Last month I started a discussion about a potential Sonic damage powerframe, in an attempt to raise the community's interest about Sonic damage attacks as well as getting feedbacks
one of the things I asked in the original post was
@ CO Loremasters is there any Hero/Villain in the Champion universe who is using Sound Waves as primary power?
This was answered after a while from an user who mentioned a Super Heroine under the name of Howler![Howler-Champions-RPG-a.jpg](
Howler’s sonic powers derive from the alien amulet she wears (a communications system central processing link, normally worn by a starship’s pilot or communications officer). It has merged with her human body and in the process granted her the ability to:
- project powerful blasts of focused sound
- disorient others with a perfectly-pitched screech
- protect herself with a sonic force field
- use sonic projections to propel herself through the air
She can absorb sound and use it to increase many of her own abilities as well.
Excuse my complety lack of knowledge about Champions' Lore and Universe but Sonic damage characters really fascinates me and I would like to learn more about them, especially if they can be proven potential ingame heroes/bosses for future updates
Are there any more Super Heroes and/or Villains in the original Pen and Paper RPG who use Sonic powers as primary attack?
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Howler is actually a supervillain, one of the oldest in the IP. Interestingly, two of the official Champions characters I can think of with sonic powers are connected to Howler in some way. A veteran member of the renowned Sentinels superhero team, Dr. Vox, gained a wide variety of sonic powers after being exposed to a brief burst of radiation from Howler's alien amulet. The powered-armor master villain, the Warlord, whose own technology is based on equipment salvaged from the same aliens who created Howler's amulet, recognized it from news footage of Howler. He surgically implanted alien com tech in one of his followers, who also gained sonic powers from the procedure, albeit less versatile than either super mentioned above. Warlord's follower is now code-named Warcry.
The leader of the supervillain team, Deathstroke, is called Requiem. He's a genetic mutant who commands formidable vocal sonic attacks, although they have no applications beyond offense. A French member of the European super-terrorist team, Eurostar, is a brilliant but blind inventor, who developed an armored battlesuit with sonar to compensate for his blindness, and gauntlets firing several types of sonic blasts. He's known as Ultrasonique.
All of the characters above are written up in the Champions Villains trilogy, except Dr. Vox who appears in Champions Universe: News Of The World.
This gives me hope that there are possibilities for a Sonic poweframe in CO after all since there is already in the Lore, I honestly wasn't expecting to find more than 2 characters
I can only hope DEVs will utilitize those characters in the future
Now im curious about the alien race which produce Sonic technology, this also sounds worthy material for new game content
I will definatly check it out
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Those of you who have read the first post on my Champions Universe: Unique Character Origins thread have some notion of the Hzeel; but they are perhaps the greatest alien threat Champions Earth currently faces, even though no one on Earth knows it yet. For years before the Champions IP sale to Cryptic Studios, Steve Long was building to a major Hzeel invasion event in Hero Games books. Then Cryptic decided they preferred to develop the Gadroon and Qularr as contemporary threats, who until then had been little more than passing references from the setting's past. The Hzeel receive an entire chapter in Champions Beyond; I'm only going to draw a small taste from that here.
As mentioned upthread, the Hzeel have been aware of Earth since 1990. Earth lies about midway between Zeel, their home world, and Dorvala, the home of Ironclad's race. The Hzeel have been at war with the Dorvalans since 1997, although since Ironclad left Dorvala before it started, he's unaware of it. The faster-than-light ship drives possessed by both races aren't that fast compared to some other galactic civilizations, so the war has been a drawn-out affair. The Hzeel want Earth as an advance staging area for their fleet, which would give them a significant tactical advantage. At present they're holding back to watch Earth's conflict with the Qularr and Gadroon, gathering intelligence and awaiting the optimal moment to strike.
The Hzeel are short (average 1.2 meter height) humanoids with bluish-grey skin and large red eyes. Their skeletons grow knobs and spurs as they age, giving older Hzeel a rather gnarled appearance. Here is a pretty accurate fan drawing of an Hzeel based on illustrations from Hero books; although they only have four digits on each hand. Despite their smaller size, the average Hzeel is as strong as an average Human, and more dexterous. They heal from injuries much faster than a Human, and can even regrow lost limbs. Their eyes are very keen and see well in low light. OTOH they only live around 60 years on average. No Hzeel has been known to possess super-powers (although I'll address such possibilities below).
Hzeel as a whole are tough, aggressive, and determined. They're very ambitious and work hard to get ahead in life. Those qualities have helped propel them to forge a small interstellar empire with several conquered races. Hzeel are also greedy, deceitful, and treacherous. Government on Zeel, while nominally a democracy, is by Human standards deeply corrupt. Bribery, theft, and extortion are rife in Hzeel society, from the lowest to highest level. No one tries to hide this; it's accepted and even encouraged behavior, as the ways things are and should be done. There are laws against such activities, but they're there to be used by clever people to keep their wealth and power, or to take them away from those who have them. But these traits don't prevent Hzeel from being loyal to their families and clans (the basis of their society), or their people as a whole. They are often brave and even self-sacrificing when the greater good of Hzeel-kind is at stake.
Females are generally second-class citizens in Hzeel society. They're expected to stay home and raise their (typically very large) families. Hzeel tend to have a lot of children, and Zeel is in fact over-crowded. Population pressure is a major factor behind the Hzeel expansion to the stars.
As I described on my Character Origins thread, mingling of Human with Hzeel biology -- whether their partly-biological technology, or actual tissues from the Hzeel themselves -- can have super-origin-generating effects. A human just touching the wrong piece of Hzeel tech might result in super-powers. A few official Champions supers gained their powers from this contamination. At least two Hzeel scout craft have crashed on Earth over the years, and other crashes might have occurred or will occur. Although there are no official examples of Hzeel gaining powers from Human tissues implanted in their bodies, as has been the case in the reverse, the possibilities are intriguing. The Hzeel might try it if they became aware of the effect in Humans. And there's obvious potential in a Human-Hzeel hybrid; the Hzeel have been coming to Earth long enough for such a hybrid to have grown to maturity. (Hzeel sex is mechanically similar to Human, although Hzeel aren't mammals and their females lay eggs.)