Hi, fellow CO fans! DJ Winza here letting you guys know that I'm actually doing the final episode of my AT Tryout series. I've done a post tutorial 5 level tryout minimum of every AT currently available (Gunslinger was the newest at the time of writing this). I used my now 7 years experience playing this game to determine if the pay-for ATs are worth the money, and if the free ATs are up to snuff. Understand the ratings I give them are
OPINION BASED so your ultimate mileage may vary, but I show the basic meat-and-potatoes of the early life as all of them.
For your convenience, here's a link to the playlist.
WARNING: Strong language, adult subject matter, crude humor.
Champions Online AT Tryout StreamsAlternatively, I will still be doing Champions Online livestreams every Monday, 2pm EST (-5 GMT) and usually stay on for about 3 hours. If you'd like to join us, please do. I also take viewers on stream via Skype (easiest and I'm not going to download and learn a new software to talk to a lone viewer, ya dig?)
If you're wondering, I don't only do CO, but you would have to look at my channel
DJ Winza and let me know what you think there.
BTW, Mods, I think this is the right part of the forum to put it since it is fan made YouTube content, but you can move it to where it needs to be. Thank you, whomever is currently reading this. Remember that I love you, but I need you to get the &^%$ out of my house.