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Hello and Well Met

sgtken60sgtken60 Posts: 254 Arc User
edited October 2018 in Introductions
Hello; I tried Champions Online back in 2013 but my computer at the time could not handle it. I also used to play the old Pen and Dice version of Champions while I was in the USN.

I am looking for friends and someone to show me the ropes, answer questions, I have a free account my main is Chaosen Lvl 12 Dragon Spirit. I have been I online player since I started the late 90s with Ultima Online and I have played MMOs from UO to GW2.

I normally play during the early morning hours 2AM to 5AM EST before work, then a little after work. I would alos be interested in grouping up to work on quests, events, etc.

BUT not PvP!

If you are interested in giving pointers, to me I am sgtken60 in game send me a message.
Post edited by sgtken60 on


  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    Welcome back! I usually am on during the PM server time. But the forums and community is full of helps
  • sgtken60sgtken60 Posts: 254 Arc User

    Welcome back! I usually am on during the PM server time. But the forums and community is full of helps

    Thank you, but I did not play long back then. I was happily surprised that my account was still here, and I remember the password.
  • bulgarexbulgarex Posts: 2,310 Arc User
    Salute, Sergeant! I'm glad you found your way back here, and hope you enjoy your time in the game and with this community. :)

    Since you're asking for "pointers" and answers to questions, I'll just mention that Champions lore is kinda my thing around here. If you have any questions regarding the setting, as a playing environment or source of character ideas, I'd be happy to answer or to point you to where you can read more on any subject.
  • sgtken60sgtken60 Posts: 254 Arc User
    bulgarex said:

    Salute, Sergeant! I'm glad you found your way back here, and hope you enjoy your time in the game and with this community. :)

    Since you're asking for "pointers" and answers to questions, I'll just mention that Champions lore is kinda my thing around here. If you have any questions regarding the setting, as a playing environment or source of character ideas, I'd be happy to answer or to point you to where you can read more on any subject.

    I will be happy to take any advice, and pointers. But here is one question for you (or anyone), I have color vision issues is there anyway or anyplace that tells you the color name on the color chart?
  • sgtken60sgtken60 Posts: 254 Arc User
    edited April 2020
    Well I am back again after a year.
    I left for a bit to try STO, then my wife had some serious health issues (she is fine now) and then my computer had a brain fart and I had to fix it.

    But I came back just in time for the Free Free Form, so I have two of them now.
    And I would like to hook up with some more players who can show the "ropes"

    I still mainly play 2AM to 3:30AM EST - USA, Monday-Friday, and weekends are more open depending on life.
    And I hope everyone has been safe during this COVID-19 outbreak.
    Post edited by sgtken60 on
  • Hello and I am new to Champions Online on STEAM.
  • spookyspectrespookyspectre Posts: 646 Arc User
    Welcome helterpro55. The forums are a great spot to ask questions and get CO advice. I hope you're enjoying your time in CO.
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