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Seriously Perfectworld Needs To Reevaluate It's Marketing For Champions Online

ghobepongghobepong Posts: 34 Arc User
Dear Perfectworld/Arc/Cryptic,

It has come to my attention lately that it seems Champions Online has reached an oh how should I phrase it, oh yes!

"An All Time Level of Mediocrity."

Yup, I just said it, Champions Online is Mediocre! Now you might be asking yourself why? Well it seems that could be summed up into a laundry list of issues. So lets count down the top 11 reasons why? And you might be asking why I chose this number? Because I love going the extra mile.

This is the "Top 11 Reasons WHY Champions Online Is Bland"

11: No New Content:

Yup coming in at number 11 is the same spoon fed plot devices we see like a chopped up 90s superhero movie. No NEW content. Seriously Perfectworld, when has there been a really new expansion that "actually" expanded on the lore and mythos that makes up the world of Champions. NEVER! Very much like other games such as Star Trek Online and so on there is always something new being introduced when it come to lore and story material. Yes give or take there might me things that make these games cheesy, still the voice actors, the writing, and yet even world evolves in a way with the times. It's called "moving the story along". And for just having Millennium City, Southwest Desert, Canadian Wilderness, or even Vibora Bay as the only locations to travel to really don't make the world that much well, "bigger". Instead you make it feel like that the world of Champions is nothing more than a pocket universe allowing people to run around in stuck in the TARDIS from Doctor Who with the only way permanently closed off. For me this is lazy development, "Oh look our latest event is a Story Week for bonus XP and if you subscribe to Gold you will get additional bonuses!"

What the heck?

That's the best idea you can come up with? Heck I seen ESO and SWTOR do better than THAT!

10: Lame Marketing Strategy:

Oh yes Perfectworld, I think this next one is totally going to upset both the gaming AND rp community as well. I'm talking about marketing the game to get people to actually pay into it. Let me divide this into "two" concerns.

A: Super Groups Advertising Costume Contest:

Oh yes people I so went there. I am calling out Costume Contest as a lame spamming means to promote both Super Groups, and also promote the game itself when it comes to creating costumes. If there is nothing I think is more annoying than a Super Group advertising a Costume Contest with a theme to it. It's that or a player spamming in SWG advertising their markets just to promote making sales in game for their artisan characters. On Champions Online it's worse, a LOT worse. Ranging from the names we either love or hate a theme is picked and players must take the time to assemble a costume and show up at the Powerhouse Theater just to enter a pageant for what? Cosmic Keys, or even in game currency.

Yeah a Costume Contest for just either Cosmic Keys or in game currencies.

That's how I'm suppose to give in. The best part is, if you do not have that specific costume piece how can you make it? PAY into the game for zen to purchase it from the store? Or instead open Lockboxes. Seriously I never seen a more bland form of marketing again since SWG. The biggest part is this is pressure upon the players to either give into trying to get zen, or buy into a subscriptions to get the bonuses.

Totally Bland!

B: Lockboxes:

Honestly I think this is what makes all Perfectworld games bland, boring, and of course going back to the old arcade and tilt gaming rooms in stores and malls. You know....

"Come on pop a quarter, direct that grab claw and SEE if you get something."

Now don't get me wrong there are benefits to Lockboxes, but the thing about it how many need to be opened to even get a specific item. It's a money gimmick and I get that, but also other opportunities could come from marketing new content items in the Z Store. I mean seriously other games give options to allow your character to advance, such as fleet stores on Star Trek Online, to even Exchange Stores. But the problem is even the rates are stacked so high your options are limited, and thus takes interest in the game away from the community making it feel like a Barnum Sucker Quarter Show. You know pay to see the Catfish of the Amazon, and you pay going in.......only to find it's a Catfish stuffed on a plaque. Same strategy here on Champions Online.

Come on Perfectworld you have more sense than that!

9: No Factions:

Now; I'm going out on a bit of a limb here and of course it's going to be rubbing salt into old wounds here. Yet there was a reason City of Heroes was a hit back in the day. And even Star Trek Online seems to be going strong on this.

I'm talking about factions!

Yup, the very thing that can make or break an MMO, give it life, or even suffocate it from existence. That one word is?


Now while Freeform, Archtypes, builds might be able to compensate for this. There is a point players want to give personification to their characters, create the feel of adventure, and define their toon as who they are.

Course costumes, name, and a cool bio could do this.

