Since targeting in bloodmoon can be a bit of a pain, I made some binds that I thought I'd share.
I wanted 2 binds, 1 that targets the boss you're fighting, and 1 cycles through all heroes in the Takofanes fight.
First thing needed is setting up a "\Live\localdata\CommandAliases.txt" file (inspired by the rainbow powers) with these aliases.
alias TAG "alias CBM TEc $$ Target Amazing Grace"
alias TEc "alias CBM TCr $$ Target Eclipse"
alias TCr "alias CBM TFf $$ Target Crusher"
alias TFf "alias CBM TFl $$ Target Firefight"
alias TFl "alias CBM TGo $$ Target Flechette"
alias TGo "alias CBM TJH $$ Target Goblin"
alias TJH "alias CBM TNi $$ Target Johnny Hercules"
alias TNi "alias CBM TTi $$ Target Nimbus"
alias TTi "alias CBM TRa $$ Target Tiger"
alias TRa "alias CBM TSh $$ Target Radion"
alias TSh "alias CBM TVa $$ Target Shadowboxer"
alias TVa "alias CBM TVi $$ Target Vanguard"
alias TVi "alias CBM TAG $$ Target Vigil"
alias CBM TAG
alias TTa "target Takofanes"
Then there are 2 binds to use those aliases.
First one targets which ever hero is in range, ending with Takofanes so that he always has priority.
/bind <key> "TAG $$ TEc $$ TCr $$ TFf $$ TFl $$ TGo $$ TJH $$ TNi $$ TTi $$ TRa $$ TSh $$ TVa $$ TVi $$ TTa"
Then the bind to cycle through the heroes on the Takofanes fight.
/bind <key> CBM
So, now the idea has changed to this....
target_BMHeroes_Takofanes_Doomlord = target bosses AND on Tako fight switch between Tako and Doomlord (intended for dps)
target_next_BMHeroes = Cycle forward through BM heroes (intended for healing)
target_previous_BMHeroes = Cycle backward through BM heroes (intended for healing)
CommandAliases.txt" Bug: For some reason I need to press the forward or backward bind twice on Goblin, no idea why.
My characters