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June Subscriber Reward and the Premium Pack!

Subscribers in June can get do like the Romans do with these brand new Greaves!


We're launching a brand new pack that gives you every thing you need in one place, the Premium Pack! This pack is launching to replace our monthly subscriptions, which will be ending next Thursday.



  • chaosdrgnz43chaosdrgnz43 Posts: 1,683 Arc User
    Will those who bought the premium pack will be able to access PTS shard?
    Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
    - - - - - -
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  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    So how much is a LTS now with the discount?
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    The Ability to Change the Colors of your Powers
    I HAD BEEN WAITING FOR THIS FOR 5 YEARS this alone worth the 1500 Zen
    FINALLY after 5 years my TK characters can have orange and blue coloured powers
    The Ability to Change the Colors of your Powers
    Does this include the Pet skins and Emanation points features?​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • lisaladyartemislisaladyartemis Posts: 16 Arc User
    CONGRATULATIONS ambassadorkael you have killed the longest running Super hero game of all time. Well done.
  • vorshothvorshoth Posts: 603 Arc User
    hmm. I wonder why the subscription model is changing. I went LTS years ago and honestly have had my monies' worth of game, but it's... curious.
  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User

    1) Current Gold Subs when dropping their sub keep all of their gold toons as gold toon as well as all of their slots.

    2) Make those 6 slots gold slots, if they aren't already. Or at least a 50/50 blend of gold and silver slots. If other gold slots are still going to be $50, at least allow players to get a nice taste of FF for a MUCH lower price.

    3) Anyone with 800+ days of gold subscriptions gets an automatic LTS upgrade. (disclaimer: totally self-serving)

    4) Give LTS a few more respec tokens for taking away their unlimited FF slots. I'm not really sure what I think about taking away the unlimited FF slots. On one hand: massively stupid business decision on a product that is already an amazingly fabulous deal. On the other hand: game has low pop and this could piss off people into leaving forever... I don't know how much that matters as I don't know if the existing LTS population is that high or if they spend much money as a whole.​​
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User

    The press release is not well worded and I think everyone would appreciate urgent clarification on the nature of the Premium Pack, as well of Gold subscriptions and Lifetime subscriptions after June 6. Given that you are encouraging people to purchase LTS this week via a sale it is important that is made clear what this purchase will buy after June 6 - btw, EU consumer law trumps whatever is in the EULA about variations to services and subscriptions.

    Can you please clarify the following:

    1) Whether the character slots purchased as part of the Premium Pack will require additional purchases or subscriptions in order for the player to have access to anything other than the Free Archetypes currently open to Silver account players or Archetypes which they have already purchased from the Zen store?

    2) Whether Gold and LTS Subscriptions will continue "unchanged" and whether continued subscribers will receive "all the benefits" or whether there will be a material change to the subcriptions as indicated by the last line of the press release, as follows:

    "Will Gold and Lifetime Members still receive a free character slot at level 40?

    After the release of the Premium Pack, this feature will no longer exist."

    Thanks very much.
  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    I'm trying to not lose my temper here. So I'm sorry if this message comes across as terse.

    But where in the hell is the option to sign up for lifetime? I went into my Subscription area and the option to select a Lifetime Sub isn't there:


    As you can see only the recurring options for one, three, and six month plans are available. I mean, seriously guys? Advertise a Lifetime sale and squeeze us players into selecting it But then you don't have the option to choose Lifetime available in an easy to find way?

    Just...damn. This isn't increasing my confidence in deciding to make a serious purchase. Instead, it pushing me towards forgetting about it all together.
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  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    The lifetime subscription option was moved off of that page a while back: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/champions-online/news/detail/9065443​​
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    LTS is somewhere else, has been for a long time (I.e. while this is clunky, it's not new). I don't remember where though.
  • lisaladyartemislisaladyartemis Posts: 16 Arc User
    sterga wrote: »

    1) Current Gold Subs when dropping their sub keep all of their gold toons as gold toon as well as all of their slots.

    2) Make those 6 slots gold slots, if they aren't already. Or at least a 50/50 blend of gold and silver slots. If other gold slots are still going to be $50, at least allow players to get a nice taste of FF for a MUCH lower price.