Yet when you look back at other games that focused on the path or direction that motivated the character to become who they are as hero, villain, or even rogue/dark or........anti hero? It creates options, not only that City of Heroes did this back in the day. Sure it was an expansion you had to purchase, yet if you can allow Star Trek Online to pursue this avenue to achieve such interest? Then it should come here as well! This form of game development is not only lazy but also negligent of the company as well to not allow the players something further to explore and immerse in after all,

Options equal money! The more the interesting the game? The more consumers, the more consumers, the more profit.

Seriously Perfectworld you should take lessons from the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition.

8: Not Hearing Out The Player Community:

Brace yourselves Perfectworld because I am about to lay the gut punch here. This is going to hurt you more than me.

Okay so now we really get to the issue here I think players really like to address. Not hearing players out, you want us to write a ticket, you want us to give feedback and suggestions, YET....nothing comes about. Seriously that's slothing Perfectworld just sad. So many times we actually have the server being worked on, any YET many of the same glitches are still existing after what, three to four years?

Now the counter argument could be that money is limited, and there is also little staffing or coding for that matter that can be rewritten with the amount of data that goes into Champions Online, but that's just it!

If a company is hitting hard times that should be the motivation or drive to actually make the MMO more operational instead of being lazy to come up with a lame marketing gimmick just to make the money to keep it a float. If not? Then sell it to a company that will take the product more seriously.

Oh wait this is "Im" Perfectworld we're talking about. BRILLIANT!

7: PVP:

Now, there was a time in CO that indeed PVP was the thing. If you won or lose it was points to allocate to work toward getting better gear. Yet after some time, even this became the new bland and suddenly PVP has become all but a show off of brute power and abilities in exhibition of personal duels outside the Powerhouse. You know someone challenges, a rocket crashes and we see the players go at it. Yet again, it's become more one sided. No Good vs Evil or conflict of interest or ideals that could add flavor and feel to the game. I mean heck, look how Marvel and DC has gone these days with such ideals.

This reinforces back to what I stated before in Issue: 9 "No Factions". Without any diversity or different points of view all the game seems to turn into is a forced version of Sims, literally log on, meet up, and talk or duel. Other than that is all you get. When promoting a game about superheroes you need to have flavor to promote both the PVE side, and ALSO the PVP side. WoW, Shiya, are just to name a few that allow a constant conflict maybe in a borderland realm, but still allows the means that the feel of the game makes it more interesting now that players don't feel centralized or isolated to just a town center congregation of boredom! Seriously if you want to make it interesting Perfectworld take hints from the MMO games making money exploiting this to the max and done rightfully.

6: Lack of Maintenance:

Now I know I am repeating a bit of Issue 8: "Not Hearing Out The Player Community", but eh, it needs to be stated. First let me start off saying that Perfectworld is in fact, "Im"Perfectworld. Plus they have developed quite the reputation for laziness with some of their games. but the best one that deserves this name is yes the lack of maintenance. Mainly players have come online not only stating it, but even went so far to call up going above the system in writing a ticket. Heck I wouldn't be surprised that the Live Chat has gone silent in Support because of this reason.

Speaking from experience of another topic this is like a landlord neglecting a rental property, and of course ignoring the concerns and complaints of the players, and that indeed is an all time low to label their company name with such negativity. Shame on you "Im"perfectworld, shame on you.

Seriously, if a company such as this is willing to forgo it's core values in it's EULA and go so far as to make themselves so lazy that cob webs would develop around their ears, and dust would collect on their computers so thick you think it's growing fur. Oh yes, that would really make Perfectworld Entertainment one of the most laughable gaming companies of all time. Including when two of those titles are Champions Online and even Star Trek Online.

Don't blame me for this one Cryptic, you had this coming for a long, long time. And you earned it. Here's your sign.

5: Ignorance In Enforcing Their EULA:

Now I know I would not only smile at this, but also laugh at it. I'm talking about when it comes to CO Perfectworld ignores a lot of issues that clearly would violate not only the EULA but even make the FBI take notice over Perfectworld and their policies that would make them look like the MySpace.com of MMOs.

That's issue? Sexual Exploitation!

Now it's one thing to roleplay here on Champions Online, and indeed it happens. However, with the times I have been on here seeing folks rp as either minors looking to get laid by someone older? Or the vice versa in the roles? It would even make a parent reconsider rather they should let their kids play this game. Now most of the time there are in fact sensible people on here and indeed decent ones too. But I kid you not, with the stuff I have seen on here it makes a man wonder, and not only that it creates a scenario that unless Perfectworld enforces it themselves? I promise you, the same outcome would happen as to what caused Yahoo Chat to close down it's User Created Rooms back in 2005 or 2006. Here it is no different, it's one thing that players have the same issue of meet in Caprice Club, then go to the lounge to talk, only last to go to a Hideout to get it on. The problem is, you don't know if that player is an adult? Or a minor!

