I see many following through with quitting smoking, myself included.
I'll try to explain this. The focus isn't on lower usage, the focus is on the fact that when someone says they'll quit due to X reason that's generally meaningless because people say that about stuff all the time and then don't do it - they're really just trying to use the statement as leverage to get what they want. We're not talking about people actually doing it, we're talking about why the threats hold no real weight. 500 people could say on the forums "We refuse to buy!" but until the sales numbers come in there's no reason to change your course of action since history has shown many times that that commitment falters once the release date comes around.
It's like that one time they had that steam group boycotting some modern warfare game... then if you looked at the list of members of that steam group on release day half of them were playing the game. It seems that in a lot of these cases where video game consumers are fighting some sort of "thing the company should not do", they're really just making an attempt at negotiating but will generally accept the outcome even if nothing changes.
I'll try to explain this. The focus isn't on lower usage, the focus is on the fact that when someone says they'll quit due to X reason that's generally meaningless because people say that about stuff all the time and then don't do it - they're really just trying to use the statement as leverage to get what they want. We're not talking about people actually doing it, we're talking about why the threats hold no real weight.
I understand that perfectly but I don't see any threats, I don't think anyone who has posted is actually saying to themselves "I'll threaten to leave CO and it will hold great weight". You might see it like that but I don't.
I can't see why dec's dad would say he was gonna quit to "use the statement as leverage to get what they want". It was probably due to health and financial reasons. Anyway, as I said, bad analogy in the first place.
It's just some folks giving their personal opinion, which was explicitly asked for in the OP.
As an ALTitis fanatic I have found many costumes which I bought and end up not liking for certains characters only to find use for others or new creations
Yup, I can relate to this. I have bought many costume sets and pieces for this very reason. I have also bought some sets because they would work on a large number of my costumes (Golden Age set for example). I can't imagine myself buying multiple pieces/sets if bind to character costume pieces were ever to become a thing.
I've already reduced my spending on the game because of BoP event items and auras. It wasn't a conscious decision, the BoP thing just lowered my enthusiasm as a costume fan and I realised I was spending and playing less.
Personally, I think it's a nuisance and inconvenience, but not enough to seriously say "I'll quit if this happens". Don't get me wrong. I agree that this is a bad marketing ploy that will unlikely get any significant sales bump. But quitting the game over that is defeatist. It certainly won't contribute to improving the game and one less consumer is one less voice that matters.
Personally, I think it's a nuisance and inconvenience, but not enough to seriously say "I'll quit if this happens". Don't get me wrong. I agree that this is a bad marketing ploy that will unlikely get any significant sales bump. But quitting the game over that is defeatist. It certainly won't contribute to improving the game and one less consumer is one less voice that matters.
I may be wrong, but I imagine you're talking about the upcoming bind to charcter emotes that are on their way very soon.
I was wondering if you would you feel the same if it were bind to character costume pieces @servantrules ?
Personally, I think it's a nuisance and inconvenience, but not enough to seriously say "I'll quit if this happens". Don't get me wrong. I agree that this is a bad marketing ploy that will unlikely get any significant sales bump. But quitting the game over that is defeatist. It certainly won't contribute to improving the game and one less consumer is one less voice that matters.
I may be wrong, but I imagine you're talking about the upcoming bind to charcter emotes that are on their way very soon.
I was wondering if you would you feel the same if it were bind to character costume pieces?
Same deal. If it happens, I'd be disappointed. Not enough to "rage quit". I may not spend money or time on it. Dropping the game? Again, IMHO, that helps no one in the bigger picture.
It's like this...I am playing this game for X. If X is no longer available, why play? I've helped this game enough but I don't get a say so on anything in this game so the "bigger picture" is little to no concern to me.
Same deal. If it happens, I'd be disappointed. Not enough to "rage quit". I may not spend money or time on it. Dropping the game? Again, IMHO, that helps no one in the bigger picture.
I understand that perfectly but I don't see any threats, I don't think anyone who has posted is actually saying to themselves "I'll threaten to leave CO and it will hold great weight".
I just looked back through the thread and found the posts quite easily. Also I never specifically mentioned quitting CO, that assumption might be why you didn't realize what I was saying.
