For the next two weeks Foxbatcon is around in Millennium City! Check back next week for new rewards!
- Added Cartoon Horse, Cartoon Fox, Cartoon Chicken, Stop Sign and Fishing Hat (neck) costumes to the store.
- Added Lotus Blossom vehicle to the store.
- Added Look Up emote to the store.
- Updated the exchange store to only require single items in exchange for tokens. Reduced amount of tokens down to 3 due to this change.
- Added Baseball Foxbat costume as a potential drop from swag bags.
- Increased the chance for costumes and rocks to drop from swag bags.
- Removed the Classic Foxbat Emblem and Cartoon Gloves from the store and made them potential drops from the swag bags.
- Reduced the cost of the purple devices in the store to 150 (from 300).
- Reduced the cost of the blue devices in the store to 100 (from 150).
- Reduced the price of emotes in the store to 100 (from 150).
- Reduced the price of blue action figures in the store to 50 (from 100).
- Reduced the price of purple action figures in the store to 100 (from 150).
April Sub Reward
- Pixel Glasses costume will be available in April alongside the Tinfoil Hat Ray device.
ZEN Store
The ZEN store is getting a few changes this update! We're removing some items and placing them as in game rewards and moving some items to new categories to make them easier to find.
- All temporary sidekicks have been removed from the store. These can now be found in the UNTIL recognition store.
- Removed the Special costume category, moved the costumes in there to existing categories.
- Added a Fusion tab. Moved Safeguard and Rank Up catalysts to this tab.
- Removed Energy Surge, Heroic Might, Boost Enhancer and Heroic Comeback consumable devices from the store.
All become devices have been removed from the store. They have been moved to the following locations:
- Questionite Store: Black Talon, Leaderbot, Cybernetic Ninja (all variants).
- Drifter Store: Djinn (all variants), Lemurian Power Armor (all variants).
- Bloodmoon Event: Vampire, Werewolf (all variants). Will be available when the Bloodmoon event runs next.
- Nightmare Event: Chaos Demon (all variants). Will be available when the Nightmare event runs next.
All action figures have been removed from the store. They have been moved to the following locations:
- Questionite Store: Jade Dragon, Fire Dragon.
- Aquatic Lemurian drop: Shark Submarine, Lyretail.
- Red Banner drop: Shisa
- Tsiataka Bigfoot drop: Ghost Wolf.
The following costume sets have been removed from the ZEN store and moved to new locations:
- Teddy Set: Will be obtainable during the Winter Event.
- Lantern Set: Pieces can be found in the Hipan Alert, Green Dragon Alert and as drops from Red Banner.
- Cartoon Animal Heads: Obtainable during Foxbatcon.
- Halloween Web: Can already be obtained during the Bloodmoon Event.
- Halloween Skeleton Tights: Can already be obtained during the Bloodmoon Event.
- Horrific Hats: Can already be obtained during the Bloodmoon Event.
- Cardboard Armor: Can already be obtained during the Bloodmoon Event.
- Zombie: Can already be obtained during the Bloodmoon Event.
- Redeemed Villains: Can already be obtained from perk rewards.
- Hats and Heads: Can already be obtained from perk rewards.
- Serpent Armor: Can already be obtained from the Green Dragon alert.
- The device versions of Scorching Slide and Stoic Flight are now bind on pickup (from bind on equip). Existing versions are unaffected.
- Psionic Accelerator can now be colored.
- Fixed a bug where the charge on Draysha Gas Pistol could not be interrupted.
- Added Heroic Comeback and Team Heroic Comeback consumable devices to the store.
- Removed the Mk2 vehicle store.
- Added Mk1 versions of those vehicles to the Mk1 Vehicle store.
- Removed action figure store. Action figures have been moved to crafting node rewards and the Questionite store.
- Added Legion gear to the store.
- Removed the vehicle store. These vehicles have been moved over to Drifter.
