Hello Developers & Players,
I would like to share some ideas upon existing Archetypes that will offer more experience for players, below will be some abilities I think should make the cut, whether it's new or old.
Transform- Is a move that is relatively known though out the media from the Pokemon series (Mew & Ditto) to Marvel series (Mystique & Apocalypse), this move is unique and not many possesses it, from what I recall it is known as the jack of all trades, in Champions Online this move can be placed in the Telepathy or Telekinesis category, and the function of this move will be to take the form of any player or npc you target, allowing you to recieve custom bars that is dedicated to that target, but the catch is your loadout will not be as powerful as that targeted player or npc (so I'm assuming a 5% reduction in stats/ability traits) that way players don't abuse the purposefulness of the Npcs) this ability should be either brought or earned in game, but I would rather buy it.
Telekinesis- This move is very popular in most medias, that one may ask why is it so clunky in Champions Online, TK should actually levitate targets and have the option to either throw them or slam them (Combo Option), while being single target in rank 1, rank 2 and so on should include more than 1 target.
Singularity/Loop hole/Warp drive- Is a new travel power that should distort the reality in front of you to warp a certain distance (measurements left up to the Developers), the camera angle records you summoning a portal, and when you enter were ever you point, that is the direction your portal hole will take you( Can't go through walls btw), this will be a good travel power for alot of Sci-fi fans who are curious about portals and how it works.
New body positions like walking on all fours, and remaining in that posture would be pretty neat,
Thanks for reading, and I hope some of my ideas do make the cut.