This is something I seriously think Perfectworld SHOULD answer for. Because if not? It will only brood over until one day they are shut down.

4: No Opportunity For Super Groups To Develop And Grow In Options Like Other Games:

I think this one should also be tossed out there for Cryptic to let brew. Like the PVP issue there has never been an opportunity that a Super Group could have a means for a Super Group Lair to be allowed to have projects that could develop gear or bonuses that the members could put to use. Yes I am again bringing in Star Trek Online as an example, but it is also something that has been tested and proven successful. This is the kind of thing we need to be brought to CO to liven up the game. Here now we have another option besides Lockboxes, and of course yes it doesn't have to be even more powerful than the lockbox gear so that way it helps to promote the company to still have the chance to make money. Here it's all about "sweat equity" and you crafters know what I mean. Oh yeah!

3: Crafting:

Lately it seems that the crafting system has become a bit of an issue left in limbo to be honest. There was a point that taking mods and of course fusing them helped with increasing the stats that the hero can benefit from. Yet at the same time too, acquiring such mods to use require a specific level for the hero to be at in the game. This can create an issue including when the gold is to advance and evolve as you progress through the game. While most of the time compromise can be made here with either trade or even the AH. But it also leaves a gap when it separates both both the players that can pay out of pocket and less on the ones that don't or in this case can't pay out of pocket for Cosmic Keys to be used to unlock lockboxes.

For progression this can create a feel as though the game now has become halted, and create frustration for the players. There are options yes through Questionite, Drifter Salvage, and yes at one time even through Hero Games. The other norm now is just doing the Onslaught Scenarios to earn tokens and of course save up to get Onslaught Gear. I'll touch more on Onslaught in a wee bit.

The point is here, if there are things that halt the means to advance in crafting, or even for that matter make it difficult to acquire gear or mods there needs to be an alternative. Simple solution? Allow heroes to craft gear. Seriously Perfectworld you already allow it in other games like STO, and for that it also allows the player to not feel like they have to go through a repeated event just to get the gear they need and feel the grind has no interest or feel too much of a looping paradox mocking itself. Allowing players to work and craft the gear they need, then fuse the mods could open up opportunities for special packages in C Stores that allow the company to make more money and less frustation.

Again Options mean Opportunity, thus in turn mean making money.

2: Onslaught Is Becoming More Like On Sloth:

Now I'm just going to be blunt here. To me Onslaught sucks, it's the same routine, the same repeated plot twist, and yet it takes 10,000 tokens to get one Onslaught Token. Boring, dumb, and lazy! Seriously other than doing an Event like Alert, Rampage, Story Event, or possibly Special Event like Cons and so on? THIS is the only "other" way to fight a villain and have PVP. It's like feeding bread to birds, and WE are the suckers rushing like a flock to be fed.

It might lead to great gear and live out our fantasy to be Grond or Medusa for one moment, but honestly, it's the SAME THING over and over. This is like Marvel using the same plot twist to promote their films. Heck even DC did the same thing. Onslaught should not happen, it should not exist, and finally it should be out of CO completely.

Now finally, the moment you been waiting for that slaps this franchise right in the face.

Number 1!

1: Leveling:

Oh Cryptic you thought I was going to let this one slide didn't you, but nope I'm not. I wanted to make sure this was the whip topping and cherry to finish your glorious Pie to the Face!

Nothing speaks ignorance for Perfectworld and Cryptic than the leveling in this game. It's long, annoying, plus it takes the interest out of the game completely. Other games like STO allow for options in advancing, and yeah just getting to level 40 on CO is a milestone in it's own. But it's AFTER reaching level 40 that now makes the game feel pretty much a climb to the top of a mountain just to see a wasteland of nothing but a horizon of a landfill as your finale. This IS douche baggery to the max! In fact it goes beyond the definition of being douche, it's a complete waste. Sure there are other things to do, but now it goes from leveling to refining, oh yeah, remember that one because it's far too routine to find in game. Plus with those paying out of pocket and those struggling it creates the same hierarchy of those actually shelling the money, and those working into the game through grind. I don't mind choosing which after I reach 40 to pursue, but darn it at least leveling itself should be as smooth as their other games.

So there you have it Cryptic/Arc/Perfectworld, my top 11 things I am calling you out on, and I hope either you enjoy reading it? Or frown upon it, either way I don't care and even want to know.

I'm Ghobe Pong and you just been Ghobe Ponged Perfectworld. LOLZ!