    3) Anyone with 800+ days of gold subscriptions gets an automatic LTS upgrade. (disclaimer: totally self-serving)

    4) Give LTS a few more respec tokens for taking away their unlimited FF slots. I'm not really sure what I think about taking away the unlimited FF slots. On one hand: massively stupid business decision on a product that is already an amazingly fabulous deal. On the other hand: game has low pop and this could piss off people into leaving forever... I don't know how much that matters as I don't know if the existing LTS population is that high or if they spend much money as a whole.​​

    Fully Agree. First off I went Lifetime a while ago but I know that most of the remaining Subscribers are doing so because they can't afford Lifetime. So this hoses them if it stands as read. Many of 'my friends' had 20+ gold FF characters and stand to loose them?

    This is wrong on ANY LEVEL! People who have been paying Subscriptions for years and years are suddenly going to loose "Pages" of freeform gold characters because they (can't afford) to go Gold For life?

    Please consider letting them keep their Gold characters, its what they PAID FOR for years!
  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    kaizerin wrote: »
    The lifetime subscription option was moved off of that page a while back: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/champions-online/news/detail/9065443​​

    Uhmm then maybe the "upgrade to Gold" link in the message should point there.. and not the subscription page? Or provide a second link in the message to the right page. I'm not trying to be snarky, but that Lifetime page is hard to find and not linked to anywhere in the announcement.

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  • lisaladyartemislisaladyartemis Posts: 16 Arc User
    kaizerin wrote: »
    The lifetime subscription option was moved off of that page a while back: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/champions-online/news/detail/9065443​​

    Can you NOT address any of our other concerns?
  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    kaizerin wrote: »
    The lifetime subscription option was moved off of that page a while back: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/champions-online/news/detail/9065443​​

    Can you NOT address any of our other concerns?

    It's obvious the game is moving from a subscription model to a DLC type model. While they are giving us long time subscribers a few goodies to soften the blow, access to Freeform isn't part of what we'll get. If you want FF's it's either buy slots individually, upgrade to Gold and never cancel, or fork over $200 bucks (for a limited time).

    That's it.. and I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for that to change. *shrugs*

    And I'm one of those who will permanently lose access to all my FF's. Right now I'm trying to figure out if spending $200 I really don't have to spare, is worth it. But I like things like electricity, water, and eating. So probably not.

    Questions About AT Play? Visit Silverwolfx11's Updated AT Guides!
  • mutantmaidsmutantmaids Posts: 119 Arc User
    kaizerin wrote: »
    The lifetime subscription option was moved off of that page a while back: https://www.arcgames.com/en/games/champions-online/news/detail/9065443​​

    Can you NOT address any of our other concerns?

    I don't want to sound like I'm lashing out at them, but it's kind of a habit of theirs to only address the simplest responses that don't involve much criticism.
  • ambassadorkael#6946 ambassadorkael Posts: 96 Administrator
    Hey folks,

    Just had a long chat with the Champs team, and I wanted to clear some things up:

    Yes, if your subscription lapses your character slots will revert to silver, which is how it worked before. But it's important to note that we are not turning off subscriptions, and if you're subscribed to the game and wish to remain subscribed, you're totally able to do so. Your slots won't go away.

    The team is also looking into the possibility of creating an item down the road that will be able to convert those silver slots into freeform slots, but that might be a bit.

    Hope that helps.
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    edited June 2018
    The blog has been updated with some of the questions we've been seeing.

    To clarify some things: This game has always had a character cap of 59. However, if you earned character slots through leveling gold characters to 40 this bypassed the limit. After this change takes effect players who are over this cap will not lose any of them, even if they delete the character. But they will not be able to purchase any new ones. We can look into raising the cap a bit.

    Players who stay subbed/are lifetime will still get a monthly stipend. The only thing that is changing about these benefits is the additional character slot for getting a character to 40.

    XMPP/PTS access: Currently these are not part of the pack, but we are looking into getting them to be part of it.

    Added a link to lifetime subs on the blog.​​
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    kaizerin wrote: »

    To clarify some things: This game has always had a character cap of 59. ​​

    There are a couple of Silver Players who are well over 59 slots just from buying FF slots. So either the cap was not properly implemented or there are multiple ways to bypass it.
  • lisaladyartemislisaladyartemis Posts: 16 Arc User
    Hey folks,

    Just had a long chat with the Champs team, and I wanted to clear some things up:

    Yes, if your subscription lapses your character slots will revert to silver, which is how it worked before. But it's important to note that we are not turning off subscriptions, and if you're subscribed to the game and wish to remain subscribed, you're totally able to do so. Your slots won't go away.

