This is an idea for a new area, or new adventure pack.
:: Story ::
Anya was intelligent, and loved the natural sciences. After graduation from college , she, and a few friends Julie (4H member), Jack (football and wrestler), and Stephan (Studied Predation) On top of being smart, Anya kept secret she had mystic powers. Plants and animals reacted to her, as much as she did them. A couple days into the trip, they come across a hunter tracking a doe. Seeing the hunter about to fire, Anya screamed out, and vines rooted and bound the hunter, who they helped free before running off scared. The group was shocked by what had happened, before thinking it was actually kinda cool. Anya began showing off her abilities more. After a week had passed, and they were getting ready to go home, Anya couldn't be found.
The group searched until they found her clothes abandoned. Further on, they found Anya wearing garnments that looked like they were made from a mix of sod and moss, and even had plants budding from them. Anya told them she was staying, but her friends insisted they needed to go back and have her looked at. That thought angered Anya, who, with a spin of her finger, had her friends bound by vines. She explained she was staying to protect the forest, and they were going to help her. Before her friend could protest, they were cocooned.
Julie emerged as a Fairy and was tasked with seeing to the animals and plants welfare.
Stephan emerged as a giant wolf beast, and tasked with defending the forest from outside predators.
Jack was turned into a Minotaur, and tasked to guard her, and her thrown, which a large plant labyrinth emerged around.
For the most part, people got the message and stayed away, until Viper showed up. Between pollution, and their Psionic powers, they were slowly corrupting Anya to greater levels of hatred in hopes of controlling her. The only problem was, when she broke, she was more then they could handle. With Anya's corruption, the land and animals began to become corrupted. Noticing the changes, Julie was able to get far enough away that she the effects were slowed to almost a stop.
Anya (calling herself "Nature's Fury") stated capturing people from the towns nearby and turning them into her minions. With the help of Julie, the heros must find to quell Natures Fury, and maybe even bring Anya back to her senses.
:: The Map ::
Vast map with hills, mountains and forests, Labnyrinth surrounding a giant tree where Anya's thrones is, an outlying town or two, and a Viper lab.
:: The Enemies ::
Viper - Standard complement of enemies as any map.
Animals - Wolves, Bears, and other predatory beasts
Mythical - Magical fairies/pixies , morphed beasts (like Stephan), centaurs, Minotaur (Like Jack).
Plants - Venus Fly Traps, Spitting flowers (seeds and poison), Exploding seed pods.
:: Other Features ::
Fox Pets - Animal control, Frost animal, Fire animal.
Fairy Pet/Summon Fairy (Pet/ or Ritual)- A fairy assists you.
Fire Animal (pet) - Summon animal with fire attacks.
Deer Spirit - Travel power.
Turn into a deer with moves like acrobatics (has slightly increased speed and jump). Generates little threat and slight increase to dodge, attacking automatically turns the power off. Can't start if in combat.
Minotaur Form -
Greatly increase strength, constitution.
Slight increase to Ego.
Decrease slightly intelligence, recovery.
Decrease moderately presence, endurance.
Fairy Wings: Travel Power.
Works like phoenix flight/demon wings, but translucent sparkly butterfly wings appear on your back.
Entangling Vines - Crowd control "rooting" skill.
Just an idea I've been working in my head for a while...