Single Pistol/Might hybrid
Character concepts: Loose-cannon cop, Hard boiled detective, outlaw vigilante.
The base statistics for this framework are
Dexterity, Ego
-[Level 1]-
Steady Shot or
Clobber Chin Check Click, single target
Crushing damage.
You throw a stiff jab at your opponent. (Left handed strike, so that when used in combination with single pistol the pistol remains visible in the right hand.) Applies
Disorient to enemy. The animation could look similar to Wield Earth's melee punch.
Seeing Stars Landing this strike on an enemy causes Stun for 1.8 seconds.
-[Level 6]-
Single Shot
A single accurate shot to the body. I picture the animation being that you swing the pistol underneath your left horizontal forearm and fire once.
Advantage: Rot Gut Applies Bleed to target.
-[Level 8]-
Composure or Defiance
-[Level 11]-
Sweeping Hook
Click, deals Crushing damage to all targets in front of you. A wide swinging punch hits multiple enemies standing in your way. Applies Stagger.
-[Level 14]-
Sharp Shooter
-[Level 17]-
Light 'em Up
Maintain, deals Piercing damage to all targets in front of you. You fire eight bullets in a row to anyone unlucky enough to be in your sights. The animation for this power could be a recycled version of Gunslinger's Legacy.
-[Level 21]-
Antagonize or Retaliation
-[Level 25]-
Killer Instinct
-[Level 30]-
-[Level 35]-
Lock N Load
-[Level 40]-
Knockout Blow
Tap with cool down, single target Crushing damage. You uncork a meaty punch that leaves your opponent seeing four of everything. Knocks Back the target.
Advantage: Cheap Shot Using this power on an enemy not targeting you causes Stun and applies Stagger for 12 seconds.
Execution Shot* Before this power was created, I imagined an attack similar to this one with a few changes from the current one. The animation could be holding the pistol off to the right side, thumbing back the hammer then aiming and firing one dead center shot causing massive Piercing damage and a 100% chance to Knock Back the target. It would have a long cool down and could oneshot weaker enemies if buffed from powers like Lock N Load were activated beforehand. Unlike the current power, it would do the same damage no matter the enemy's health.
The Soldier AT is all about military weapons, the Gunslinger AT is more suited to acrobatic "Gun Fu" style attacks with multiple fast shots, while this AT is geared toward single, loud booming shots what knock enemies off their feet. This AT should be inherently more resistant to damage (due to it's hard-boiled nature) at a cost of not doing as much damage per second as other Munitions archetypes.
This lockbox could contain new costume pieces and weapon skins for all your neo-noir needs. Including:
.45 Caliber pistol
Toothpick mouth accessory:
Cigarette Holder mouth accessory:
Maybe there could be a hover car version of vehicles such as:
Anyway, I hope you've all enjoyed my suggestion for this new archetype concept. If you have any additional suggestions, comments, or ideas feel free to share them here.
Give your hero a trench coat, your Fedora or Zoot hat, the Joke Cigar and Rainy Day Aura and you've got the perfect combination to help you patrol Millennium City's streets in style.
Loyal Sidekick
Something that would be cool is if we had an aura to make our character stark white and black similar to a Sin City type of look.
It also gave me more ideas for costume pieces for either a Noir lockbox or perhaps a Police lockbox:
Bobby hat
Checkered police hat
Police whistle neck accessory
Nightstick belt accessory
I made an outfit for my detective to wear in the MCPD precinct as well:
However, the outfit is missing something I noticed CO doesn't have yet:
Shoulder holster chest layer
Maybe we could get two options for this; gun on the left side or right side.
Other ideas include:
Loyal Sidekick
This police K9's abilities could be Howl and bites what cause Bleed
MCPD action figure
Maybe we could get an MCPD hovercar as well, for all your law enforcing needs.
It would be nice to have some regular melee punches as well; Might attacks are super strength, a lot of Martial Arts powers have flames surrounding a punch or are magical like 100 Hands, but seems like the only natural strikes are kicks, the Rising Knee and the headbutt.
I really want heavy tap strikes that aren't charges or combos