Hahaha, and with what Engine are they going to archieve that?
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
This looks tough. I seen this discussion somewhere and I think it was reddit, I cannot remember, but someone made a suggestion for dummy thugs that are used in place of mobs. So you can powerbomb your dummy mob which causes damage AOE damage. Or swing them.
I think they were saying, you do not grab the actual mobs, but your character uses dummy mobs for their animations. So basically the powerbomb power would use a random purple gang guy which appears in the grappler's animation. lol, so I guess a charge up would have the poor guy in the air like taker's last ride powerbomb
Don't think this will be helpful on team-based content. Plus CO doesn't have an animator/s to do all the animation.
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^: DeviantART|FurAffinity| Twitter
Hahaha, and with what Engine are they going to archieve that?
This mostly.
The game is not built to do that sort of thing.
I mean, what the heck kind of interaction would you powerbombing my character allow in terms of me punching you or hitting you with some ranged attack?
How do they animate my actions while you are doing yours?
It's beyond what the game is built to do and even if they could it would require a whole lot of animation work that is beyond the current team's ability to deliver.
You want a fighting game, play a fighting game.
That isn't meant to be dismissive, it's just reality. This is not something that this game was ever intended to be.
The ONE THING I could see working is this. You know how you can lift objects over your head and throw them? And how you can hit people with them? With some fancy shenanigens those could potentially be used as powers useable on enemies. It would likely involve something like swapping the actual NPC out for an object that looks like them briefly and then swapping them back in once the attack has been resolved. Even then it might be the worst thing ever.
I could see lariats, clotheslines, tackles, and dropkicks since these are generally modified lunges with knocks, but actual grabbing would be too complex for the limits of the engine. A melee hold could be possible, one that roots the user, but lifting and throwing another toon is just not within the means of the current build.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
This looks tough. I seen this discussion somewhere and I think it was reddit, I cannot remember, but someone made a suggestion for dummy thugs that are used in place of mobs. So you can powerbomb your dummy mob which causes damage AOE damage. Or swing them.
I think they were saying, you do not grab the actual mobs, but your character uses dummy mobs for their animations. So basically the powerbomb power would use a random purple gang guy which appears in the grappler's animation. lol, so I guess a charge up would have the poor guy in the air like taker's last ride powerbomb
Lord Sans (Full Healer FF)/Axel Leonard (Crowd Controller/Off-Tank)
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Feel free to visit my websites!^^:
The game is not built to do that sort of thing.
I mean, what the heck kind of interaction would you powerbombing my character allow in terms of me punching you or hitting you with some ranged attack?
How do they animate my actions while you are doing yours?
It's beyond what the game is built to do and even if they could it would require a whole lot of animation work that is beyond the current team's ability to deliver.
You want a fighting game, play a fighting game.
That isn't meant to be dismissive, it's just reality. This is not something that this game was ever intended to be.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.