I feel like bind to account is a luxury we're used to. If costume pieces became bound to character, it would be quite annoying. I wouldn't quit. I can't. I just bought lifetime (and proud of it!). But this reminds me a bit of CoH when I just to play it sparsely. Everything, if I remember correctly, was done on a per character basis. Want a cape? Get your character to 20-something. Want an aura? Get your character to 30-something. I think that's what made it so exciting. It made my characters feel unique and like they had earned that cape and earned that aura. I had a sense of them getting more powerful, and it was very interesting to play through. Capes and Auras are a little different than unlock per character pieces, mainly because capes and auras were so versatile versus that future, hypothetical single costume piece. I'm talking more about the sense of accomplishment... and am slightly rambling, so getting back on point.
In CO, I'm totally used to doing whatever whenever and I would be annoyed if there are some super unique costume pieces that I want, but I may get it and not like it or I may have wanted it for a different toon. CO is so Alt-heavy that it would just feel really strange. I don't think unlock per character pieces belong here, but if they somehow popped up, I'd hate it but I'd have to deal with it.
I don't see the reasoning behind it tho, just like I don't see the reasoning behind BoP auras for events. Bizarre logic.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
Hey, most people who quit a game just quit, they don't make a big deal about it, they just stop playing. A decision like this one would probably cause a bunch of people to quit the game. Now that's not to say that people are quitting because of hypothetical bad choices stuff like this, I'm sure most quit the game purely because they're tired of it, but make no mistake people would get angry and quit the game. Now would enough quit to make a noticeable difference? Who knows? But I suspect the game is at the point where it probably couldn't take a big exodus and keep it's current staff.
Lockbox-based costume sets should definitely remain account-wide. Same with vehicles. Event-drops that are direct drops (rather than inside lockboxes) would make some sense to be character-bound, as these tend to attract people to play the events for the drops and enables those same players to get more lockboxes, which need keys, which in turn need Zen to purchase (notwithstanding the keys/globals economy on the server). It would suck, but I can understand why marketing is trying this.
Would I find character-bound costume pieces annoying, though? Heck, yes! I have toons that are specifically for costume contests that would be obliterated by the events that would likely drop such things, so I would have to make do without those costume parts until things changed.
I just hope that if this change affects subbing rates and player base, the powers that be at Cryptic and Perfect World will know to reverse the decision. I already work for a company that seems to be blundering blindly into the future. I don't want to come home to a game that has a similar issue!
but I don't see any threats, I don't think anyone who has posted is actually saying to themselves "I'll threaten to leave CO and it will hold great weight". You might see it like that but I don't.
I just looked back through the thread and found the posts quite easily. Also I never specifically mentioned quitting CO, that assumption might be why you didn't realize what I was saying.
decorum just nailed why "I'll quit if you do this" threats don't work
Oh I realised, we just disagree. You see threats and I don't. I just see people voicing their opinions and intentions about the subject in the OP. It was me who asked for their opinions on the idea of bind to character costume pieces so I'm not gonna belittle any comments by dismissing them as just idle threats and attempting to psychoanalyse their opinions. I certainly wouldn't state that "they're really just trying to use the statement as leverage to get what they want".
But this reminds me a bit of CoH when I just to play it sparsely. Everything, if I remember correctly, was done on a per character basis. Want a cape? Get your character to 20-something. Want an aura? Get your character to 30-something. I think that's what made it so exciting. It made my characters feel unique and like they had earned that cape and earned that aura. I had a sense of them getting more powerful, and it was very interesting to play through. Capes and Auras are a little different than unlock per character pieces, mainly because capes and auras were so versatile versus that future, hypothetical single costume piece. I'm talking more about the sense of accomplishment... and am slightly rambling, so getting back on point.
Interesting, I didn't know that's how they did capes and auras in CoH. Personally though I'd hate not having a choice of capes with my starting costume. I can see their idea at making it a kind of trophy but that would ruin some costume themes for me until I hit that level.
As it had been like that for years and that was the accepted way they worked though I suppose I would just have accepted it and worked with it, no biggie. Apart from the level requirements for capes all their costume parts were bind to account though, right?
In CO, I'm totally used to doing whatever whenever and I would be annoyed if there are some super unique costume pieces that I want, but I may get it and not like it or I may have wanted it for a different toon. CO is so Alt-heavy that it would just feel really strange. I don't think unlock per character pieces belong here, but if they somehow popped up, I'd hate it but I'd have to deal with it.
Interesting, I didn't know that's how they did capes and auras in CoH. Personally though I'd hate not having a choice of capes with my starting costume. I can see their idea at making it a kind of trophy but that would ruin some costume themes for me until I hit that level.
As it had been like that for years and that was the accepted way they worked though I suppose I would just have accepted it and worked with it, no biggie. Apart from the level requirements for capes all their costume parts were bind to account though, right?