- Added Become Cybernetic Ninja (all variants), Black Talon and Resistance Command Leader to the store.
- All Become devices sold in the Questionite store have been changed to bind to account on equip (from not binding). If you already have one equipped, this change will not take effect until you remove and re-equip it.
- Removed many of the action figures from the store. Those Action figures have been moved to crafting node rewards.
- Added Fire Dragon, Shadow Dragon and Shadow Wolf action figures to the store.
- Reduced Action Figure prices down to 25,000 (from 65,000).
- Added a vehicle mod store where Rank 3 versions of vehicle mods can be purchased.
- Removed the modification pack store.
- Made some backend changes to vehicles to make it easier on our end to create new ones. This shouldn't have any effects on vehicle stats.
- Fixed a bug where the Nightmare Event and Rocker Glider vehicles were using the rank1 passives for their rank2 versions.
- Updated the Vehicle Upgrade store to display additional categories of vehicles to make finding them easier.
Crafting Nodes
- Added a chance to drop previous Drifter/Questionite store action figures.
UNTIL Recognition Store
- Added a temporary sidekick store to the UNTIL Recognition vendor.
Nemesis Minion Combat Changes
- Fixed a few bugs where Nemesis Minions were applying npc and player versions of debuffs.
- Fixed some instances where Nemesis minions weren't using the correct costumes or tagged properly based on their type of costume (like cowboy nemesis being considered robots for combat purposes).
- Updated various Nemesis and Nemesis Minion attack chains.
- Fixed a few bugs where Nemesis Minions didn't have their correct selection of attacks.
- Fixed a bug where Nemesis and Nemesis Minions had a 5ft range on their melee attacks.
- Many changes have been made to how items display their tooltips to make it more clear what type of item they are and to give the item description more space.
- Known issue: Many mods (mostly ranks 1-5 enhancements and multi function mods) don't display their mod type in the tooltips. This is unfortunately a side effect of them be multi functional or able to be slotted into secondary gear. This will be addressed in the future.
- Marked many of the common mods as "Basic" for reward purposes.
- Super Magnifier and Shrinker devices are now restricted toggles, preventing more than one of any type from being toggled on at a time. This is addressing a bug where these effects could be stacked.
- Added leather and metal materials to the fishing hat costume.
- Fixed a few clipping issues with the cartoon animal heads. Note: They still have a few scaling/clipping issues, and these will be addressed in a future update.
- Reduced the transfer rate of SCR to UNTIL recognition in the Currency Exchange Vendor down to a 1:1 ratio (previously 1:3).
LockboxesCollector Store
- Added a new stores:
- Costume Box: Contains costumes that are found in a costume box.
- Purple Special Items Voucher A: Split from Purple Special Items. Contains power unlocks and emote unlocks.
- Purple Special Items Voucher B: Split from Purple Special Items. Contains warp items, action figures and becomes.
Collector Lockbox
- Added a new Vouchers: Purple Costume Box Voucher, Purple Special Items A, Purple Special Items B.
- Purple Special Voucher will no longer drop.
- Added an exchange for the old Purple Special Item voucher by the Collector Store. This item can now be exchanged for a Purple Special Items A or Purple Special Items B voucher.
- Removed Legion and Mercenary Gear (only) drops from this lockbox.
- Added Mod Pack and Mod Pack + Bold Gear drops to the Lockbox, similar as the recent lockboxes.
- Added Rare Mod Pack and Rare Mod Pack + Mercenary Gear to the lockbox, similar as the recent lockboxes.
- Updated the tooltips on Single Blade abilities to be more descriptive.
- Changed the strafe leg animation for Guard so it doesn't snap your spine.
- The Bleed effect has been changed to merge its damage into one hit, as opposed to dealing damage individually.
- This is the same change that Poison went through some time ago and is being done to make the bleed effect less of a strain in large scale fights. This should have no effect on the overall damage Bleed deals over time.
