my free retcon to adjust to the other changes, and now i realized there is another problem with sentinel aura, i will have to pay a new retcon to adjust to that stealth change. Not a good reason to be unpleased ? Several days after we still do not know if it's a wanted change, a bug, if we can expect a fix, a retcon or something

    do people play healers without heals? Have no other way to stack? O.o

    If you're really relying on sentinal to stack compassion, then you really shoudn't have either cuz that means you're not healing any other way.

    Last time i checked, compassion was also boosting shields. So for a bubbler support, compassion is a coherent choice.
    And for your information, bubbles doesn't stack compassion efficiently, which makes sentinel aura VERY usefull in that particular context. It would be less a problem if shields could proc compassion on application, but it's not the case. Often wondered why, considering compassion buff shields and protecting someone is as compassionate as healing someone.

    Moreover the concept of this game is "be the hero you want to be". So, if i want to play a bubbler support instead of a healer, i will not ask for your or anybody else permission.
    You'll learn that all healers are support, but not all support are healers. Too much people think it's the same, noobs usually.
    But CO is cool for that, you can do what you want with a lot of accuracy, healer, buffer, debuffer, crowd controller, even several at once.

    if anything however, they should fix how some heal powers struggle to, or don't stack compassion at all while healing others.

    It's the inconsistency in stacking i was talking about above
    grievehart wrote: »

    Additionnal bug:

    It seems there is some inconsistancy in compassion stacking for healing powers too.
    Cannot explain it. Sometimes healing from powers does not proc compassion stacks. Tried it with several healing powers (lifedrain, celestial conduit, arcane vitality, rebuke...
    Testing method: Use flight and fall damage to deplete hp to you, your pet, and/or a human player. Use/tap a healing power. (Easier to see with rebuke wich is burst heal). Wait at least 20 seconds between attempts to eliminate stacking delay as a possible cause. Fall from high to be sure your hp bar will not be full before and after your heal.
    Repeat the operation enough times, preferably with only the basic stack of the form.
    You'll see sometimes it doesn't proc.

    Spent a lot of time looking at that problem today, and posted it in bugs topic

  • warcanchwarcanch Posts: 1,170 Arc User
    Salient points, @grievehart .

    For my part, I find it very annoying to lose my Compassion stacks while healing the tank and/or spreading my heals with direct/aoe heal powers. This happens quite often at the Cosmics.​​

    -=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
    "Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
  • salmialmisalmialmi Posts: 29 Arc User
    Looks like Ebon ruin had a stealth cost increase this patch and the dps does in no way reflect its new cost.
  • chaosdrgnz43chaosdrgnz43 Posts: 1,683 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    Featured phrase this patch: "Stealth Changes"
    Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
    - - - - - -
    Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    Featured phrase this patch: "Stealth Changes"
    Along with "Is this an intentional change or not?"​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • poptartmaniac#8493 poptartmaniac Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    Again, your only reason was that "I had to retcon to adjust the stealth change" so what you were playing a healer without heals only sentinel to stack compassion?

    second. you didn't need to result to personal attacks and call people noobs or whatever. I know for a fact bubbles stack on PRE and compassion. And even bubbler builds have enough room for atleast 1 heal, there's not even that many bubbles, doubt they fully rely on sentinel to stack.

    third. if you're not providing auras debuffing, healing, or bubbling, then you shoudn't be a support, you're basically just nerfing your own damage, and not helping at all. unless you happen to be a pet build. a decent one.

    and even pet builds might be able to fit in one heal to heal their pets.

  • poptartmaniac#8493 poptartmaniac Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    Again, your only reason was that "I had to retcon to adjust the stealth change" so what you were playing a healer without heals only sentinel to stack compassion?

    second. you didn't need to result to personal attacks and call people noobs or whatever. I know for a fact bubbles stack on PRE and compassion. And even bubbler builds have enough room for atleast 1 heal, there's not even that many bubbles, doubt they fully rely on sentinel to stack.

    third. if you're not providing auras debuffing, healing ,cc-ing (though they use manipulator), or bubbling, then you shoudn't be a support, you're basically just nerfing your own damage, and not helping at all. unless you happen to be a pet build. a decent one.

    and even pet builds might be able to fit in one to heal their pets.

