A device called "Midas Touch" it would be limited to 10ft range, have a 30 second CD, limited to 100 charges, be available in the drifter store and on a level 40 toon would deal roughly 500 damage to the target, with the damage being penetrating and not flagged as melee or ranged, as to avoid being increased by player stats or gear.
When an enemy is defeated via the device [aka their last hit was from it] the player receives a bonus amount of resources [on-top of the normal amount the mob awards] based on the mobs hp.. for example if the mob had 1K HP, and normally dropped 10 resources upon being beaten via midas touch they would drop 1010 resources [1K from their hp + 10 they normaly drop]
And to prevent [the extremely unlikly] possibility of a player managed to kill a cosmic with it and walk away with 12 million resources the device wouldn't work on legend/cosmic/player ranks as it were
In all things, a calm heart must prevail.
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.

Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?