I just went through posting a decent-size suggestion about power variants, like lava/poison reskins of Shadow Embrace, transparent and/or glowing versions of Ooze Tunneling and Roin'esh Transference, translucent lava/ice/poison versions of Quicksand, and other stuff (for the sake of people's mental image of what they were trying to do), and then I edited it. The first time, it went through perfectly fine. The second time (I guess I must be a perfectionist or forgot a thing), the post was removed and I got that message saying:
I don't think even Smackwell knows where posts are approved at, and a post I put about returning hasn't reappeared either. Is there any way to disable that function?On the plus side, it makes a neat way to delete one's thread if we make a mistake in the title or whatever....
Wait, shoot, this should be in general discussion, shouldn't it? Or should it?
"Xel" no longer exists...
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.
Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
If you edit a long written comment, even a thread first post, the system thinks that you just copy pasted a lot of characters and marked them as spam
My characters