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Birthday wish list

Hallo Champions Online forum!

It's my birthday, wee! :)

I've got nothing planned for the day, so I thought i'd humor myself by making a birthday wish list of things i'd like to have in CO. First up:


Dance Fool, Dance!

Yes I know I beat this into the ground but that is one excellent western-themed attack power exclusive to enemies. I have at least three cowboy concept characters whom I would dearly love to play, but there just aren't enough fitting powers to give them. Steady Shot, Burst Shot, Shotgun, Sniper Rifle with the Western Rifle skin, Showdown and even Execution Shot could work, but it's just not quite thematic enough. DFD has the old west duel pose, quick draw and Yosemite Sam-style fire at the feet animation complete with the gunshot and ricochets sound effects every other power lacks (except Showdown). Sometimes I face ASCII Oakley just to watch and pine after the attack we don't have yet. :/

Single Pistol

Currently the only single pistol power available to players is the energy builder Steady Shot (although we can get a Gunslinger's Legacy ghost pistol device). Even if we were to merely recycle the existing 5-6 animations NPCs use, this would still be a welcome addition to the Munitions power tree. One problem pointed out to me earlier with dual pistols is if your character happens to have say, a pirate hook for one hand, the pistol floats in the air since there's no option to have only one musket. And as i've mentioned a few times already, the Gunslinger AT is visually more like gun-fu reminiscent of Equilibrium and The Matrix which means we're somewhat limited when it comes to creating a fitting match for our character's theme.

Street Justice

Or at the very least, more punches that aren't shrouded in FX like Martial Arts, and not reminiscent of Super Strength (in that all the punches in Might send enemies careening through the air).

Let's take a look at what the powers were like in this video:


I would love to have more melee strikes in CO that were taps and not charges or combos. Using the old CoH equivalent as a framework, we could design an AT with a similar structure; Crushing damage as the primary, a crippling blow what roots an enemy in place, an AoE attack for when you are surrounded, and a finisher to top it off. The secondary effect could be to cause nearby enemies to display the Fear animation, as opposed to knock back. This way you wouldn't have to chase after enemies you sent flying like you do with Might but instead keep them grouped close together for further punishment.

Single or double hand staff

Let's be honest CO, a Night Stick weapon skin for blades isn't a staff. It's a blade with a Night Stick weapon skin. :p

I watched the video on Champions TV of the current animations for two handed staff attacks, and suffice to say they're wholly unimpressive. Even if we don't use CoH again as the good example for staff, how about something unique using a single stick such as Canne De Combat? Observe:


Just find a good animator to give us them fluid sweeping strikes and dodges, and i'm positive there would be an enormous surge of reports of stick beatings from Millennium City's seedy underbelly.

Human Pets

So aside from Celestial's angel, all of the pets in any power set are not human. We have a golem, robots, wolves, demons, spirits, djinn.. I tried the pet build created by @flowcyto once and while I enjoyed it, I noticed one problem it has (aside from the pets not matching my character's theme) is most of the pets are melee focused, so they all swarm one enemy at a time and sometimes prevent other melee players from getting in range. Another problem is that they have a tendency to rush back to you after the enemy is defeated when you want them to stay put and target the next enemy.

I wish we had human pets like CoV's Mastermind. We had mercenaries, ninjas, and thugs for human henchmen and whether it be arrows, pistols, military weapons or whatever, a pet with mostly ranged attacks would be useful to avoid getting in other player's way and also to keep them closer to you for heals and buffs. Now we can get a Loyal Sidekick/Henchman device, a Backup! device, and a minion summon, they just aren't quite what i'd like this next power request to be:

Ultimate: Angry Mob

This unique ultimate would summon a team of ten humans to swarm the battlefield and even the odds. Casting it would display the finger snap emote, activation would be similar to Strafing Run; aim the circle where you want and click to deploy, and like Warlock's Blades the mob couldn't be buffed or targeted nor would they appear in your pet tray. They would show up packing guns, knives, chains, clubs, rocks, or fists. I would love to send hired goons after trash mobs as a Freeform pet build. B)

That's it for powers, look for my next post where I request my custom lockbox.


  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    My birthday too. Woot woot.

    I’ll take knee pads. That’s all...or the toilet vehicle for foxbatcon.
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