Capes and auras were like that in CoH for a while - but they did eventually add a veteran reward you could get that unlocked them at level one, and the actual costume parts were account-wide. (Edit: Also, there's an important bit of context here: the game didn't ship with either capes or auras; both were added later on.)
There were actually a number of per-character costume unlocks in CoH - but they were all things you could earn by in-game activities. For example, there were several costume unlocks that came from crafting - in current CO, it'd be like having a bunch of BoE unlocks that were per-character but cost a mere 50 UNTIL recog each (Edit: when judging that price, remember you can buy 5 until for 1 SCR, so that'd run a max level character a mere 10SCR to purchase) - relatively easy for a new player to acquire, and trivial to have ready for a level one alt if you had even one character somewhat leveled. And there was a set that unlocked based on end-game objectives - I forget the exact details, but it basically worked out to any max level character having easy access to it, but you had to hit max level before you could use it on a given character.
The crafted costumes I didn't have a problem with; if you needed one on a given character, you went and put it together. If you needed it at level one (say, the scorched demon wings for an infernal character), then you got all the parts and mailed them to yourself. The end-game set was a bit more of an issue; if you worked out a new character that needed those parts... well, that wasn't going to fly. Personally, I ended up mostly ignoring that set.
The only bind-to-character costumes that I know of currently in CO are the PvP belts, which are (a) super-ugly, and (b) quite appropriate to have character-bound. I wouldn't mind other similar achievement costumes being character-bound.
Didn't have time to read the whole thread, especially after the heart attack I had reading the title and assuming this had been put into practice.
The only way I'd be okay with this is if the costume items were easily farmed for. Maybe not Heavy Tahia drop chance, but definitely not Vibora Bay costumes drop rate, absolutely not Cosmics costumes drop rates, certainly not "Just spend 975 SCR on it" cost, and "I will actually quit this game" if it's Mechaniste drop rate.
The main reason that I've never played an MMO more than a couple years except for Champions is because I'm playing my character, not Warrior #7539. If I want to have two characters that have a rare mask drop but am not able to do this because it literally takes a hundred hours of farming one of them, especially with my luck, I'm not even going to bother, and I'm going to be extremely disappointed with the game because of it.
In City of Heroes, my friend, who was a long-time player before I started, had a character with wings. I was like, "Cool, I want to make a character with wings too!" Imagine my surprise when he tells me it's a reward for being subscribed for 15 goddamned months. By the time I got them, I had already lost interest in playing the game and quit shortly after.
And that was just "patiently waiting", not "spending what little time I have each day on futile efforts".
We're getting a bit far from "Items in lockboxes that you'll probably buy off the exchange in a week for cheap". I mean, I remember that I went nuts when they first put powers into lockboxes, but a certain someone said to me "Don't go nuts, you'll be buying them off the exchange in a week for cheap". Now here we are and that person is going nuts and I'm saying it to them. The circle of life.
Lockbox-based costume sets should definitely remain account-wide. Same with vehicles. Event-drops that are direct drops (rather than inside lockboxes) would make some sense to be character-bound, as these tend to attract people to play the events for the drops and enables those same players to get more lockboxes, which need keys, which in turn need Zen to purchase (notwithstanding the keys/globals economy on the server). It would suck, but I can understand why marketing is trying this.
Would I find character-bound costume pieces annoying, though? Heck, yes! I have toons that are specifically for costume contests that would be obliterated by the events that would likely drop such things, so I would have to make do without those costume parts until things changed.
I just hope that if this change affects subbing rates and player base, the powers that be at Cryptic and Perfect World will know to reverse the decision. I already work for a company that seems to be blundering blindly into the future. I don't want to come home to a game that has a similar issue!
Thanks for replying sapphie and Happy New Year! As a fellow costume fanatic I was glad to see your response.
The wrestling belts are not bound. At least the UTC(UCT? I forget what it stands for) Bronze.
And it's a wrestling belt, it looks like it's supposed to. I made a toon just for it when I got mine.
Thanks for the confirmation Brother Rat. I didn't think we had any bind to character costume pieces in CO yet and thought that info about the belt was a bit strange.
The only way I'd be okay with this is if the costume items were easily farmed for. Maybe not Heavy Tahia drop chance, but definitely not Vibora Bay costumes drop rate, absolutely not Cosmics costumes drop rates, certainly not "Just spend 975 SCR on it" cost, and "I will actually quit this game" if it's Mechaniste drop rate.