  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    So... you crap on player run events because Perfect World is a terribad company?​​
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • ghobepongghobepong Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    sterga said:

    So... you crap on player run events because Perfect World is a terribad company?​​

    So basically you just breezed through the topic without reading the context at all? Pretty much, all headline and less about the actual details. BRILLIANT!

  • stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
    I stopped reading. Blaming players for PW marketing failures just makes you look like a jerk with an axe to grind. Why keep reading if you already fail at the second point out of 11?​​
    YouTube - Steam - Twitter
    [at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    Is this an extended-length attempt to make August 2017's subscriber bonus a Troll Hat? I could go with that if it is...
  • ghobepongghobepong Posts: 34 Arc User
    sterga said:

    I stopped reading. Blaming players for PW marketing failures just makes you look like a jerk with an axe to grind. Why keep reading if you already fail at the second point out of 11?​​

    Ah yes, and so again one attempts to shine the spotlight for their own attention when it comes to the bickering that is the great debate of wit of topics on the forums.

    Ignorance must be bliss for you to use such name calling to make a point.

    Sucks to be you.

    Further let me also note that this is actually dealing with the fact that since oh, what 2012 or 2013 there has never been any new content that Perfectworld has made, let alone resource pages, wikipedias, walkthroughs and so on. But then again a man like yourself probably acts like a jerk just to get the attention they solely feel they deserve for the rejection they face in life. LOLZ!

  • ghobepongghobepong Posts: 34 Arc User

    Is this an extended-length attempt to make August 2017's subscriber bonus a Troll Hat? I could go with that if it is...

    Maybe, but then again maybe at the same time too this doesn't involve August at all? Perhaps it involved something more indepth. >:P
  • kamokamikamokami Posts: 1,634 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    This is a pretty terrible post OP. I made it about halfway before realizing that doing anything else would be better. Please remove it. (you or the mods)
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    Never mind the quality, feel the width.....
  • themightyzeniththemightyzenith Posts: 4,598 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    I always write an essay when "I don't care".

    Edit: Passive aggresive LOLZ!....... just to show how above all this I am.
    Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
  • This content has been removed.
  • ghobepongghobepong Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    kamokami said:

    This is a pretty terrible post OP. I made it about halfway before realizing that doing anything else would be better. Please remove it. (you or the mods)

    Actually nope, not happening, topic relative to forums and context of the game. Conclusion? STAYING!

  • ghobepongghobepong Posts: 34 Arc User

    I always write an essay when "I don't care".

    Edit: Passive aggresive LOLZ!....... just to show how above all this I am.

    Edit: [Snip]

    You know I only do that when "I don't care".


  • qawsadaqawsada Posts: 753 Arc User
    ghobepong said:

    This is the "Top 11 Reasons WHY Champions Online Is Bland"

    11: No New Content:

    0/10. I stop reading here. You clearly haven't play the game.
  • pantagruel01pantagruel01 Posts: 7,091 Arc User
    True not caring is going and playing another game. This is a standard rant from someone who (a) thinks CO is a jewel that would flourish if PWE would just change things around, and (b) wants more PvP.

    Reality here: CO is a marginal property and always will be, PvP is a minority interest.
  • ealford1985ealford1985 Posts: 3,581 Arc User
    Yep...this will be closed soon. Apparently he already tried this type of bashing thread before. Good times.
  • decorumfriendsdecorumfriends Posts: 2,811 Arc User
    Heh, wow. This makes the regulars I generally hate to see complaining look reasonable and wise by comparison.
    'Dec out

  • ghobepongghobepong Posts: 34 Arc User
    qawsada said:

    ghobepong said:

    This is the "Top 11 Reasons WHY Champions Online Is Bland"

    11: No New Content:

    Yup it goes to show here how literate some folks are on here. Oh clearly if someone took time to read we so this last quote would have been more constructive. But no, apparently noob is written all over this person. LOLZ!
  • ghobepongghobepong Posts: 34 Arc User


    Yup we find for sure another to add to the list of folks again not able to really be constructive or give any reason to the post. Next!

  • ghobepongghobepong Posts: 34 Arc User


    Oh yeah we know how this one goes. Make a prediction and see this one trying to get the spotlight go down the hole. Yup good times this one getting flagged as well.

  • ghobepongghobepong Posts: 34 Arc User


    Well guess it goes to show how much intelligence you lack "half" or "one third" of the capacity you have to comprehend anything you read. Oh I'm sorry it's too difficult for you to fathom. So predictable.

  • doctorevilfacedoctorevilface Posts: 91 Arc User
    ...Why is this in the Suggestions category? All you're doing is complaining and fighting with everyone. You're just guaranteeing this thread will be closed and deleted, making all of this a waste of time.
    Lemon-Scented Evil.
This discussion has been closed.