    The team is also looking into the possibility of creating an item down the road that will be able to convert those silver slots into freeform slots, but that might be a bit.

    Hope that helps.

    So if you pay for Gold and have a monthly automatic renewal, you remain gold? Also what happens if there is an 'error' in the payment. this once happened to me the payment didn't go through and i was reverted to silver. They fixed the issue in a couple of days and made me gold again, but what if that happens?
  • avianosavianos Posts: 6,234 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    kaizerin wrote: »
    To clarify some things: This game has always had a character cap of 59.

    EXCUSE ME? I have over 69 characters, 62 of which are Zstore FF slots, what does this mean for me? I'm really concerned now

    THIS explains however why I can no longer buy regular silver character slots and the option in zstore is greyed out​​
    POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    Also I have a question mr ambassador dev guy

    What will happen with Inborn Tenacity codes and other such codes that have 30 day Gold Sub as an added bonus? Will those get debonked too? If so, is there any chance Inborn Tenacity might be added into a Pristine or Super-Duper pack in the future?
  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    There have been some issues in the past that allowed for the character limit to be bypassed, most of which have been addressed. Once again, if you are over this limit, you won't lose the slots. But going forward you won't be able to get any more slots.​​
  • lisaladyartemislisaladyartemis Posts: 16 Arc User
    kaizerin wrote: »

    Players who stay subbed/are lifetime will still get a monthly stipend. The only thing that is changing about these benefits is the additional character slot for getting a character to 40.


    WHY? I its the ONLY JOY left in this game, being able to make a new character when I get to 40. Taking that away from us lifetimes is the ultimate FU.
  • lisaladyartemislisaladyartemis Posts: 16 Arc User
    You may as well just announce the date you are shutting down Champions online.
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    Thank you both for your comments, @kaizerin and @ambassadorkael#6946. But I would like to be completely clear on how things will work after June 6. Can you please let me know whether I have got this right?

    1) If I maintain my subscription and purchase a Premium Pack or buy additional Character Slots from the Zen Store after June 6, what can I do with those slots? Will I need to purchase Archetypes or the ability to make Freeforms to put in these slots or will this continue to be available as part of my subscription, as it currently is?

    2) If I'm a new player, and I purchase a Premium Pack, will that grant me the right to make Premium AT or Freeform characters, or do I need to make additional purchases from the Zen Store?

    Thanks in advance, M
  • gillfignofignogillfignofigno Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    I've been subscribed since 2010 at a monthly rate because I wanted to support the game.

    I have a ton of characters, way more than 59. If I cannot buy any more character slots, frankly the game is useless to me.

    So I just wanted to let you guys know that this change is going to make me quit playing the game for good and is a totally pointless change.
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    make additional purchases from the Zen Store?

    This is it.

    Swordsman and Jade Dynasty are shutting down on June 5th, so PWI had to come up with a way to compensate for the money loss by June 6th. Premium Packs \o/

    I think we were better off when PWI didn't know we even existed

  • kaiserin#0958 kaiserin Posts: 3,237 Cryptic Developer
    edited June 2018
    The slots granted by the Premium Pack are regular slots, not freeform. If you are not currently subscribed or lifetime, you will have to purchase freeform slots if you want to make freeform characters. You will also have to purchase archetypes if you do not own them.

    If you are subbed/lifetime, any characters you make on open/new slots will continue to function the same as they do now. The only change is you will no longer receive a additional slot for getting a character to 40.​​
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    kaizerin wrote: »
    If you are subbed/lifetime, any characters you make on open/new slots will continue to function the same as they do now. The only change is you will no longer receive a additional slot for getting a character to 40.​​

    One huge change that alters the model completely.

    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • xparibaxxparibax Posts: 149 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    I'm sorry, but this is a really terrible Idea. I went LTS last year because of a problem with my character slots- I would have had to buy aprox. 20 of them from the Cstore to see a free space and after about two months wrangling with customer service that was really the only solution. Doing that consumed my gaming buget for the next three years.
    And now I... won't be able to get more slots? Which is the very reason I went Lts to begin with?
    Also a wee little blurb on the launcher with "one week to change" is very probably NOT the best way to advertise this change. Not everyone reads the arc forums or even uses the launcher, a good number of players won't see the message.
    I know the premium pack model is very popular in the gaming scene lately, but it's...perhaps NOT the best fit for THIS game. If this goes through you're going to loose a LOT of players over it - and we all seem to agree the player base here, as is, is small.

