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Remove diamond, Ignimbrite, Petrified Scale, Destrum Bearing requirement from Justice Gear

jebidiahbeetus#4643 jebidiahbeetus Posts: 551 Arc User
edited January 2018 in Suggestions Box
I have a suggestion for to remove the diamond, Ignimbrite, Petrified Scale, and Destrum Bearing requirements from Justice Gear. I have everything else needed to buy what I want except these items, and have no way to obtain them without other player's help. Since Harmon Lab appeared on Thursday I spent literally the entire day Friday waiting for Lemurian Invasion to activate, and it didn't pop one single time because everybody was farming for a Depleted Uranium Core. Now that rampage is over, so I can't get the Justice Gear I want until it appears again.

Ultimately it's up to other people to decide if I get my gear or not, and if I can't convince people to attempt a rampage then I end up sitting in MC all day long. I'm alt-tabbed right now with the rampage queued, nobody will join for it. Not only that, but even if I can begin the rampage, we can go through the whole mission, cutscene after cutscene, and still not get a Scale or Bearing because it's a random drop. I completed the mission, so why am I being denied the reward? That doesn't happen with other drops. It's not like you finish a Cosmic and receive no SCR/GCR because they're random, so why are the rest of the Justice Gear requirements random?

It's not fair to punish players by withholding the ability to improve end game gear because of the inaction of others. It should not be up to somebody else to decide for me if I get to have Justice Gear when i've spent hours, days, and weeks failing doing Cosmics to save up the 600 GCR required only to be foiled due to lacking these items that may not even appear at the end of the rampage.


  • shadowolf505shadowolf505 Posts: 697 Arc User
    Welllllllll. Firstly, it's not like Cosmics. There is a DR on SCR/GCR. Secondly, I made a suggestion to change Justice Gear/Rampage Tokens already. Thirdly, completing a mission doesn't mean you MUST get the reward. It's like farming for drops, you don't always get it. That's about all I got to say.
    || Main Tank || DPSer || Healer || CCer || Altoholic || @shadowolf505 in game ||
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User

    Welllllllll. Firstly, it's not like Cosmics. There is a DR on SCR/GCR.

    There is a decrease in the drop chance of Rampage tokens, per toon, once you get one.

    Justice Gear is really unlike the other top-tier gear, because of the token requirements. That is because it was introduced before Cosmics, in a different system for obtaining endgame gear. A while after Cosmics were added, Justice Gear requirements were *relaxed*, to include GCR/SCR.

    i have to agree that Justice Gear is troublingly difficult these days, and the reason is what you cite: SC and LI are not run very often, compared to the others. I am part of that problem. Once I got a fifth set of Justice Gear, I gave up because I couldn't take those long, boring rampages anymore. I'm sure I'm not the only one.

    Anyway, many folks have suggested ways of changing how Justice Gear is obtained. I would like to see it move entirely to GCR/SCR, myself. But, considering the focus of dev work now (events and power set revamps), I don't think we'll see a rework of Justice Gear costs for quite some time.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    I'm just glad that I have enough tokens for 4 sets of JG back logged. But, I do feel the OP's pain. Whenever I see other players ask for people to join the queue I try to do so. I hope they do something to make the Rampages more desirable again. I like the idea of adding in some amount of scr and gcr for every so many Rampages completed. Something like either Vigilance or QWZ dailies.
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
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  • Welllllllll. Firstly, it's not like Cosmics. There is a DR on SCR/GCR. Secondly, I made a suggestion to change Justice Gear/Rampage Tokens already. Thirdly, completing a mission doesn't mean you MUST get the reward. It's like farming for drops, you don't always get it. That's about all I got to say.

    Uh huh, except the difference there is those drops aren't required to purchase other things, they're just a pleasant bonus. And considering you have to do cosmics in order to get GCR, yes, they are like cosmics. They both require other people to team up and complete, and since I can't get Justice Gear by myself playing solo, the gear I want is being unfairly withheld from me through no fault of my own.
  • shadowolf505shadowolf505 Posts: 697 Arc User

    Welllllllll. Firstly, it's not like Cosmics. There is a DR on SCR/GCR. Secondly, I made a suggestion to change Justice Gear/Rampage Tokens already. Thirdly, completing a mission doesn't mean you MUST get the reward. It's like farming for drops, you don't always get it. That's about all I got to say.

