Tonight was the third installment in our field trip cc's held in some of the places that recently got new tailors. Tonight was held in the Arcane Library.
Tonight was the final night of our 'new tailor field trip' cc's, and was held in the minefield. Holding a cc here was a new experience, and was certainly entertaining.
Tonight's cc starts our March Myth Madness! We wil lbe focusing on the myths and lore from different parts of the world each week. There will be two rounds each week: round 1 for the heroes and benevolent (or at least neutral) deities/creatures, rond two for the villains and evil creatures. This week will focus on the myths and lore of the Mediterranean and African areas.
And tonight ends our March Myth Madness. We are focusing on the myths and lore related to the various incarnations of Heaven and Hell through out the cultures of the world.
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(mix a winter holiday with one or more of: tech, tights, mystic, steampunk, medieval, non-winter holiday)
This was the first cc of the year, theme was Time Travelers!
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how long does a betta fish live for
In-game: @Wraith_9th
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tonight's theme is ''costumes inspired by weather'
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