    Please reconsider,

    P.S.: Are any open FF slots we currently have going to disappear once this hits? Are we going to spam character making to fill those because they might "poof"? Thanks.

  • arimikamiarimikami Posts: 475 Arc User
    kaizerin wrote: »
    Players who stay subbed/are lifetime will still get a monthly stipend. The only thing that is changing about these benefits is the additional character slot for getting a character to 40.
    You're going to have to drop the price of FF slots if you're going to stop letting gold accounts unlock them. Doing anything less will kill the game because no one is going to pay $50 for a single character slot run by people that change the terms after they have your money where real development of game content has been extremely sparse since game launch.
  • deadman20deadman20 Posts: 1,533 Arc User
    I'm gonna miss the extra character slot for reaching 40, and the character slot limit does seem low considering we have players at 200+ characters and counting. I don't know how much each additional character is worth when it comes to data storage and whatnot, but if that limit can be raised high enough, would 256 be an okay number? A QoL feature that might be useful is a visible page number for the character select screen and expanding each page to be 16 characters instead of 13 if the 256 cap was done.​​
    Steam Guide to Modifications and Equipment (Champions Online) - DZPlayer's Builds (Last updated: 3/26/2018)
    And I will always be @DZPlayer122.

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  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    kaizerin wrote: »
    The blog has been updated with some of the questions we've been seeing.

    To clarify some things: This game has always had a character cap of 59. However, if you earned character slots through leveling gold characters to 40 this bypassed the limit. After this change takes effect players who are over this cap will not lose any of them, even if they delete the character. But they will not be able to purchase any new ones. We can look into raising the cap a bit.

    Players who stay subbed/are lifetime will still get a monthly stipend. The only thing that is changing about these benefits is the additional character slot for getting a character to 40.

    Thanks for updating the Blog. And again, I'm not trying to be a jerk, i get that CO is a business not my best friend. But I think it's really important to be clear in your messaging about Gold Subs. From the looks of it, once a user subscribes to Gold, if he/she cancels that Sub, they will lose access to their FF's. Leaving the only other option, buying the Lifetime DLC pack if they want to play their FF's ever again. I can tell you right now, this isn't clear to some people.

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  • mutantmaidsmutantmaids Posts: 119 Arc User
    As the others have commented, creating new characters is a huge joy for this game. If this is some sort of attempt to get people to buy more than one account + costume packs, it's a pretty cheap thing to do. Please consider bumping the limit up.
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User

    Thanks for making that clear. So what's happening is that, from June 6, subscribers (whether Gold or LTS) will have everything they currently have available but will now have to purchase new Character Slots and Retcons at their current Zen Store price (750Z for 1 slot, 1400z for 2, 1250Z per Retcon) rather than getting them for free as part of the sub. Once they purchase those slots, though, they'll be able to make ATs and Freeforms (and switch between the two as they currently) without additional cost - is that right?

    I know that's not nice news, especially if you're LTS, but it's better than being shut down!

    One final question: If I let my monthly subscription lapse, I won't be able to re-subscribe on that basis again?
  • iamynaughtiamynaught Posts: 41 Arc User
    kaizerin wrote: »
    The slots granted by the Premium Pack are regular slots, not freeform. If you are not currently subscribed or lifetime, you will have to purchase freeform slots if you want to make freeform characters. You will also have to purchase archetypes if you do not own them.

    If you are subbed/lifetime, any characters you make on open/new slots will continue to function the same as they do now. The only change is you will no longer receive a additional slot for getting a character to 40.​​

    Okay, now I'm even more confused than before. I want to be 100% certain what happens to slots I currently have as an LTS? I can currently make either an FF or an AT and after the 7th, these empty slots I have I'll continue to be able to make either/or, correct?

    Also, since you're going to make even Gold/LTS buy FF slots from now on, are you going to be lowering the price of the FF slot? I have always thought that $50 for 1 measly slot was WAY too much to charge, and even when you sold them at 50% off ($25) it was still not worth it.

