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Make the New Raid Frames Not Suck

stergasterga Posts: 2,353 Arc User
The new frames are actually worse than the old ones in every way possible. I don't even know why this was added since it's so badly done it makes me hate playing a healer even more than before. WoW has been out for over 10 years. That's 10+ years of player made raid frames that are great for examples on how to make something awesome.

Manual resizing is a fussy, annoying mess and only allows sizing for the current number of parties. The frames do not automatically resize when more parties are added. Massive downgrade as the old frames did resize automatically. Ideally, these should be automatic resizing with options on how to grow the frames.

The size and position do not save. And since you can easily make the frames disappear with the Esc key, that makes this extra special irritating. Adding the ability to move and resize is pointless if I have to do it every time I enter a new TeamUp or want to close the damn frames. What really kills me is there is a way to move and save UI elements already in CO but for some reason, these frames were made with some special snowflake way that ignores this already useful way of moving / saving elements.

The extra sh-- around the edges sucks up a lot of room. Especially once you start getting over 3 groups. Another straight downgrade as the old frames didn't have this garbage added to it. Should never have been added.

Transparency implementation is awful. Mostly due to the background not having an option to change the level. Again, downgrade from the previous frames which didn't have a background that needed to be adjusted in transparency.

No range finder. I can't tell you how endlessly aggravating this is. Yes, I know the party frames also do not have a range finder. I get sick of clicking on every character just to see if I can even heal them or not. Don't even get me started on trying to see people for a rez.

FFS, can our HP bar show up like a normal member in the raid frames? It's a box that says "you", which is worthless. I want to see my own damn HP in the frames so I don't have to look at the player portrait just to check my HP. Especially considering the raid frames are probably going to cover my portrait anyway.

I would rather have the old frames back with the new feature of having them grow down one before resizing right. It would be so much better than what has been inflicted onto us.​​
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[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009


  • atuarreatuarre Posts: 1 Arc User
    Bumping this, as it covers just about every problem with the frames. Devs, please try running some comics with us, as a main healer, if you need to understand the frames problems more clearly. Replacing the healer's health bar with 'You' so we can't see our own health in the frame, alone, is just ... hilarious.

    The only thing I would add to the OP's list, is visible force field bars over the health bars, and tooltip indicators of health/FF amounts on people, maybe.
  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User
    Eh, think you're exaggerating a bit ( but you would never do that, right? ). For me, healing at cosmics, the new raid frame is a drastic improvement over the old. Transparency, the "sh- around the edges" and manual resizing being fussy aren't issues I've encountered.

    For a range finder not sure how that would work. Which range would it detect? 100, 50, 25? All are relevant ranges. Nut sure adding the numbers onto the frames would be an improvement, would make them too busy for my tastes.

    Having our own tile show like anyone else's would be an improvement. Having it save its position would be neat I guess, but not really needed.
  • aiqaaiqa Posts: 2,608 Arc User
    The things that bother me about it are the size and position management.
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