    Edit: there's only like 4 bubbles if i counted right (excluding devices), you have more than enough points.
  • grievehartgrievehart Posts: 192 Arc User
    Again, your only reason was that "I had to retcon to adjust the stealth change"

    Not what i said.
    grievehart wrote: »
    i used my free retcon to adjust to the other changes

    "Other changes" were the ANNOUNCED changes, those mentionned in releases notes.
    The stealth changes were NOT ANNOUNCED, and NOT mentionned in release notes.

    If you think about it more than 2 seconds, you'll realise it's hard to adjust to a change you are not aware of, because that change was mentionned nowhere.
    what you were playing a healer without heals only sentinel to stack compassion?

    Seriously, read more carefully before talking.
    I play a SUPPORT char, NOT a healer char. It is NOT the same thing.
    While it is possible to do both, my choice according to the theme of my char, was to do JUST Bubble support.
    you didn't need to result to personal attacks and call people noobs or whatever
    Was general (the term used was "usually").
    That being said, you apparently still fail to understand the difference between support and healer despite the fact i just explained it to you.
    there's not even that many bubbles, doubt they fully rely on sentinel to stack.

    So for your information: "Mindfull reinforcement" bubble provide a heal after 8 seconds and so a compassion stack, if and only if
    1-The shield has not been broken.
    2-The target of the shield is not at full HP when the 8 seconds ends
    In addition, your window to have all these conditions to stack compassion is 16 seconds, after what your compassion stacks vanish

    So as i was saying:
    grievehart wrote: »
    bubbles doesn't stack compassion efficiently, which makes sentinel aura VERY usefull in that particular context.

    third. if you're not providing auras debuffing, healing ,cc-ing (though they use manipulator), or bubbling, then you shoudn't be a support, you're basically just nerfing your own damage, and not helping at all. unless you happen to be a pet build. a decent one.

    Again, read before talking.
    grievehart wrote: »
    the concept of this game is "be the hero you want to be". So, if i want to play a bubbler support instead of a healer, i will not ask for your or anybody else permission.

    A bubbler support provide bubbles.

    In addition of bubbles, my char provide AOPM aura which is more efficient in SUPPORT, sentinel aura which benefits from bonus healing and so more efficient in SUPPORT, and various buffs debuffs.
    That SUPPORT (=/= healer :)) character has been created in March 2013, corresponded fully to what i wanted it to be, and was fully operationnal and efficient until changes occured. On a sidenote, from my 13 char roster, it's for that one i received the most important number of positive feedbacks in pms and local and the most build requests from other players.

    Now, i you could please, stop talking about a build you have no clue about (because i never shared it, and never will), I would like let this thread focus more on Compassion stacking and sentinel aura bugs, and other things related to releases notes.

  • poptartmaniac#8493 poptartmaniac Posts: 247 Arc User
    edited February 2019
    here's the thing, you're actually the one who doesn't entirely read, you're crying about how you now have to waste a retcon for the sentinel aura change, again I know what a support is, I literally listed it to you in the bottom of my last message, again you have only 4 bubbles in game , don't tell me you don't have room for atleast 1 heal to stack compassion.

    Also sentinel aura auto proccing compassion is pretty lazy, chances are this is either a fix to make people actually work for the stacks, or it was simply an unintended change and not the devs conspiring against you.

    I know many bubbler/debuffers who don't rely fully on sentinel to process compassion, and to be honest, I'm sure they agree that it's just lazy, you don't see any other passive stacking passively with anything, and the ones that did, they were fixed. (like dex forms could dodge heals and circles, etc)

    also, i know full well how mindful reinforcement works.
    I'm not just some random arguing for the sake of arguing.
    I've built a few decent support builds.

    conclusion, just because I don't agree with you, doesn't mean I don't know what a "support" is, in no comment of mine have I ever said that a support ALWAYS has to be a healer, it's possible that I made a typo and typed healer instead of support, but I've clarified in latter messages and you keep nitpicking that one thing. So again stop the personal attacks and the derrogative comments, people can't have a civil argument these days.
    but what do i expect tbh.

    and they should really fix all heals over all struggling to stack compassion, having issues in teleios ascendant, healing people for a lot with multiple different heal powers and doesn't always stack the form.
  • grievehartgrievehart Posts: 192 Arc User
    don't tell me you don't have room for atleast 1 heal to stack compassion.

