Well my general thoughts on it. It was very tech based, but I am kind of glad Nintendo was keeping it low key and not trying to over hype. A lot of things I didn't expect from the unit, such as capacitance touch, and the 8 way multi-player functionality, not to mention all the crap crammed into the Joy-Cons as they call them, but a lot of other things I did expect of course.
The gimmicky party game I am glad they got out of the way quickly, probably would have been something me and my father would have fooled around with a few times, if he was still around, but yea, I can't see playing 1 2 Switch that much. Arms looked like it could be fun though, but definitely something for a younger player more than an older one.
New Mario looked like a return to 64 style, which looks intriguing. Not too gimmicky and just good old sandbox Mario platforming it looked.
Splatoon 2 was a bit of a shock, since I thought they would just port the first one over.
Xenoblades 2 looked interesting, the other games I can't say much about, though I did watch the trailers on the web site for bomberman, sonic mania and such. Skyrim Re-mastered on switch sounds intriguing, but I can't see myself getting it there unless they have some special deal for those who already own it since I hardly play Skyrim now.
I think the big one of course is Zelda. Holy **** that was an epic trailer. I am a lore junky already, and every beat of that trailer tells me it is the Fallen Timeline, especially the big kicker the fact they actually played the classic Zelda theme towards the end of it. But we won't know until we can get our hands on it or official confirmation, of course.
So my final take away? I am beyond intrigued now. I have not been really interested in consoles since the N64. I never bothered getting a PS2, 3, or 4, and never owned an Xbox they just never interested me. I bought a Game Cube it it was like years later. Wii and Wii U I sort of passed over and I only owned one game boy in my life. But honestly, I know Nintendo builds games and aims to make them good games and what I saw, the fact I could take my home games on the go, and if the third party support stays strong I am more than willing to buy this one.
Xenoblade 2?
A new Shin Megami Tensei?
I'm already sold.
I was disappointed not seeing Metroid get any loving and Fire Emblem having very little to show,but Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild more than made up for it.
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Right so Chronicles and Xeno X are two different lines now? Must be because if the game is out this year they must have been making the two side by side. Wait years for new Xeno games and Nintendo start *&^%ing flinging em about like confetti. Not that I am complaining.
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
1) The charging grip for the Joy Con controllers does not come packaged with the system. It has to be bought separately at $30, and since you need the tablet to be in the docking station to play using the TV and if you don't want to feel like you're playing with two-halves of a regular controller in each hand, the charging grip is pretty much a must-have.
2) The pro controller costs $70, and that's for a standard wireless controller with nothing additional like motion controls. Seems a little costly.
3) Want another docking station to play games on another TV in the house? That's another $90. Wow, it's just a freaking docking station with the most basic of input and output functions.
4) Monthly subscription for online play offers the perk of accessing ONE virtual console classic game and it's time-gated to that month. Way to show PS+ and Live Gold, Nintendo! Continue showing everyone how behind the times you are when it comes to online features.
5) No confirmation on whether or not Wii U virtual console digital game purchases will be brought over. There's absolutely no reason as to why they shouldn't.
6) Miiverse discontinuation. Why?...tons and tons of players enjoyed the social application of it. The Switch tablet has a touchscreen like the Wii U gamepad and a stylus would work wth it.
2. This one is about the only real legitimate complaint I can think of. It is pricey, that's for sure. But, if the Grip works fine, I will use that. I don't see a need for a pro controller since the look of the Grip with Joy-Cons already looks like it will be functional if I really gotta have that controller feel in my hands. I will wait for more information.
3. This I file away under, again, first world problem. In short, even if you have multiple TVs in the house the reason you have multiple TVs in the house is to satisfy other family members in their ability to watch whatever they want to watch, and not interrupt others with what you want to watch. The mobility of the Switch basically means if I don't want to game on my TV, well I am going to be using the pad to game. I just don't get this, what amounts to, hipster notion that you gotta move around the house to other TVs for some reason. Pick your TV for your main and be done with it. If you want to move, it has a perfectly capable screen. The concept, after all, isn't to move from TV to TV but be able to take the otherwise console/PC locked games on the game. hell if I were to be further analogous at this point, if you just want to think of it as a console, it has the same movability as your PS4 or Xbox One at that point. But neither of those I can take to the reading room.
4. Actually isn't a monthly sub until the fall, so we don't really know the details and how it will be hashed out until then, so jumping the gun on that one.
5. Probably a few reasons on why they shouldn't and this is just filed under massive assumption category, again, without relevant information.