The main reason that I've never played an MMO more than a couple years except for Champions is because I'm playing my character, not Warrior #7539. If I want to have two characters that have a rare mask drop but am not able to do this because it literally takes a hundred hours of farming one of them, especially with my luck, I'm not even going to bother, and I'm going to be extremely disappointed with the game because of it.
In City of Heroes, my friend, who was a long-time player before I started, had a character with wings. I was like, "Cool, I want to make a character with wings too!" Imagine my surprise when he tells me it's a reward for being subscribed for 15 goddamned months. By the time I got them, I had already lost interest in playing the game and quit shortly after.
And that was just "patiently waiting", not "spending what little time I have each day on futile efforts".
So, in a nutshell? F that.
Yeah, I get you. I'm also of the opinion that putting up bind to character barriers that make it harder to pull off a fun character concept that you really want to play is a strange decision in a superhero game.
We're getting a bit far from "Items in lockboxes that you'll probably buy off the exchange in a week for cheap". I mean, I remember that I went nuts when they first put powers into lockboxes, but a certain someone said to me "Don't go nuts, you'll be buying them off the exchange in a week for cheap". Now here we are and that person is going nuts and I'm saying it to them. The circle of life.
Oh, Spinny's not going nuts - you have to have been stable at some point for that to happen.
"Science teaches us to expect -- demand -- more than just eerie mysteries. What use is a puzzle that can't be solved? Patience is fine, but I'm not going to stop asking the universe to make sense!"
We're getting a bit far from "Items in lockboxes that you'll probably buy off the exchange in a week for cheap". I mean, I remember that I went nuts when they first put powers into lockboxes, but a certain someone said to me "Don't go nuts, you'll be buying them off the exchange in a week for cheap". Now here we are and that person is going nuts and I'm saying it to them. The circle of life.
Oh hey now, we're comparing a situation where I knew the items in question were not bind on pickup and could be sold, and we knew the drop rate, and could extrapolate how much the item would cost based on my knowledge of the market... versus a hypothetical situation where I'm commenting on if these things were bind on pickup.
It should be easy for anyone to infer that I was assuming that in this hypothetical situation I was talking about if the items were bind on pickup because of the fact that part of my post mentioned having to farm multiple of these items, and the fact that auras were mentioned, and those auras being bind on pickup on the original post.
I'm not losing my ****; I'm explaining what my reaction would be if these things happened.
Yeah, I get you. I'm also of the opinion that putting up bind to character barriers that make it harder to pull off a fun character concept that you really want to play is a strange decision in a superhero game.
For me it's always been about the character, and that character has to look right. Having the character that looks right for what I imagined kept me playing since launch, and not minding that I had the same-ol' content to look forward to. A little bit of my Champs history: I think I had about 40 characters before On Alert went live, and I think only one of them was 40. So I didn't have a lot of free character slots. That's a lot of paid-for character slots. That's the part that's fun for me. So if I want to make a character and don't have the right options in front of me, I'm not going to be making that character, and that means I'm playing the game less. I created a character soon as Crush's new Laser Sword powers were implemented, but stopped playing right away when I realized the set was incomplete. (It was missing FX for the passive, so the passive had not been implemented, so I held off until that was complete to start playing the character.) The character was dormant for years, because the powers just weren't there. He only got revived after the latest Laser Sword update. That should give a pretty accurate view of the importance of theme to my characters.
However, with powers, I can sometimes just fudge it. I have another character that was supposed to be all laser sword, but I didn't like how they worked (new ones hadn't been implemented yet), so I fudged it and used a Heavy Weapon that almost looked like a laser sword.
One thing I can't fudge is looks. I wanted to make a pig version of Statesman from CoX with the new pig animal head, but couldn't get a helmet or series of head accessories to look like a proper helmet/facemask like Statesman had. Statesham was never created and thus never played, because the character just didn't look right.
So all that to say this: If they were to put a really awesome costume piece that would really make a character for me but put it behind a gigantic grind, I would be seriously put off by it and would find somewhere else to spend my time. Of course, it really depends on the pieces themselves. Cool superhero stuff that I've wanted forever but are locked behind a massive grind wall and after completing it unlocks for only one character? Ugh, bye. Monster skull face demon horse jockey thing from Qliphoth that only unlocks for one character after a three hundred hour grind? Fine with me.
But supporting one is supporting the other, really, so at the end of the day, I can't support this kinda thing.
I'm not losing my ****; I'm explaining what my reaction would be if these things happened.