    It is not a room problem. I volontarily did not included a heal in my initial build because:
    grievehart wrote: »
    my choice according to the theme of my char, was to do JUST Bubble support.

    But if a stealth change imply i must include a heal now to make my build works, a retcon is necessary. And i am not gonna pay for it considering they didn' t announced any change.

    Also sentinel aura auto proccing compassion is pretty lazy, chances are this is either a fix to make people actually work for the stacks, or it was simply an unintended change and not the devs conspiring against you.
    grievehart wrote: »
    "Sentinel aura" doesn't proc compassion anymore since last week.
    Is it intended or not ?
    If it is not, fix it as soon as possible.

    If it's wanted, update tooltips to be coherent.

    Never talked about a conspiracy against me.
    I talked about the lack of communication about the changes.
    You'll admitt it's surprising from a dev to mention something useless like a correction of typos in tooltips in release notes, and not talking about something as important as a change in how spec works.
    If it's an intended change, why not saying it in release notes ?
    If it's simply a bug why not saying it in the discussion of release notes ?

    and they should really fix all heals over all struggling to stack compassion, having issues in teleios ascendant, healing people for a lot with multiple different heal powers and doesn't always stack the form.

    Yes, 100% agree with this. It is a really annoying bug. Hope it will be adressed as soon as possible.

  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    Relying on sentinel aura to stack compassion at cosmics is a dumb plan anyway, because if multiple people in a teamup have sentinel aura only one of the auras applies.
  • grievehartgrievehart Posts: 192 Arc User
    Relying on sentinel aura to stack compassion at cosmics is a dumb plan anyway, because if multiple people in a teamup have sentinel aura only one of the auras applies.

    When boredom push me to go to a cosmic encounter with this char, i do not team up and only support myself with my auras.

    There are plenty of other occasions to team, because you know, there 's more than just cosmic in CO.

    Try to focus on release notes and bugs from last patches please.
    Tired to have to explain what and why i play what i play and how, it 's uselessly flooding. I know what i'm doing, it's the only thing you have to know.

    Fact is a lot of things affecting gameplay have been touched "under the hood".

    We need to know what's intended, what's not.
    We need to know if Kaizerin is aware of stacking troubles with compassion and healing powers, and if it will be adressed soon.

  • pjz99pjz99 Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited March 2019
    lol the way Compassion is behaving right now is really blatantly a bug, unless there's been a sudden design change after a very solid 8 years of it producing stacks from healing damage on yourself. This profoundly affects every character who uses Compassion in their build, whether you choose not to solo such characters or not, your ability to actually do that has been severely curtailed. Looking forward to when this blatant bug is remedied.

    e: in case people had not noticed it isn't just healing from Sentinel Aura, but at least some other healing powers e.g. Bio Shielding on self will not produce Compassion stacks, but self healing from Conviction will, so one way or the other some **** is busted
  • pjz99pjz99 Posts: 143 Arc User
    further, Illumination's healing effect seems to produce stacks on healing self but Life Essence, does not ..... ???
  • Again, your only reason was that "I had to retcon to adjust the stealth change" so what you were playing a healer without heals only sentinel to stack compassion?

    second. you didn't need to result to personal attacks and call people noobs or whatever. I know for a fact bubbles stack on PRE and compassion. And even bubbler builds have enough room for atleast 1 heal, there's not even that many bubbles, doubt they fully rely on sentinel to stack.

    third. if you're not providing auras debuffing, healing, or bubbling, then you shoudn't be a support, you're basically just nerfing your own damage, and not helping at all. unless you happen to be a pet build. a decent one.

    and even pet builds might be able to fit in heals to heal their pets.
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