6. Well, the Wii U has a resistive touch screen, the Switch has a capacitive touch screen. Already that's worlds different from one another, and as such probably results in different programming algorithms on how things would be handled between the two. And considering how PlayStation Home died a cruel death with the low sales (relatively speaking) of the Wii U, I am not shocked Nintendo would move away from the Miis to distance themselves from the Wii brand. With Nintendo adopting full online functionality, such as voice chat and such, those little lobbies are pretty much dead in the water. And that's not including the fact they are also integrating this with smart devices making the Mii lobbies even more pointless.
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2) This isn't about personal preferences. Addressing the pro controller objectively on its own; $70 is pricey for a standard wireless controller. It doesn't even the new fancy HD rumble that a Joy Con has and yet a Joy Con is less than half the price of a pro controller and a pair of them costs just $10 more.
3) I don't get what's so "hipster notion" about it, because if I have two TVs in the house, I can enjoy the flexibility of moving the Switch between both TVs for whatever reason; whether I'm done playing in the living room and want to continue in my room with a TV so that family members can use the living room TV for something else, bla bla bla.
It's obviously more practical to get another power adapter and HDMI cable in this case so I can move the Switch along with the docking station around, if Nintendo decides to sell the power adapter standalone anyway. I'm not expecting so because they'd obviously prefer people to buy a whole new docking station set altogether, which is fine, if it wasn't overpriced for a what comes off as a trivial piece of accessory.
4) Fine, I'll wait and see.
5) See no. 4
6) Capacitive sytluses exist. They've been around for some time now.
The Playstation Home is a different thing altogether. Miiverse doesn't involve you walking your digital avatar around some virtual environment for you to interact with people like Playstation Home did. Miiverse is a side social app that allows for real-time ingame or out of game posting and providing a creative outlet for people making and sharing game-related pixel art and ingame screenshots that provides another avenue of fun altogether.
Even with the relatively low Wii U sales, Miiverse was always populated, on both the Wii U and 3Ds. Usage is obviously heavy enough for it to work. During the heyday of the main titles you couldn't have your post stay on the main page for more than minute before it eventually got scrolled all the way down off-screen. Even to this day nearing the Switch's release people are still posting, sharing screenshots and making a whole lot of pixel art, remarkably well-done ones always coming up. There is absolutely no reason why the obviously popular social platform can't continue on the Switch.
As for the idea of why it couldn't be done because both systems have different programming algorithms...give me a break. They both run operating softwares that by today's standards, are able to run everything under the sun and even third party apps like YouTube and Netflix. Something that's expecting to be more sophisticated run by the Switch would have no issues running something like Miiverse, which by the way, is a first party app.
If they want to distance themselves from the Wii brand with how "Mii" is structured, fine, just give the app a new set of clothing and look and call it something else.
2. I am not going to speculate again you seem to miss by a mile what I wrote. I said the price is bothersome for these and really the only complaint I have. But I can stick with the Joy-Cons. I don't know why the controller is so pricey, who knows.
3. It is a first world issue and just boils down to one of the silliest arguments one could make. It basically boils down to arguing that you can't move your PS4 around to TV to TV at this point. I wouldn't buy multiple docking stations for this, I would by a literal box to swap TVs if I was so hard up to go from my bed room to living room TV, if I even bothered to have that many TVs. But the draw of the switch isn't that, it's that I can play on my TV then take it on the go. I just don't see the complaint here it really does fall under hipster first world issue.
6. Resisted versus capacitive works differently. Again most likely would require different algorithms. And you can argue about populated. I am sure someone can argue that Champions is always populated but that doesn't make it popular. Furthermore, again, with the ability of voice chat and the interactivity of smart devices, makes Mii-verse completely irrelevant at that point. And again, most likely Nintendo just probably wants to distance themselves from the Wii brand. Even Sony's lobby network died a horrible death and they aren't very popular outside of niche circles.
I don't think you understand differences in programming. The Wii and Wii U were often described as difficult to program for. While you can write a program, the operating system can determine a lot. Since I haven't seen under the hood and looks like they've changed the OS software a lot, saying they are the same is about like saying an Apple OS works the same as the Windows OS. On the surface they might look similar, but under the hood they work very differently.
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EDIT: Well I just realized the Joy Cons don't even have charging cable connectors, and that's ****-backwards considering the Wii U Gamepad has one, and makes for an even stronger case for the Switch to include a charging grip as a standard accessory.
2. It's pricey, let's leave it at that.
3. You can throw that "hipster first world issue" rhetoric all you want, whatever the hell that means, since you're going to just dismiss it as "first-world problems", I'm not going to bother trying making an objective point. $90 for a stupid docking station is just outright overpriced. That's the point I ever cared about making.
