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elle#3705 elle Posts: 56 Arc User
edited November 2016 in Suggestions Box
Add wud just like the devs to add some powers to the fire powers set,

Fire stream, an alternate choice to fire breath, for people whos not a fan of dragons.
A mantained power.
Fire stream comes out from both hands, uses same animation as Crushing Wave power, but replaced with fire.

Phoenix, can also be named From The Ashes, a self resurrection power.
Self resu power, 5 mins cooldown, similar to Supernatural's Rebirth power.

Hellfire, an ultimate AoE power.

    Set fire to a 50 or 100 feet radius wide range, flames spawns everywhere for 20seconds.

    These are all for now :)

Philippine TV series


  • mithrosnomoremithrosnomore Posts: 521 Arc User
    More fire powers, and more fire-themed variations on existing powers, are okay by me.

    For fire breath, they just need to add "hands" as an emanation point, though. No need to add a new power. A new name would be nice, though, since it could, but would not have to be, breath.

    With you on the "Phoenix" thing. Getting rebirth with some flame FX would be nice for my fire guy.

    A fire ultimate would also be nice.
    The default elemental ultimate just seems lacking to me. Ice has an ultimate, and gravity driver seems very force-oriented.
    They do seem to be working in this direction, though; Adding ultimates to fit in to certain frameworks as time passes, so whatever they decide, I just hope I like it (and can get it from the lockbox or for cheap from the AH).
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