Hello, I've been playing Champions Online off and on for years and love the game but lately I've run into a major problems. When I first downloaded the game earlier last month it played fine but since then will not let me log on. I have tried both Arc and Steam, waited for the recent server updates and even tried more than one account log in as well as changing my password, none of it worked. At best the game will try logging in then fail after it looks for a controller connection at worst it continues to pop up "failed to communicate with servers". I have deleted and reinstalled the game but the same problems persist. The launcher loads up like normal then suddenly changes, the green dot in the upper left corner vanishes and it keeps informing me in red at the bottom that "there is a problem with the website but normal game play is unaffected" if that had happened once or twice that would just leave me to assume there were technical difficulties on Champion's side but every day for over a month? I have tried going into the files to force an update, it insists that is not a valid command. I have gone under setting for the launcher but every time I click the "save" button the launcher crashes. Every thing I have seen that is supposed to fix it, checking my computer's graphic card and operating system, going into the program's files and attempting to force an update ect makes it crash. It finally started a 7.6 gb update today but since my internet is slow I left it alone for two hours, popping by to ensure my computer doesn't turn off only for it to say "The connection went idle" and it to refuse to attempt the update again. I got my copy by going to arc and downloading the free version but it keeps locking me out. If anyone has the slightest idea how to fix it I'd be incredibly grateful. It seems my problems is so uncommon I can't find any posts online about it and all the "this fixes it every time" solution either fail or the launcher crashes when tried. My setting far surpass the minimum requirements and I am operating on windows 10. If no one can help me here, I'll have to give up on playing which would make me sad as this is probably hands down the best super hero mmo I played since city of heroes went under
Press the Windows Key + R
In the Run window that opens type cmd and press Enter
Type ipconfig /flushdns into the command prompt window and press Enter