The recently released Pawprints Aura are buggy on females at least (don't have the money to get one on a male because they're BoE).
Basically, if you're running forward (no travel power, just pushing forward), they won't show up at all. Or any kind of forward (like diagonals - hold RMB, move forward+left/right). Nothing sideways, either. If you're running backwards, it's fine.
If you're walking forward, then the pawprints sorta show up. One print appears, while the other foot is only visible on the back half of it. Nothing diagonal forward or sideways at all. Backwards is fine though.
They sorta work with Rank 3 Acrobatics - they'll appear going forward in the first two 'gears' (as well as diagonal and sideways), but nothing in reverse. Once you hit third gear, they'll vanish.