Psionics Bundle: Gain new powers from the Z Store including Psionic Archery, Two Handed Weapon. Purchase for the same price as a costume set, you gain new expanded powers added to the Mentalist set. Other powers: Psychic Armor (summon a set of psionic based armor as a buff).
Arcane Bundle: Pyramid Trap (snare foes in an AoE that looks like a pyramid), Skull Shot (sends a skull of dark energy at the target). Bone Golem controlled pet, Demonic Horde uncontrolled pets, Summon Demon Lord (elite summon, uncontrolled different from Ebon summoning). Miasma Blast (a Dark attack that is a stronger Shadow Blast). Miasmic Aura ( a fear and weakening aura, toggle ability).
I'm not overly comfortable with the SCR/GCR method of unlocking powers either, however it seems there are quire a good amount of players who utilize this, which is why it's still a thing.
These additional powers should just be...additional powers added to those sets if they really need them.
A Psionic Construct Set with psychokinetic blades, swords, bows and arrows and other weapons would be cool as a set to have.
The last time they tried something close to what you are suggesting was with...Mind Control (of course a Telepathy Power) and for various reasons this thankfully has not happened again.
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