6. Works differently? The touch-interface application is the same. It's just a matter of using the right type of stylus, resistive or capacitive touchscreen involved. Algorithms? What even? Capacitive styluses already have been in the market for smartphones and tablets for how many years now? "Algorithms" make it hard or impossible? Really?
Both you and I don't have a single clue about how the Wii or Wii U is programmed, nor the Switch. Even then looking at the Miiverse app, it doesn't come off as that sophisticated and complex to even argue about programming difficulties. It's a stupid static message board that works like any other message board on any other operating system software, just with a different layout and being optimized for a touchscreen interface. I'm not going to take an assertion that an OS, especially modern day OSes, have actual realistic difficultes running a message board app seriously.
Miiverse has always been consistently popular and populated within the Wii U / 3DS online community, you know, the same community localized exclusively to the Wii U and 3DS platforms to make your CO comparison, one MMO out of hundreds in the market be a poor one. Facts show that a lot of Nintendo fans love using Miiverse. Go to any game section of it. It shows. It sucks that it can't be integrated with the Switch, unless some similar app is announced in the near future.
As for the resistive versus capacitive touch, the difference between these two touch types is the difference between a flat cross pad and an analog stick, if you want an analogy. Yea, to us they work the same, except once gives finer control over the actions in game versus the other, and as such has to be programmed for. Something that you can tell in some games if they do not take this into consideration. And since we don't know you can't say it would be an easy set up, because the programming language used between might be completely different. And of course you missed the main point entirely; supporting something that would be dead in the water based on the fact that voice support, support for smart device connection and other things makes the entire Miiverse thing dead, and also the simple fact Nintendo is distancing themselves from the Wii brand.
As far as the price of the controller, you are really going all out on the hate for any of my replies that you obviously can't tell I am agreeing with you at this point and it's getting silly.
It is a first world issue if you think that not being able to move it from TV to TV is some how an unfair thing when you can go out and buy a splitter for cheaper to fix the issue you say is a huge problem, or the fact you don't have to buy a whole new console to begin with like you do with the other two in this case. While again I agree $90 is pricey, it's an absolute non-issue and people trying to make it an issue just baffling at the point because if I am going to move around the house with the thing I am not going to bother hooking it up to a TV. And that's exactly what a first world problem is, a non-issue that is being blown out of proportion basically. It's like ordering your $7 latte and then complaining you don't like the pattern of cup it came in or it didn't come with enough creamer when you can put extra creamer in it yourself.
In fact, I think that's how most people will look at it, as a big hand held that you can plug into the TV which is where Nintendo tends to make their bank anyways, instead of the other way around which is a console that you can take on the go that it is being billed as. But the interesting thing about this handheld, it will be able to play games traditionally thought too big or require more power for handhelds, as Skyrim would illustrate at this point. And with the list of open world games coming, that is a big huge step from the small, conservative root of the Wii and Wii U era. He's amusing but he's predictable, just like Angry Joe and all of them. Sterling hates Nintendo and no matter what they would do, he will take a dump on them. It's the opposite extreme. I try to look in the middle, the negatives, mostly just the pricey pro controller at this point, are bothersome, but considering this is the first console I have been interested in a decade says a lot to me. But, it's Jim Sterling, who ignores all the positives and goes out of his way to just create issues out of nothing just because he has a personal bone to pick.
Just like Angry Joe, who strangely seems to claim he is always being targeted by Nintendo yet I've sat back and watched dozens of people either streaming the news conference to get their reaction or certain proprietaries and aren't big Nintendo people to begin with no issue, but eh, the internet is also famous for inventing it's own enemies and straw men. I learned to stop trusting Joe long ago since he flip flops on issues faster than Trump at times, and like Sterling, he already has a dog in the fight because he's leading the resistance for something, who knows.
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Now that we've establish all of us are a bunch of entitled crybabies, let's get back to talking about our first world opinions on that console being launched in first world markets.
[at]riviania Member since Aug 2009
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In this day and age no one should be expected to monitor and clock battery usage time with wireless controllers for home consoles, because those controllers allow for charging cables to attached on demand. It's been the status quo for years now and somehow this went over Nintendo's head, or they just want you to shell out an extra $30 as the reason for not including the charging grip as a standard accessory. At least the new 3DS not including a power adapter as a standard accessory has some excuse since the adapter for the old 3DS can be used with the new one. What's their excuse here?
Or deal with the alternative of attaching the Joy Cons to the tablet and taking it all out of the docking station and play on the tablet instead, for the sole purpose of charging the Joy Cons, and deal with the compromise of temporarily not using the TV; something no other modern game console system expects their user to do. ****. Backwards.