    AT's and FF's need to come at a lower price point or you may as well just go ahead and shut the game down on June 7th because I can't imagine you'll get any new players and many of your older players may likely leave. I'd say $5 for AT's, $10 for FF, no way will you get more than that out of me my stipend after this.

    I've seen some bone-headed things in my time and this is right up near the top of the list now.
    Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
  • lisaladyartemislisaladyartemis Posts: 16 Arc User
    I've been subscribed since 2010 at a monthly rate because I wanted to support the game.

    I have a ton of characters, way more than 59. If I cannot buy any more character slots, frankly the game is useless to me.

    So I just wanted to let you guys know that this change is going to make me quit playing the game for good and is a totally pointless change.

    I totally agree, and I know my ENTIRE guild (60+ players) are pretty much done if this happens.

    Lets do some math here, when I log on there are usually only Hundreds of players. hmmmm

    Yup you all just killed Champions on line, congratulations.
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    So basically after June 7th I won't be able to create more characters, since I already have more than 59?
  • biffsmackwellbiffsmackwell Posts: 4,743 Arc User
    iamynaught wrote: »
    Okay, now I'm even more confused than before. I want to be 100% certain what happens to slots I currently have as an LTS? I can currently make either an FF or an AT and after the 7th, these empty slots I have I'll continue to be able to make either/or, correct?

    Any slots you have unlocked in your account right now, as a lifetime member, will always be around and will always let you create freeforms in them. Even if you're above the cap, you'll keep those slots. Nothing's being taken away other than the mechanic of gaining a free character slot at reaching level 40.
  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    TL:DR: Grandfather people into the new system better and stop being pig-headed.
    Yes, if your subscription lapses your character slots will revert to silver, which is how it worked before. But it's important to note that we are not turning off subscriptions, and if you're subscribed to the game and wish to remain subscribed, you're totally able to do so. Your slots won't go away.

    The team is also looking into the possibility of creating an item down the road that will be able to convert those silver slots into freeform slots, but that might be a bit.

    Hope that helps.

    No, it really doesn't. If someone needs to lapse their gold sub, you're basically just f--king them over since the sub option is going away. All of the gold slots they've paid for go down the toilet with no way to re-claim them outside of a $200/$300 payment or purchase an upgrade that doesn't exist and may never exist. No, silver slots are not a good alternative, it's a straight downgrade. This is garbage and why I made the suggestion.

    I don't care if the gold sub option goes away since it's basically trash anyway, but at least don't screw over existing players that have given you a bunch of money. Trion did a MUCH better job of grandfathering people in when they went F2P. It's called good PR.

    "The slots granted by the Premium Pack are regular slots, not freeform."

    My suggestion still stands: 50/50 split of Gold and Silver. This game's biggest selling point is still making oodles of characters. Letting people pay for a few discounted FF slots before being gouged with $25/$50 slots seems like a good way to introduce (or scare off) people to (from) more customization options. You didn't seem to give a damn about giving way unlimited FF slots for years, but now you suddenly can't be assed to let people pay for a few discounted slots?​​
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • arimikamiarimikami Posts: 475 Arc User
    I'm going to be very blunt about my thoughts on these changes...

    They are the height of stupidity. By rolling out these changes, you piss off all of your life time subscribers, and all your monthly subscribers. I can understand indifference to how LTSers might feel about the changes, seeing as you already have their money, but these changes will likely ensure that you never get another dime out of any of your monthly subscribers. I think it will likely also result in a significant proportion of your players leaving for greener pastures, meaning that any people you had hoped to attract to CO through this will find fewer people to play with, resulting in them not sticking around long enough to purchase any of the more costly items on the Zen market.

    The only purpose I can think of for these changes is a forced cash grab of monthly subscribers that might want to purchase a LTS now to ensure that they don't lose their freeform slots on the off chance that their subscription lapses. I also think that the only reason why Crpytic and PWE would be so indifferent to whether or not they piss off their current player base is because they're going to announce a shutdown within the next year, at which point they can expect lawsuits from people that will point to this announcement as the reason for why they switched from a monthly subscription to a lifetime subscription.
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    If you are a lifer or sub, then you won't need to buy FF slots. You will just buy character slots, and they will work as they do now.

