You know the ones I'm talking about
Mental Leech
Shadow of doubt
Mental Storm
Ego Sprites
Ego sleep
Mind break
this little... collection as it were kinda works together to make a concept that allows for CCing while DoTing stuff
however... some of the powers have a few.. issues shall we say.
Mental Leech: The heal STILL isn't working consistently
Shadow of doubt: AoE range needs increasing to 20ft
Mental storm: needs splitting into two powers
- Mental Storm [new]: has a 8 second CD, ticks 1 per second dealing X damage, applying stress when expired, 50ft ragne, 20ft sphere, 5 target cap
- Chilling thought [new]: 15 second CD, 20 ft sphere, 50ft range, paralyses all targets for 0-XX seconds based on charge.
Ego sprites: make a 20ft sphere centered on target, 50ft range, make the effect stack upto 4 times [but keep the healing adv limited to 2 per target]
Mind break: reduce range to 50ft, increase charge speed by about 20%
Manipulator: change into a non stacking form, instead giving benefit based on ranks [like idf or mental dicipline]
In all things, a calm heart must prevail.
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.

Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
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I am @RavenForce in game
My super cool CC build and how to use it.