I probably won't buy a console anytime soon, my PC covers most of the games I want to play, and can access most of the old games I used to play. However, I also hope Nintendo continues making games, a lot of people are rabidly loyal to that brand, and I'd hate to see people losing something they love.
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While some of the things Jim says I agree with, no question about that, the way he comes across them just annoys me. At times he has very good and valid points, I mean I agree whole heartedly that pre orders and buying day one is stupid and only encourages developers to sell half a game instead of delivering a proper good game for the price tag. But I don't agree with him in believing that he has a right to do with someone else's intellectual property as he see's fit just because he has a license that says he can use it for his own private uses. not to mention, again, he flip flops on so many issues it's not even funny.
Again, Nintendo is one of the few companies I trust with game making because, unlike most other companies, they actually aim to try new things while keeping a game fun. But even knowing Nintendo will try to make a game fun, I am still not going to buy their stuff day one. I can wait a little bit.
But, it says a lot to me that this is the first console in over a decade, I've actually been actually intrigued about buying. A Zelda that goes towards more old school game style (classic Zelda, not ocarina of time) already had my interest. But a dedicated game console that can play the games that traditionally were considered too big or requiring too much power on the go now? I know people are all about the crappy VR now, despite majority of people have already abandoned it, but this is what I consider more innovative than having to clear out a sizeable room in the house to play one game on a clunky and ugly headset.
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With that said I am again worried about the lack of games at launch and third party support.
I'll give them time but if they get into the situation they had with the WiiU again, it won't be pretty. You need games for a system or it's just an expensive paperweight.
Skyrim . . . just doesn't impress me. Everything and it's mother can run Skyrim now and its everywhere.
The only other game in the lineup that interests me is that Mario game. That looks really innovative (though one could argue this was done with Sonic a decade ago). I'm hoping a Pokemon type game comes within the first year of it's existence. That could be a real system seller.
I won't comment on what I've heard about their online so far as it's still early. And wouldn't be fair comments. (or positive),
The BEST news I've heard is that through expansion it can support up to 2TB. Via Micro SDXC!!!!
EDIT: Here's some:
Nintendo Switch Storage Can Be Expanded to 2TB via Micro SDXC
EDIT2: If they actually get some third party support I may purchase this one. I have a PS2, 3 but skipped this console generation this time and went all in on PC-Steam/GoG/stand alone installations and I'm having a blast, well despite the shittty last Arkham game's problems on PC and some wonkiness with SFV Ex: The modern Marvel vs games. or Street Fighter V (though V can wait a bit as the offering is still a bit half baked), not SF11 rehash again---I think most have played that to death. Some of the more popular shooters or hardcore games like Metal Gear Solid V or Dark Souls--though I thought I read a rumor that one is coming.
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We know its a considered a Hand Held by Nintendo as a full blown Pokemon game is out on Switch this fall.
They are unifying their playerbase into one single market. Its also coming out £20 cheaper than the 3DS did in 2011. I know this will do well as people have been coming to my store all week trying to preorder these things X_X
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Its just you all are calling it a hybrid. Its not. I am shouting at ALL of you for falling for Nintendo PR bullshit. Nintendo with the Switch have sneaked out of the traditional console market. They have looked at the meh alright sales of most of their traditional consoles over the last 20 years ( Wii excluded that did god like sales ) looked at how the handhelds sell and just went "you know what we dominate the game market with these Gameboyish thingys lets just do that from now on guys".
The Switch is the newest form of Gameboy and thats a good thing. Nice simple plug in cartridge and play games. No bullshit just games.
Nintendo going down the Xbox live subscription model is pure d*** move though u3u
I still wish consoles where like DVD players like one model from any company plays all games and no I dont mean PCs as PC players seem to have been brainwashed into accepting bullshit DRM.
Tablets will most likely lead into this but that scenario is most likely lots of long years away as tablet games with the exception of Fallout Shelter tend to be pure crap :C
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
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Yep, this inspires a whole lot of confidence. Think I'll just wait for a new (hopefully improved) batch to arrive in a year or so when the problems have been addressed.
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Also in the event of a defect where the system has to be returned to Nintendo for replacement / repair, they're not obligated to back up saves (as evidenced by their Wii U repair policy), and from what I've searched, there isn't a microSD backup function (something that other current-gen consoles have, get with the times Nintendo), nor is their online service yet active for any presence of a cloud backup feature.
Besides, there's only Zelda to play at the moment. I already have a Wii U and I can get the game for that system if I really wanted to.