RIP crab people
Playing CO since August 25, 2012
Lifetime sub since July 6, 2017
"Don't call me lizard!"
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
Now I'm sad I can't get Subscription to get it, it would fit my Radical character
This allows me to Test-drive sidekicks before buying the permanent version and gives more value to the currency
Even sinced i played OFF I always wanted a normal Baseball Bat in order to dress one of my single blade DPS as a Baseball player
A welcomed bug fix, always nice to see one of my favorite CO features getting some love
I hope more fixes are comming, ESPECIALLY the bug which makes a nemesis mission permanent unobtainable because some other player picked your nemesis' clue
so as long as you're futzing with the foxbatcon exchange about adding in something for exchanging single vintage cred? because having something for 15 cred as the lowest possible option when you have 133 left over from before the currency conversion means there's going to be tokens left over
and i don't want to just throw the leftovers away - i don't care if the only thing i can buy with one vintage cred is one of those practical joke defense mods; just give me SOMETHING to spend them on, or at least give them a resource value so i can sell them to a vendor
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Any way we could have the lotus blossom sound effect permanent instead of on move only ? Really love it.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned the bug where Ice type Nemeses make enemies vanish permanently.
Formerly @Seschat pre PWEmerger. @Seschat on the Titan boards.
Supporter of the Titan Project.
But if you save them and you know which file was the costume it will upload the proper one. (Not sure if this is still a thing)
This still doesn't fix the issue of a fair number of event costume bits showing the blue mask(not unlocked) and letting you waste tokens on duplicates of items you had already purchased from the Z-Store or some other place before though. Might that be a future fix?
(Also, not to sound hyperbolic or anything, but a buddy of mine who was starting to run short on reasons to keep playing the game actually just messaged me saying he uninstalled it because of this change, and his preference for playing and interacting with other players while using larger characters by combining the Super Shrinker and Super Magnifier. And then he sent me a YouTube link of a Dalek saying "EXTERMINATE...!" while he deleted the game files. So for a small change, it had a sadly large affect on at least one individual, it seems.)
Primus Database: Bronx
Primus Database: Brogan
As someone else said: out of all the issues to fix "you" choose that one?
I echo these sentiments albeit not with that person's contempt.
As it is now, the complete lack of response on issues the community brings up is pretty disheartening.
My characters
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
- - - - - -
Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
2 NPCs are clipping through the east side of the stage.
Vehicles in the auction house no longer show what mods they have equipped.
What's the reward for opening it 5000 times? Some kind of dance emote
Well I'm already going to destroy my index finger and my brain cells but still
Loving the different flavour texts the bag gets every time
Who gives us that bag? Anything special supposed to be inside it?
-=-=-=-=-=-(CO in-game handle: @WarCan )-=-=-=-=-=-
"Okay, you're DEAD, what do you do NEXT?"
WELP I opened it 5000 times. there is no visible reward
I may as well equip the 5000 perk title "I got Nothing"
I want to think that the perk requirement will be used in the future for a vendor reward
Just go to the event vendor
it give 5 differnet Perk Titles for "opening" it a specific amount of times
- 10 Persistent
- 100 Odd One
- 250 Just Why
- 1000 Clicker
- 5000 I Got Nothing
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
It's like all these 'fixes' of harmless bugs or unintended features keeps pushing whatever few veterans there are left nowdays.
My characters
My characters
I asked for a refund of my Zen Points for the 2 devices, i have 17 Super Magnifier and 17 Super Shrinkers all bought with my zen points and my request was denied while most of my friend got theirs refund so i'm gonna point it out there.
All i asked is for my 30 600 Zen point back. Instead i get a reply in support that i wont be getting 306USD back, i don't give a damn about USD i just want my Zen point back and all this **** because of a "Bug" that as been around for more than 6 years.
Criptic Studio, your a scam.
and that aint putting it lightly considering i'm a Lifetimer since Day 1 of this game.