I can't help but be utterly

years now with the Ice Ultimate we got...
Fractal Aegis...
an melee range ultimate which exist ONLY for Tanking, Resistance boosting and agroing
with pathetic DPS numbers and a ridiculous non-existance visual that gets activated for 1 nano-second (the floating ice crystals are cool thought, I wish they could become an aura already)

You will NEVER see this visual because the ultimate is unpopular in the community and because the activation is less than a second
other existing ultimates have DPS potential, but Fractal Aegis? it's horrible, and it was advertised horrible when the lockbox came out
What I would love to see is an ACTUAL DPS ICE ultimate, a RANGE one
Something like
Diamond Dust, and attack name that appears a lot in JRPG titles
Diamond Dust
- Ice Ultimate
- Max 10 target cap, Charged attack
- 80 foot range, 40 foot sphere
- Summons huge ice stalagmites and winds around the target(s), which proceed to explode, dealing massive COLD damage in the area
- Apply Overpowered Debuff to all targets
- Paralyze all targets (duration scales with rank, manipulator, stats and specs)
- Apply 3 stacks of Chilled
- RANK 2
- RANK 3
- 1 Point - Agro ADV for tanking - Propably Chilling Reminder
THIS is what ICE deserves as ultimate
So when the energy powerframe families get revamped, and with possibility of a SECOND Ice Revamp
Just saying, Shattering objects mechanics sucks and power like Ice Burst & Vapor Form were never touched despite being extremly underwelming and outdated
I was not happy when Fractal Aegis had a lovely casting FX but we barely got to see it!! I'm glad you found an image!
^ With that VFX in mind, I'd go a slightly different route:
Arctic Bedlam / Frozen Tundra / Arctic Blizzard / Deep Freeze
1. Ice Ultimate
2. 10 target cap. Click.
3. 50 foot range, 60 foot sphere.
4. You create a temporary landscape of ice and frost all around you, which applies Chill stacks to enemies and deals moderate damage over time. Enemies caught within the blast radius take low initial damage and are heavily snared.
5. Chilled enemies (Henchmen, Villain, Master Villain & Other Champion rank enemies) have a 15%/25%/35% chance to be knocked down per period and a 50%/75%/100% chance to be affected by 'Frozen Solid' depending on how many stacks of Chill they are affected by.
6. Frozen Solid applies a stun to enemies, encasing them in a block of ice for a set duration (6 seconds) before exploding dealing damage to the target and those around it, and applying the Overpowered Debuff to them.
7. This ultimate lasts longer than most other ultimate abilities but has a slightly higher energy cost and higher cooldown than average.
- Rank 2 - Increases damage of this ultimate.
- Rank 3 - Increases damage of this ultimate.
- Skate on! - This advantage applies an increase to the movement speed of you and your allies by 10% whilst this ultimate is active and you move within it's radius.
- Frozen Fortification - This advantage increases you and your allies elemental damage resistance by 5% during the ultimate and for a short time after it.
Note: Reason why I went for Stun over Paralyze, aside from the obvious, is because it is highly unlikely that there would be a CC effect tied to an ultimate which is allowed to scale in terms of duration with everything that can 'boost crowd control duration'
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Doesn't sound bad but this is really depends on taste
I personal like flashy and devasting looking ultimates instead of toggle/passives/click and forget (Video showed as reference)
But, we could combine both our suggestions together for a combined effect
Knocking down does make sense because they will constantly slip on the ice floor
HMMMMM, Group buffing ultimates is actually a very interesting subject i would like touch but I can see a team resistance buff being more possible on an EARTH ultimate
But speed buff? Eh!
However I will state that I love ADVs like that, gives you the option to go either full DPS with the power, or support/defense
I picked Paralyze instead of Stun for Thematic purposes alone and as a hint for Ice Burst's paralyze adv, you get trapped inside Ice objects
But again, CO's CC for me is a really unknown ground beyond 2 characters
To be fair, ICE was the first powerframe which got "Softly" revamped (again outdated powers and ice shattering mechanics are really underwelming)
I believe that Fractal Aegis was nothing more than a "TEST" ultimate to see how they can archieve defensive and tanking mecanics before the Challenge! revamp
but now with all all those new Ultimates which most of them get the Agro 1 point ADV, why even bother with Fractal Aegis? it became extremly outdated, people barely use this power (i only have it one 1 character and i havent removed it because of the RetCon cost) and other melee ultimates have way better damage
so basically...a frost nova
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Yeah because look how Popular this "unique" ultimate is right now
Who cares if you want a DPS ICE ultimate for your ICE DPS, you should stick with a defencive exlusive ICE ultimate with half second visuals because we said so
I just realized there is a balance rule here, every range lockbox ultimate which has Overpowered debuff or special effect like Endbringer's Grasp, cannot have an Agro ADV
... I still want a proper DPS ICE Ultimate
maybe in a future lockbox which isn't tied with a Powerframe Revamp
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No, Aegis deserves all my personal hate for being a dissapointment
I do want my Ultimates to be super flashy though <_<
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I'm scared to edit my orginal post because forums may mark it as spam and i have to wait for approval
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Ice doesn't need a second TANKING Ultimate, it needs a pure DPS Ultimate for ICE DPS
and as for Defensive and Support utilities, this should be on player's choice by ADVs instead of forcing the ultimate to be overspecialized on only one aspect
all the Ultimates from Lockboxes so far have been proven to have really decent DPS, yes even Endbringer's Grasp can deal some really good critical damage with the right set up
Fractal Aegis on the other hand? its a tank-exlusive passive than barely anyone use
It was clearly an experiment on defensive passives before the revamp of the Challenge! system
I made this thread for a DPS focused ICE ultimate and DPS focus alone
If we're gonna have a tanking Ultimate, lets make it really Ultimate AMIRITE!?
I would like to see more advs on all ultimates to give them more variety and uses. Not just the current R2, R3 and done.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Crashing Incantation - Overpower + Jinx
Endbringer's Grasp - Fear + Corruption
Power Chord - Rock Out + Disorient
Mental Impact - Knock Down + Overpower + Ego Leech
Egoblade Pandemonium - +Crit from Ego Leech
Vorpal Blade - Bleed + extra damage from Focus stack
Mechanical Monstrosity - Poison + Knock + Debilitating Poison
Meltdown - Knockdown + Plasma Burn
Showdown - Root
Gravity Driver - Knockdown + Stun + Overpower
Fractal Aegis - Knock Up + Resistance
Looks like most Ultimates have an average of 2 innate effects, so remove the knock from Fractal Aegis and add a HOT or a Shield effect, or just add a HOT and move it into the 3 effect range.
there is a basic Rule of 3 going on with some ultimates which have 3 effects
So Chilled stacks+Overpowered+CC Effect would be along those lines
Ok what is the "too much" territory in designing ULTIMATES which are suppoce to feel and act like Ultimates
Looking back at my suggestion there is barely any "TOO MUCH" going on since i suggested only Overpowered+CC effect and scrapped Agro ADV because i realized the formula cant have overpowered+agro
Not to mention the ultimate will be balanced with Cooldown and Energy Cost like other range ultimates?
Honestly? I would be ok with this
Right now you dont even need to rank this power to rank 2 and 3 if you want to use it for Tanking+Agroing, and the damage resistance against bosses isnt so useful compared when used against multiply mobs
oh and this power is better for Melee Tanks
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Because its clearly a TANKING ultimate focusing on Resistance and Agro, meaning it has no open space for Damage
and because i hate it
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