Oh I get it now, I was mistaken in what this thread was about, this thread is literally "Let's go nuts about things that are not actually happening". Got it chief, my mistake. s( u 3 u)7
Oh I get it now, I was mistaken in what this thread was about, this thread is literally "Let's go nuts about things that are not actually happening". Got it chief, my mistake. s( u 3 u)7
Um no, it's not. Here's the OP for you again to refresh your memory.
Hello folks. As you all know, a while back we started getting auras that only bind to character (not to account). This has escalated quite recently and now we're seeing more and more of this practice.
Now, on PTS, we have three new emotes (Twitchy Fingers, Wall Lean and Military Pose) that bind only to character... I just tested them and it is indeed the case.
To me it looks like bind to character is the way that CO is going with cosmetic items and I'm wondering how long it will be until we start getting bind to character costume pieces. It's not the case at the moment and I'm not saying it will definitely happen so I suppose we can treat this discussion as a "What if...?" scenario.
So what do you, personally, think about the idea of bind to character costume pieces and costume sets being introduced to Champions Online?
So all that to say this: If they were to put a really awesome costume piece that would really make a character for me but put it behind a gigantic grind, I would be seriously put off by it and would find somewhere else to spend my time. Of course, it really depends on the pieces themselves. Cool superhero stuff that I've wanted forever but are locked behind a massive grind wall and after completing it unlocks for only one character? Ugh, bye. Monster skull face demon horse jockey thing from Qliphoth that only unlocks for one character after a three hundred hour grind? Fine with me.
But supporting one is supporting the other, really, so at the end of the day, I can't support this kinda thing.
Yup, this kinda gets at the heart of the matter for me. Say, for example, they brought out a bind to character Union Jack tights set I would be soooo tempted to buy it for Brit but in the end doing that would also be supporting the concept of bind to character, which is not what I signed up for. The tailor with account-wide costume unlocks is a BIG selling point for me.
lol, I'm screwed now if they make bind to character Union Jack tights.
EDIT: Long-winded rant about fixing the game and finishing existing systems resulting in more population which would bring more income without resorting to hostile pricing shenannigans.
Capes and auras were like that in CoH for a while - but they did eventually add a veteran reward you could get that unlocked them at level one, and the actual costume parts were account-wide. (Edit: Also, there's an important bit of context here: the game didn't ship with either capes or auras; both were added later on.)
Ah, okay. So definitely all acount wide apart from their crafted stuff below. Thanks for the info.
There were actually a number of per-character costume unlocks in CoH - but they were all things you could earn by in-game activities. For example, there were several costume unlocks that came from crafting - in current CO, it'd be like having a bunch of BoE unlocks that were per-character but cost a mere 50 UNTIL recog each (Edit: when judging that price, remember you can buy 5 until for 1 SCR, so that'd run a max level character a mere 10SCR to purchase) - relatively easy for a new player to acquire, and trivial to have ready for a level one alt if you had even one character somewhat leveled. And there was a set that unlocked based on end-game objectives - I forget the exact details, but it basically worked out to any max level character having easy access to it, but you had to hit max level before you could use it on a given character.
The crafted costumes I didn't have a problem with; if you needed one on a given character, you went and put it together. If you needed it at level one (say, the scorched demon wings for an infernal character), then you got all the parts and mailed them to yourself. The end-game set was a bit more of an issue; if you worked out a new character that needed those parts... well, that wasn't going to fly. Personally, I ended up mostly ignoring that set.
Thanks for replying mate. Interesting stuff to know.
EDIT: Long-winded rant about fixing the game and finishing existing systems resulting in more population which would bring more income without resorting to hostile pricing shenannigans.
Thank you for not showing me you're nuts (and thank god I know the difference between you're and your )
One thing I can't fudge is looks. I wanted to make a pig version of Statesman from CoX with the new pig animal head, but couldn't get a helmet or series of head accessories to look like a proper helmet/facemask like Statesman had. Statesham was never created and thus never played, because the character just didn't look right.
So all that to say this: If they were to put a really awesome costume piece that would really make a character for me but put it behind a gigantic grind, I would be seriously put off by it and would find somewhere else to spend my time. Of course, it really depends on the pieces themselves. Cool superhero stuff that I've wanted forever but are locked behind a massive grind wall and after completing it unlocks for only one character? Ugh, bye. Monster skull face demon horse jockey thing from Qliphoth that only unlocks for one character after a three hundred hour grind? Fine with me.
But supporting one is supporting the other, really, so at the end of the day, I can't support this kinda thing.
