I played several years ago and got the impression that Unarmed was one of the weaker melee sets. I recently returned and am wondering if Unarmed is good now. I wonder if Single or Dual Blade might be better.
Unarmed got recently revamped (2-3 months ago) and performs really stellar on DPS aspect
Single blade is a stellar DPS powerframe that relies on Set Up and Bleed rupture mechanics
Dual Blade is also great (maybe TOO great) but it requires little no set up and just spamming 1 Skill (Dragon's Wrath)
You came back just in time because MA Blade powerframes are about to get revisited within the next weeks
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
It's awesome. My Unarmed toon has become my new favorite toon. It has tons of utility mashed in with its higher dps. Reminds me of the TK update. The elbow drop is definitely one of my favorite things, just doin big sick elbow drops into Qwyjibo's ankles!
Actually it feels like a cross between Heavy Weapons and TK.
It's awesome. My Unarmed toon has become my new favorite toon. It has tons of utility mashed in with its higher dps. Reminds me of the TK update. The elbow drop is definitely one of my favorite things, just doin big sick elbow drops into Qwyjibo's ankles!
Actually it feels like a cross between Heavy Weapons and TK.
Okay, you now have me wanting to play an unarmed toon.
Thanks for responding. I was trying to decide between Unarmed and Single Blade. In the past, Unarmed was low damage, but it appears that it is better now.
I would wait, single blade is coming soon for its update if i heard correctly, when something new has been introduced the last ones updated will often feel downgraded for the next set of fish to sound better (pink is the new purple syndrome: see WallE)
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
I would wait, single blade is coming soon for its update if i heard correctly, when something new has been introduced the last ones updated will often feel downgraded for the next set of fish to sound better (pink is the new purple syndrome: see WallE)
That sure didn't hold true for electric or fire :T
Single blade is a stellar DPS powerframe that relies on Set Up and Bleed rupture mechanics
Dual Blade is also great (maybe TOO great) but it requires little no set up and just spamming 1 Skill (Dragon's Wrath)
You came back just in time because MA Blade powerframes are about to get revisited within the next weeks
Actually it feels like a cross between Heavy Weapons and TK.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.