    Uh huh, except the difference there is those drops aren't required to purchase other things, they're just a pleasant bonus. And considering you have to do cosmics in order to get GCR, yes, they are like cosmics. They both require other people to team up and complete, and since I can't get Justice Gear by myself playing solo, the gear I want is being unfairly withheld from me through no fault of my own.
    Here's where you can not do Cosmics. Do TA or QWZ dailies, sure they will take longer than Cosmics but you can do them with a team of 5 rather than a team of 20+. Also, rampages will pop whenever people queue. You can form a PQ (Private Queue) with people to get the rampage going. And yes, I know of the DR on tokens, just said it wasn't like the Cosmic DR. The Cosmic DR is after 3 Cosmics of any type (excluding Eido) while the Rampage DR is once you get your first token on that toon. (Around 10% chance for first drop). A good suggestion if you want people to queue for rampages would be to incite something in them, rather than the usual "Queue Rampage (LI, SC, F&I, Gravi)." Like have a catchy way to attract people to it.
    || Main Tank || DPSer || Healer || CCer || Altoholic || @shadowolf505 in game ||
  • Welllllllll. Firstly, it's not like Cosmics. There is a DR on SCR/GCR. Secondly, I made a suggestion to change Justice Gear/Rampage Tokens already. Thirdly, completing a mission doesn't mean you MUST get the reward. It's like farming for drops, you don't always get it. That's about all I got to say.

    Uh huh, except the difference there is those drops aren't required to purchase other things, they're just a pleasant bonus. And considering you have to do cosmics in order to get GCR, yes, they are like cosmics. They both require other people to team up and complete, and since I can't get Justice Gear by myself playing solo, the gear I want is being unfairly withheld from me through no fault of my own.
    Here's where you can not do Cosmics. Do TA or QWZ dailies, sure they will take longer than Cosmics but you can do them with a team of 5 rather than a team of 20+. Also, rampages will pop whenever people queue. You can form a PQ (Private Queue) with people to get the rampage going. And yes, I know of the DR on tokens, just said it wasn't like the Cosmic DR. The Cosmic DR is after 3 Cosmics of any type (excluding Eido) while the Rampage DR is once you get your first token on that toon. (Around 10% chance for first drop). A good suggestion if you want people to queue for rampages would be to incite something in them, rather than the usual "Queue Rampage (LI, SC, F&I, Gravi)." Like have a catchy way to attract people to it.
    I've said in a few channels "Q rampage so that I can get a bearing to buy Justice Gear" and so far two people have said "I won't do rampage then :) " and "gonna do Kigatilik and not do Sky Command now :) " I sincerely don't care about thinking of an entertaining way to entice people to play the game, especially not when people seem content on letting me know how little they care about other players.

    Sad part is, with this gear i'd be better at DPS for cosmics but since I can't buy the gear..oh well.
  • draogndraogn Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Are you actually expecting strangers/other people to stop doing whatever it is they're doing just for you? Not queuing for you doesn't mean they don't care about others. I don't queue for rampages because imo they aren't fun and the rewards for doing them are pitiful (assuming you succeed, fail and you get nothing for your time).
  • draogn said:

    Are you actually expecting strangers/other people to stop doing whatever it is they're doing just for you? Not queuing for you doesn't mean they don't care about others. I don't queue for rampages because imo they aren't fun and the rewards for doing them are pitiful (assuming you succeed, fail and you get nothing for your time).

    Yes that's exactly what I was expecting, you foiled my evil plan to rule the world, curses. B)
  • roughbearmattachroughbearmattach Posts: 4,785 Arc User
    Most folks won't do Rampages since LI and SC are punishingly long, boring, and unrewarding. It has nothing to do with you.

    You can get gear through GCR, such as Distinguished. It's quite good, even for DPS.

    Finally, I have toons that easily score 300-400K in Cosmics, using Heroic gear and generic purple secondaries.
    Likewise, a toon with Mercenary gear and Vigilante secondaries can easily score enough to get Cosmic credit. That includes Eidolon, too. Knowing the fights is way, way more important than gear.

    Don't keep yourself from Cosmics because you don't have Justice Gear.

    Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
  • theigmotheigmo Posts: 21 Arc User

    Finally, I have toons that easily score 300-400K in Cosmics, using Heroic gear and generic purple secondaries.
    Likewise, a toon with Mercenary gear and Vigilante secondaries can easily score enough to get Cosmic credit. That includes Eidolon, too. Knowing the fights is way, way more important than gear.

    Just wanted to underscore this. For most Cosmics, you get your GCR reward drops for anything over 200k, which is insanely easy to get, especially if the cosmic isn't killed the first try (score will continue to pile up the longer the fight takes). On top of that, even using heirloom gear I've been able to score way more than enough get rewards from cosmics -- Justice gear isn't needed (and it would be silly if it was, since the whole purpose of doing cosmics is earning GCR/SCR for end-game equipment)
  • jebidiahbeetus#4643 jebidiahbeetus Posts: 551 Arc User
    edited January 2018
    Well, last night I managed to finally gather a team for Sky Command. About four failures and five successful rampages later...I still have no Destrum Bearing.

    I really don't understand why these items are random, especially when their only use is for currency requirements for Justice Gear. These items can't be sold or bought, and exist solely to be traded for this gear. Why is it we have to rely on dumb luck to receive these items? You can't purchase these items with Zen or Questionite or real money, can't get them from other players, can't be obtained any way other than repeatedly grinding the same rampage over and over hoping that maybe, just maybe, THIS will be the successful run.

    CO is Lucy holding the football and yanking it away every time I come close to actually enjoying the content for once, I swear. :'(
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