Smackwell, we may have different tastes in character designing and we may, perhaps, have argued in the past
but you are an absolutely beautiful person and I agree with your character creation Ideology which I also Share
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Wait wut I thought this was about like stuff like auras. You mean to say theres bound to character COSTUME parts? WTF. Cryptic what are you doing!?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Wait wut I thought this was about like stuff like auras. You mean to say theres bound to character COSTUME parts? WTF. Cryptic what are you doing!?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
No. It's just people discussing what they think of the concept, even though such things do not currently exist. Why? New emotes that are a character unlock.
Wait wut I thought this was about like stuff like auras. You mean to say theres bound to character COSTUME parts? WTF. Cryptic what are you doing!?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
No. It's just people discussing what they think of the concept, even though such things do not currently exist. Why? New emotes that are a character unlock.
Thank you for explaining to me. My English was failing me and I couldn't follow what was going on.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Wait wut I thought this was about like stuff like auras. You mean to say theres bound to character COSTUME parts? WTF. Cryptic what are you doing!?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Hiya Nepht. No, bind to character costume pieces aren't a thing in CO at the moment. I tried to make it pretty clear in the OP that's the case.
No. It's just people discussing what they think of the concept, even though such things do not currently exist. Why? New emotes that are a character unlock.
Partly, but not only. There's a fuller explanation in the actual OP for this thread (oh and ty for your replies earlier in this thread, much appreciated).....
Hello folks. As you all know, a while back we started getting auras that only bind to character (not to account). This has escalated quite recently and now we're seeing more and more of this practice.
Now, on PTS, we have three new emotes (Twitchy Fingers, Wall Lean and Military Pose) that bind only to character... I just tested them and it is indeed the case.
To me it looks like bind to character is the way that CO is going with cosmetic items and I'm wondering how long it will be until we start getting bind to character costume pieces. It's not the case at the moment and I'm not saying it will definitely happen so I suppose we can treat this discussion as a "What if...?" scenario.
So what do you, personally, think about the idea of bind to character costume pieces and costume sets being introduced to Champions Online?
I'm guessing by your shocked reaction that you wouldn't be a fan of such a move Nepht?
Edit: P.S. I've Rimmerised my sig due to your past observations
I stil don't get why this hipotetic situation has everyone on their nerves. XD I mean it would be awful, we all agree on that, but it's not happening now, why even worry so much about it? :S I mean the game has enough real problems to worry about invented ones...
I stil don't get why this hipotetic situation has everyone on their nerves. XD I mean it would be awful, we all agree on that, but it's not happening now, why even worry so much about it? :S I mean the game has enough real problems to worry about invented ones...
I get you, but I don't see any harm in discussing it mate...and given that it's happened to auras and is being implemented with some new emotes I don't think it's *that* far fetched to entertain the prospect of it becoming a reality.
I agree with you that it "would be awful", but I just wanted to get more opinions on it to see what others thought and hear their opinions. Not everyone is of the same mind.
I'm just going to put this here so this discussion doesn't give people the wrong idea and spread rumors:
There are no plans to make costume unlocks per character. Absolutely none. It's not being discussed in the slightest.
New types of items, like the new emote unlocks on pts, are likely going to be per character.
I'm just going to put this here so this discussion doesn't give people the wrong idea and spread rumors:
There are no plans to make costume unlocks per character. Absolutely none. It's not being discussed in the slightest.
PHEW, the sky is clear again
Thank you for replying
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
I'm just going to put this here so this discussion doesn't give people the wrong idea and spread rumors:
There are no plans to make costume unlocks per character. Absolutely none. It's not being discussed in the slightest.
New types of items, like the new emote unlocks on pts, are likely going to be per character.
That's brilliant news, thanks for this excellent news @kaizerin It's also nice of ya to take time out from yer busy dev schedule to post here, very cool
It's like that one time they had that steam group boycotting some modern warfare game... then if you looked at the list of members of that steam group on release day half of them were playing the game. It seems that in a lot of these cases where video game consumers are fighting some sort of "thing the company should not do", they're really just making an attempt at negotiating but will generally accept the outcome even if nothing changes.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I can't see why dec's dad would say he was gonna quit to "use the statement as leverage to get what they want". It was probably due to health and financial reasons. Anyway, as I said, bad analogy in the first place.
It's just some folks giving their personal opinion, which was explicitly asked for in the OP.
Don't sweat it. Let's just....
Anyway, back on topic
I've already reduced my spending on the game because of BoP event items and auras. It wasn't a conscious decision, the BoP thing just lowered my enthusiasm as a costume fan and I realised I was spending and playing less.
