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Lockbox Emote Unlock

menempomenempo Posts: 7 Arc User
Could there be a possibility to make these Emotes Account Wide unlock?

"Wall Lean Emote – Perfect for your indifferent grim-dark hero!"

Should have written this instead.

"Wall Lean Emote - Perfect for your only-one indifferent grim-dark hero!"

I don't mean to be sarcastic but these emotes were long awaited and seeing them character bound instead of account bound is dissapointing.
Its a big bad joke to even see it in the Lockbox instead of the Zen Store.

I don't see myself spending over 5000$ or over 10 000G to get the emotes for all my character.


  • tau41tau41 Posts: 83 Arc User
    Uh oh. That sounds like you want them to fix their still completely broken economy.
  • heartstringsk3heartstringsk3 Posts: 161 Arc User
    Ha, no. They won't change it. This was on the test server for over a month with almost every single bit of feedback asking for account-unlocked emotes, and they ignored it all.
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