Why people doesn't try for bugged 6 red orbs spawning (3 of them are fake) with geysers / green /yellows also spawning in same time? (´・ω・`)
I have never seen 6 orbs go up. The bug is just Eido sometimes staying active and not getting the blue circle icon during reds.
Overall, the fight has become more fragile and requires getting a mob of people to adapt to a new tactic. So that's why it's not getting done as much.
When he's active, everyone stays on Eido so Reds need to stay CCed for a full 30 secs. The problem is some people get confused, since this bug is new, and attack the Reds....which is normally fine since CCer uses stuns.
But stuns have a short duration so after they wear off, esp if the reds are far apart, CCer has to use a paralyze and if people keep attacking reds during this time then Eido heals.
This is pretty much impossible to avoid when Eido spawns portals or greens on top of the reds. It could be done if CCer did not use paralyzes but instead did 2 rounds of stunning the reds. They would need very very strong stuns and in some configurations of red spawns it would actually be impossible to do 2 rounds even with a 100 ft tap stun. And yeah no one else could accidentally stun the reds since the CCer would be unable to correct their mistake at this point.
I think 2 CCers could reliably do multiple rounds of stuns in all possible spawn combinations of reds and correct others mistakes such that Eido doesn't heal. But we have not tried this yet.
I saw red orbs summoned during just after red orbs summoned. Not 6 in same time though...
This happens if Eido heals a lot during a 3 red orb phase; the 2 red orb phase seems to have a separate cooldown), so it can immediately follow a 3 red orb phase (normally they don't, because 3 red only occurs below 1/3 and 2 red only occurs above 1/3 and below 2/3, but healing can cause it to be true). In principle this might result in 5 reds at once.
Why people doesn't try for bugged 6 red orbs spawning (3 of them are fake) with geysers / green /yellows also spawning in same time? (´・ω・`)
I have never seen 6 orbs go up. The bug is just Eido sometimes staying active and not getting the blue circle icon during reds.
Overall, the fight has become more fragile and requires getting a mob of people to adapt to a new tactic. So that's why it's not getting done as much.
When he's active, everyone stays on Eido so Reds need to stay CCed for a full 30 secs. The problem is some people get confused, since this bug is new, and attack the Reds....which is normally fine since CCer uses stuns.
But stuns have a short duration so after they wear off, esp if the reds are far apart, CCer has to use a paralyze and if people keep attacking reds during this time then Eido heals.
This is pretty much impossible to avoid when Eido spawns portals or greens on top of the reds. It could be done if CCer did not use paralyzes but instead did 2 rounds of stunning the reds. They would need very very strong stuns and in some configurations of red spawns it would actually be impossible to do 2 rounds even with a 100 ft tap stun. And yeah no one else could accidentally stun the reds since the CCer would be unable to correct their mistake at this point.
I think 2 CCers could reliably do multiple rounds of stuns in all possible spawn combinations of reds and correct others mistakes such that Eido doesn't heal. But we have not tried this yet.
So, what if we just always stun/kill reds, like we did before the bug? I know that means we miss out on doing a little extra damage on Eido, but it also eliminates the confusion. Would that not work?
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Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
So, what if we just always stun/kill reds, like we did before the bug? I know that means we miss out on doing a little extra damage on Eido, but it also eliminates the confusion. Would that not work?
If you're killing the reds, you aren't killing something else. Letting three greens blow is bad...
So, what if we just always stun/kill reds, like we did before the bug? I know that means we miss out on doing a little extra damage on Eido, but it also eliminates the confusion. Would that not work?
If you're killing the reds, you aren't killing something else. Letting three greens blow is bad...
Oh, I see. I guess I have not been there when other things spawned on top of the reds.
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Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
think 2 CCers could reliably do multiple rounds of stuns in all possible spawn combinations of reds and correct others mistakes such that Eido doesn't heal. But we have not tried this yet.
How about just using 3 CCers? The dang things just seem to be thick as rats these days. Each one can just stand on their own Red and make sure it stays down. Would that cost us too much DPS? Most CCers have secondary abilities that help with damage, buffing, debuffing, healing.
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Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
How about just using 3 CCers? The dang things just seem to be thick as rats these days. Each one can just stand on their own Red and make sure it stays down. Would that cost us too much DPS? Most CCers have secondary abilities that help with damage, buffing, debuffing, healing.
Sure, as long as all 3 are using stuns and not paralyzes or sleep.
It's increasingly difficult to coordinate the more CCers you have, and two hitting the same orb is a recipe for bad things (if the orbs had distinct names it wouldn't be too hard, but they don't).
It's increasingly difficult to coordinate the more CCers you have, and two hitting the same orb is a recipe for bad things (if the orbs had distinct names it wouldn't be too hard, but they don't).
Assign leftmost, rightmost, and middle. Have the left and right CCers always just hug the wall on their assigned side and use only single-target stuns.
Overall, the fight has become more fragile and requires getting a mob of people to adapt to a new tactic. So that's why it's not getting done as much.
When he's active, everyone stays on Eido so Reds need to stay CCed for a full 30 secs. The problem is some people get confused, since this bug is new, and attack the Reds....which is normally fine since CCer uses stuns.
But stuns have a short duration so after they wear off, esp if the reds are far apart, CCer has to use a paralyze and if people keep attacking reds during this time then Eido heals.
This is pretty much impossible to avoid when Eido spawns portals or greens on top of the reds. It could be done if CCer did not use paralyzes but instead did 2 rounds of stunning the reds. They would need very very strong stuns and in some configurations of red spawns it would actually be impossible to do 2 rounds even with a 100 ft tap stun. And yeah no one else could accidentally stun the reds since the CCer would be unable to correct their mistake at this point.
I think 2 CCers could reliably do multiple rounds of stuns in all possible spawn combinations of reds and correct others mistakes such that Eido doesn't heal. But we have not tried this yet.
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.