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I was wondering if you would you feel the same if it were bind to character costume pieces @servantrules ?
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It's like this...I am playing this game for X. If X is no longer available, why play? I've helped this game enough but I don't get a say so on anything in this game so the "bigger picture" is little to no concern to me.
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I just looked back through the thread and found the posts quite easily. Also I never specifically mentioned quitting CO, that assumption might be why you didn't realize what I was saying.
PS - this is on topic ~.^
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
In CO, I'm totally used to doing whatever whenever and I would be annoyed if there are some super unique costume pieces that I want, but I may get it and not like it or I may have wanted it for a different toon. CO is so Alt-heavy that it would just feel really strange. I don't think unlock per character pieces belong here, but if they somehow popped up, I'd hate it but I'd have to deal with it.
I don't see the reasoning behind it tho, just like I don't see the reasoning behind BoP auras for events. Bizarre logic.
I say stuff and I say things, sometimes together but only when I'm feeling adventurous.
I'm @blu8 in game!
Lockbox-based costume sets should definitely remain account-wide. Same with vehicles. Event-drops that are direct drops (rather than inside lockboxes) would make some sense to be character-bound, as these tend to attract people to play the events for the drops and enables those same players to get more lockboxes, which need keys, which in turn need Zen to purchase (notwithstanding the keys/globals economy on the server). It would suck, but I can understand why marketing is trying this.
Would I find character-bound costume pieces annoying, though? Heck, yes! I have toons that are specifically for costume contests that would be obliterated by the events that would likely drop such things, so I would have to make do without those costume parts until things changed.
I just hope that if this change affects subbing rates and player base, the powers that be at Cryptic and Perfect World will know to reverse the decision. I already work for a company that seems to be blundering blindly into the future. I don't want to come home to a game that has a similar issue!
We can simply agree to disagree.
Anyway, back on topic
Interesting, I didn't know that's how they did capes and auras in CoH. Personally though I'd hate not having a choice of capes with my starting costume. I can see their idea at making it a kind of trophy but that would ruin some costume themes for me until I hit that level.
As it had been like that for years and that was the accepted way they worked though I suppose I would just have accepted it and worked with it, no biggie. Apart from the level requirements for capes all their costume parts were bind to account though, right?
Thanks for your response
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There were actually a number of per-character costume unlocks in CoH - but they were all things you could earn by in-game activities.
For example, there were several costume unlocks that came from crafting - in current CO, it'd be like having a bunch of BoE unlocks that were per-character but cost a mere 50 UNTIL recog each (Edit: when judging that price, remember you can buy 5 until for 1 SCR, so that'd run a max level character a mere 10SCR to purchase) - relatively easy for a new player to acquire, and trivial to have ready for a level one alt if you had even one character somewhat leveled.
And there was a set that unlocked based on end-game objectives - I forget the exact details, but it basically worked out to any max level character having easy access to it, but you had to hit max level before you could use it on a given character.
The crafted costumes I didn't have a problem with; if you needed one on a given character, you went and put it together. If you needed it at level one (say, the scorched demon wings for an infernal character), then you got all the parts and mailed them to yourself.
The end-game set was a bit more of an issue; if you worked out a new character that needed those parts... well, that wasn't going to fly. Personally, I ended up mostly ignoring that set.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
And it's a wrestling belt, it looks like it's supposed to. I made a toon just for it when I got mine.
The only way I'd be okay with this is if the costume items were easily farmed for. Maybe not Heavy Tahia drop chance, but definitely not Vibora Bay costumes drop rate, absolutely not Cosmics costumes drop rates, certainly not "Just spend 975 SCR on it" cost, and "I will actually quit this game" if it's Mechaniste drop rate.
The main reason that I've never played an MMO more than a couple years except for Champions is because I'm playing my character, not Warrior #7539. If I want to have two characters that have a rare mask drop but am not able to do this because it literally takes a hundred hours of farming one of them, especially with my luck, I'm not even going to bother, and I'm going to be extremely disappointed with the game because of it.
In City of Heroes, my friend, who was a long-time player before I started, had a character with wings. I was like, "Cool, I want to make a character with wings too!" Imagine my surprise when he tells me it's a reward for being subscribed for 15 goddamned months. By the time I got them, I had already lost interest in playing the game and quit shortly after.
And that was just "patiently waiting", not "spending what little time I have each day on futile efforts".