Hell the infamous issue of the controller I haven't even run into, but then again when you consider the average youtuber tends to treat their hardware like you expect a 5 year old to treat a Tonka Truck, is it little wonder of the few (the adjective many tends to be misused a lot) that having legitimate issues are having them. Like that CNet video of the guy purposely trying to break the Switch and just claim they were exaggerating to prove a point. What point was that, keep it away from 5 year olds?
Again I don't doubt hardware issues will happen, nothing is safe from such situations. But so far, myself and every person I know that has bought a Switch has had little issues with them. Hell, I've still yet to go through a quarter of the battery life on the controllers and that's after several hours of playing without hooking them back up to the unit. I haven't experienced any issue with controller talking to the unit but I don't sit there and try to play with the joy-cons behind a wall either. And I've played with them in all three modes; tablet when not docked, grip when sitting on the couch, and free mode when I am being extra lazy.
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Saves are tied specifically to its console, which is a stupid, stupid tradition being carried over from the Wii U. You can verify it using a friend's Switch if you're doubting the information.
Pretty much if I have a defective Switch and have to return it to Nintendo for a replacement, I can't transfer save files to the replacement unit, even if I've kept the microSD card. If cloud save backups are a thing when their online service starts, I'd feel a lot more confident as I'd have that kind of insurance if a defect ever pops up.
Also considering that Xbox1 does have cloud save backup and the PS4 has both cloud save and USB medium save backup, Nintendo is just ****-backwards. Yeah, I'm aware of the CNET video. It's absurd and nitpicky.
However, this assertion of the "average youtuber" tending to treat their hardware like a careless 5 year old with their toy. That's some impressive sweeping generalization right there.
On the other end of the spectrum, I don't really take reviews from people like HMK and OBeone all that seriously since they were drooling over every bit of NX and Zelda info, no matter how far fetched or serious and jumping around like loons when real info was presented. There are always extremes and finding the middle ground is the thing you are after, and no matter what the product does there are going to be people that go out of their way to try and make something look like garbage. Case in point the dubious videos claiming their Switch's are broken, yet the actions are of an overheating game system, which makes me wonder if they intentionally cut cooling or if they overheated it on purpose. And of course you have the people who sit there and manhandle them (and there are quite a few of those videos) trying to proclaim how garbage they are (more than just CNet doing that after all) and then you got certain tech sites going "well it can't output 4k so it's crap" despite 4k has yet to really seed itself well past the early adopters who can't live without bleeding edge tech that isn't serving them well.
Trying to find real, unbiased reviews in this day and age is hard, so you have to evaluate between the extremes these days.
Oh and for your information is saves to your profile so it's more of profile locked. Then again since you can take a Switch everywhere anyways, I don't get why the ridiculous amount of being upset you can't use your save data on another system. Why would you use someone else's system if you can carry your's with you and hell GameXplain I think demonstrated you can even put it in your pocket to if you wanted to risk standard damage like your phone can get.
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I have both a PS4 and Xbox1. If any of them become defective, I would have a transferable save backup solution. In this day and age, it's inexcusable for a game system not to have that.
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Yeah, this doesn't feel like an arrogant, rose-tinted glasses response at all. "Justifying my hate"? Really? This is console I've all along actually looked forward to, and still do to a degree. Yeah, so sorry for "hating" your favorite new toy at the moment since you feel so insecure enough about criticisms and that you have to dismiss any as "hate" or a dismiss people as a bunch of 5 year olds who haven't the slightest clue on how to properly handle a piece of electronics gadgetry with care.
Of course defects is a possibility that comes with anything you buy that comes out of the box. No kidding. However when it comes to a modern video game system, an online cloud save or USB device backup feature has already become the norm and there's absolutely no reason why there isn't one to have one especially when it acts as an effective insurance against defects and allows for transfers to a warranty replacement, the same way PC game saves are able to be backed up. Don't give me that BS about me being a hater if you can't be bothered to comprehend what I'm even talking about.
If I was having problems I would post about them. And again, sorry you think pointing out the reality of what you have been posting is some how being arrogant. I think you really need to stop trying at this point in trying to convince me of something I haven't been doing. Meanwhile you have been looking for every convenience since announcement to hate on the Switch, from the rather laughable complaint of the packed in grip not charging the joy-cons when the joy-cons themselves have an absurdly long battery life, to some rather silly complaints that seem to miss the point completely of a mobile gaming platform that actually takes traditionally console/PC games on the go. But you've been bound and determined to be as negative as possible at every convenience as possible, hence you posting a rather dubious video of a guys issues, and then trying to hand wave how people treat their hardware.
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Go ahead and have the last say. Im done.