    The difficulty is if your a sub, and then you let it lapse . . . then you're done.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • lezard21lezard21 Posts: 1,510 Arc User
    The thing is one way or another Gold subs ARE screwed since eventually your credit card WILL expire and you won't be able to introduce a new one
  • iamynaughtiamynaught Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited June 2018
    Edited due to possible misunderstanding... I'm human, I make mistakes and own up to them :)
    Post edited by iamynaught on
    Losing faith in humanity, one person at a time.
  • jonesing4jonesing4 Posts: 803 Arc User
    arimikami wrote: »
    I also think that the only reason why Crpytic and PWE would be so indifferent to whether or not they piss off their current player base is because they're going to announce a shutdown within the next year, at which point they can expect lawsuits from people that will point to this announcement as the reason for why they switched from a monthly subscription to a lifetime subscription.

    Yeah, this feels very much like the beginning of the end, either of the game or my interest in it. The race has begun!
  • buzzbuggbuzzbugg Posts: 1 Arc User
    lezard21 wrote: »
    The thing is one way or another Gold subs ARE screwed since eventually your credit card WILL expire and you won't be able to introduce a new one

    Well said.
  • smileyfaceofdoomsmileyfaceofdoom Posts: 5 Arc User
    Certain parts of this feel like a heavy-handed shakedown. I myself am in the unenviable position of having about a week to decide if I care about the 1000 day veteran reward (I'm literally 20 days away from it) because after the 7th it's going to cost me way more than $15 to have.

    Currently leaning towards "couldn't care less", since I'm not the kind of person who buys lifetime subscriptions or remains subscribed to a game I'm not currently playing. To expect either of those things of people, just to be able to keep playing the game the same way they have been for years is a little ridiculous. And those players are going to be hit pretty hard by this, since when they do subscribe, it's to actually be able to play their characters. Not some watered-down archetype version of their character that they're going to be forced to play, or worse, forced to buy what's almost certainly going to be an outrageously expensive item just to convert a single character slot to freeform.

    What's with this weird ultimatum for people like me? It's not exactly convincing me to start a permanent subscription forever and definitely not encouraging me to pay for lifetime. This is the kind of news that stirs unrest in an MMO community, especially one as long-running as this.

    Not cool, guys.
  • arimikamiarimikami Posts: 475 Arc User
    If you are a lifer or sub, then you won't need to buy FF slots. You will just buy character slots, and they will work as they do now.

    I must have missed where it says this. Can you point it out?
  • silvergryphsilvergryph Posts: 63 Arc User
    iamynaught wrote: »
    kaizerin wrote: »
    The slots granted by the Premium Pack are regular slots, not freeform. If you are not currently subscribed or lifetime, you will have to purchase freeform slots if you want to make freeform characters. You will also have to purchase archetypes if you do not own them.

    If you are subbed/lifetime, any characters you make on open/new slots will continue to function the same as they do now. The only change is you will no longer receive a additional slot for getting a character to 40.​​

    Okay, now I'm even more confused than before. I want to be 100% certain what happens to slots I currently have as an LTS? I can currently make either an FF or an AT and after the 7th, these empty slots I have I'll continue to be able to make either/or, correct?

    Also, since you're going to make even Gold/LTS buy FF slots from now on, are you going to be lowering the price of the FF slot? I have always thought that $50 for 1 measly slot was WAY too much to charge, and even when you sold them at 50% off ($25) it was still not worth it.

    AT's and FF's need to come at a lower price point or you may as well just go ahead and shut the game down on June 7th because I can't imagine you'll get any new players and many of your older players may likely leave. I'd say $5 for AT's, $10 for FF, no way will you get more than that out of me my stipend after this.

    I've seen some bone-headed things in my time and this is right up near the top of the list now.

    What you just quoted seems to indicate that they are NOT going to make Gold/LTS buy FF slots.
    "any character you make on open/new slots will continue to function as they do now."

    I completely agree with you about the FF slots being way too expensive.

    I also think that they really need to get that option for upgrading a silver slot ASAP. It's really not a good situation for a Gold player to lose all their FF if their sub lapses. They should also try to come up with a way for someone who does accidentally lapse to re-sub. Maybe if they miss a payment send them a limited time link to re-sub. Have it expire in 30 days. Even if they lapsed deliberately, they may change their mind in that time and be willing to pay again.
  • dheffernandheffernan Posts: 23 Arc User
    The change appears to have been extremely poorly planned and needs to be re-examined.

    I haven't been playing that much anyway and continuing to subscribe is starting to look like a poor use of the money.
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