So, in a nutshell? F that.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Thanks for the confirmation Brother Rat. I didn't think we had any bind to character costume pieces in CO yet and thought that info about the belt was a bit strange.
looool, sorry about that Biff. Yeah, I get you. I'm also of the opinion that putting up bind to character barriers that make it harder to pull off a fun character concept that you really want to play is a strange decision in a superhero game.
Nice to see you back.
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.
- David Brin, "Those Eyes"
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1 point deduction because it was never about me.
5 point bonus for making it about me
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
It should be easy for anyone to infer that I was assuming that in this hypothetical situation I was talking about if the items were bind on pickup because of the fact that part of my post mentioned having to farm multiple of these items, and the fact that auras were mentioned, and those auras being bind on pickup on the original post.
I'm not losing my ****; I'm explaining what my reaction would be if these things happened. For me it's always been about the character, and that character has to look right. Having the character that looks right for what I imagined kept me playing since launch, and not minding that I had the same-ol' content to look forward to. A little bit of my Champs history: I think I had about 40 characters before On Alert went live, and I think only one of them was 40. So I didn't have a lot of free character slots. That's a lot of paid-for character slots. That's the part that's fun for me. So if I want to make a character and don't have the right options in front of me, I'm not going to be making that character, and that means I'm playing the game less. I created a character soon as Crush's new Laser Sword powers were implemented, but stopped playing right away when I realized the set was incomplete. (It was missing FX for the passive, so the passive had not been implemented, so I held off until that was complete to start playing the character.) The character was dormant for years, because the powers just weren't there. He only got revived after the latest Laser Sword update. That should give a pretty accurate view of the importance of theme to my characters.
However, with powers, I can sometimes just fudge it. I have another character that was supposed to be all laser sword, but I didn't like how they worked (new ones hadn't been implemented yet), so I fudged it and used a Heavy Weapon that almost looked like a laser sword.
One thing I can't fudge is looks. I wanted to make a pig version of Statesman from CoX with the new pig animal head, but couldn't get a helmet or series of head accessories to look like a proper helmet/facemask like Statesman had. Statesham was never created and thus never played, because the character just didn't look right.
So all that to say this: If they were to put a really awesome costume piece that would really make a character for me but put it behind a gigantic grind, I would be seriously put off by it and would find somewhere else to spend my time. Of course, it really depends on the pieces themselves. Cool superhero stuff that I've wanted forever but are locked behind a massive grind wall and after completing it unlocks for only one character? Ugh, bye. Monster skull face demon horse jockey thing from Qliphoth that only unlocks for one character after a three hundred hour grind? Fine with me.
But supporting one is supporting the other, really, so at the end of the day, I can't support this kinda thing.
Oh I get it now, I was mistaken in what this thread was about, this thread is literally "Let's go nuts about things that are not actually happening". Got it chief, my mistake. s( u 3 u)7
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
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They might happen, I wouldn't be surprised if they did, but as your OP shows this thread is just people going nuts with speculation.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Opinion noted amongst all the others.
Yup, this kinda gets at the heart of the matter for me. Say, for example, they brought out a bind to character Union Jack tights set I would be soooo tempted to buy it for Brit but in the end doing that would also be supporting the concept of bind to character, which is not what I signed up for. The tailor with account-wide costume unlocks is a BIG selling point for me.
lol, I'm screwed now if they make bind to character Union Jack tights.
P.S. Stop going nutzzzzz Biff!
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Long-winded rant about fixing the game and finishing existing systems resulting in more population which would bring more income without resorting to hostile pricing shenannigans.Thank you for not showing me you're nuts (and thank god I know the difference between you're and your
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Smackwell, we may have different tastes in character designing and we may, perhaps, have argued in the past
but you are an absolutely beautiful person and I agree with your character creation Ideology which I also Share
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
My characters
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I'm guessing by your shocked reaction that you wouldn't be a fan of such a move Nepht?
Edit: P.S. I've Rimmerised my sig due to your past observations
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I mean the game has enough real problems to worry about invented ones...
I agree with you that it "would be awful", but I just wanted to get more opinions on it to see what others thought and hear their opinions. Not everyone is of the same mind.
Thanks for replying
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There are no plans to make costume unlocks per character. Absolutely none. It's not being discussed in the slightest.
New types of items, like the new emote unlocks on pts, are likely going to be per character.
PHEW, the sky is clear again
Thank you for replying
It's also nice of ya to take time out from yer busy dev schedule to post here, very cool
Okay folks, put yer nuts down
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Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
They won't make bind costumes......that's what they want you to think!
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