...So the game finally arrivedfrom Amazon; whoopee! So it gets loaded up and I'm happy. I cou;dn'teave my face bare o9n my costume; a minpr thng. I got bto the t5utoriql and my movement was hampered. I changerd my movement type to different thingies but I was still hampered. I want up arrow for forward, dowwn arrow for vreverse leftbfor left and righy for right. Like I bsai8d I was using different modes and ws ubsiccessful. So if anyone has hyelpfuln suggestionsw pass'em on. I'd like vtop hear. And whsr vpoerset uses two swords fromn the start? It's OK if i9ts different vfrm psid and free; just want to know.
Thanks in advance,
For a Dual Swords Archetype, there's the free option of the Unleashed. Mainly Dual Swords with some other minor Force tricks available. Next on the list is the Specialist, which is a premium AT. It can be played primarily as Dual Swords OR Munitions to best effect. For a step further, there's always freeform. That way you could make a Dual Swords character of your own design. The cost is rather steep though if you want to go that route.
And I will always be @DZPlayer122.
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I use arrow movement too. WASD is too crowded.
If you find this useful I will present my control scheme:
Block: NUMPAD0
/bind numpad0 "PowerTrayExec 1 16" keeps block permanently on. Just activate another power or click block in the power tray to turn it off.
I have never found a good way to toggle block.
You can completely customize your keybinds. Go into options and start playing around until you get what you want. For instance, my powers use NumPad0-9, +, /,*, and -. I don't like hitting shift/ctrl/alt to use my powers.
Unfortunately, you have to set them up again for each character you make (unless I am missing a "Set as default" button).
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
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/ui_load........ to apply those settings to another of your characters
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