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For Next Blood Moon

orlokk88orlokk88 Posts: 10 Arc User
Here are my ideas

New Archetypes:

The Exile: You show remorse for the power you have gained. Concepts are ex-Dogz and New Shadows gang member. You are a supernatural being who has decided to fight for good. You have seen the corruption in your own kind and want to make amends. You were not prepared for the evil you have become part of, at least now you can fight.

It's basically a Savage but with red colored powers. The only difference is that you get Beast Transformation which is like the Become Vampire power where you turn into a monster. You can change what beast it is, it can be a werewolf, the vampire bat or something else. Increased strength, recovery and health in this form. It lasts for about three minutes.

Oh and at level 6 you get regeneration and you start with frenzy and the energy builder for Supernatural beast

The Profane

You used to be a part of DEMON or some other dark magic. You now see the evil and use what you learn to help.

You get red coloured powers and you use Infernal abilities. You get a demon summoning power. Your concepts are blood mage, demon cultist. Eventually you get the star barrage attack and one of the empowering circles.

Now for those who want to be good......

Supernatural Hunter: This is basically like the werewolf hunter from Bloodmoon but as your own character. It begins as a melee type but has a few key things like holy water, silver blades as a ranged and I think it's best using the Specialist as a base. I know a crossbow would be a lot to ask for but to have one for this character that if you buy it it unlocks the crossbow for other characters is cool. The weapon works as a gun and only animation is the arrow coming. It's not completely like it would be but imagine a gun that shoots arrows but with sound effects.

Now the next one is a paladin type. It uses heavy weapon and celestial. Good healer, and strong fighter.


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