Hammershark is a mutated supervillain, resembling an antropomorphic shark. Despite his name, Hammershark looks are inspired by a Great White, instead of a hammerhead shark. James Johnson was a USS Navy Diver in the middle of a top secret clean-up mission concerning a wrecked cargo ship carrying unknown and dangerous chemicals. The moment he arrived to clean up the mess, the goo spread all over him and mutated his body into the form of a half man, half shark. Officials thought he was missing in action but in reality he was out in a blind rage to fight and hunt for food as his mind was slowly lost to the mutation. His confirmed powers are superhuman strength, agility and speed, aquatic respiration and hyperosmia (enhanced sense of smell).
[…Editors Note: Hammer Shark was a very…silver age villain. Upright walking shark man in a tiny speedo (since like, every kind of monster back then randomly had a speedo for weird reasons) so my first order of business was to throw him in a pair of tiny ripped up jeans hulk-style. Next was do give him a little personality depth through a tarp covering him. Like..it literally does not cover or hide any bit of him, but the remaining human part of his brain would still try in a futile effort to humanize himself. Even though he’s pretty much a blood thirsty monster at this point there’s still the spark of an internal battle between the two sides of him going on inside…]
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
Those artstyles are pure eye candy
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
The last concept art was from a friend i can't seem to remember who's dA it was.