Is it best to stay with the regular mods for a melee, dual blades build? Or should I be slotting some of the mods from the recognition vendor? I'd like to get my crit chance up as high as possible. it's currently at 33%.
Also do you recommend the secondaries like the claws or talons from the recog vendor?
Only thing I can say is that I have heard that you should never slot for crit severity because the curve is so steep on that.
If you really want more ideas or suggestions, I would suggest going to the "Builds and Roles" forum and posting you character there.
Once people see what you have and where you are thinking about going, they will more easily be able to help you get there (or make suggestions that send you somewhere better).
One aspect that's usually constant, though, is modding for extra CON or Bonus Health. Most would dedicate at least one or two slots for buffing your Health. CON is especially the case for the Juggernaut specialization as well as boosting the Ego Surge+Nimble Mind effect.
The Cosmic Secondaries are nice for building up either PSS or SSS, but they are limited to the Core Mods. Personally, I'd choose the Onslaught Secondaries. Their only limitation is Maxing out at R5 Mods.