A few melee sets have cone/sphere maintain attacks.. and just for the sake why not and new powers, I thought I'd come up with a few more that fit that "bill" as it were.
- Might
- 90 Degree cone
- 10 ft range
- Maintain dutation 3 seconds
- Hits every 0.5 seconds
- upon maintain completion, knocks all targets back
- Advantage: Imposing, generates additional threat per hit
Blade Dance
- Single Blade
- 180 Degree cone
- 10FT range
- Maintain duration 4 seconds
- Hits every 0.5 seconds
- Has damage absorption that scale up as maintain carries on
- Damage per tick remains constant per tick
- has 10% chance to apply bleed per tick
- Advantage: hooking strikes, roots all effected targets
- Heavy weapons
- 360 Degree sphere
- 10ft range
- maintain duration 2 seconds
- Hits every 0.3 seconds
- Has a 15% chance to knock any target over per hit
- Advantage: Buring blade, adds 10% chance to apply clining flames, 100% when maintain on maintain end
I know they are kinda goofy if you think about what they would look like... but hell.. why not have a few more "toys" as it were?
In all things, a calm heart must prevail.
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.
Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
Hurricane Kicks [Tier 3]
You spin around at great speed with your leg outward, kicking any and all foes near you.
- Animation: Spinning Kick (akin to Ryu's Tatsumaki)
- Melee AoE Damage – Knock Down
- 10ft Sphere
- Maintain
- Deals Crushing damage to nearby foes.
- 10% chance to Knock Down targets.
AdvantagesChi Storm (2 Advantage Points)
+Hurricane Kicks now deals Dimensional damage every other pulse. This damage increases the more Focus stacks you have and penetrates 50% of your target's resistance, Shields, and damage absorption.
Elusive Storm (2 Advantage Points)
+While maintaining Hurricane Kicks, you gains a bonus to your Dodge Chance and Avoidance.
+This buff scales with your Dexterity.
My characters
a munitions rifle thats like "fire all weapons" but exchanges the dual lasers for a flame thrower and poison darts along with everything else. And why not add in a net (hold) launcher too?
Courage is doing what is right even when it isn't popular or safe. Honor is retaining the dignity and virtue in one's self, so it can light the way for others in the darkest of times. Compassion is showing patience and mercy towards others, even when it isn't returned or deserved. A hero is defined by these 3 words, they set him apart from others as a beacon of hope and excellence.
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.
Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?