First, I apologize if this is not the correct place to post this, but I didn't know where it should go. (To the webmaster, feel free to move this post the the appropriate place).
I have been unsuccessfully dealing with a customer support rep who apparently doesn't have the authority to do anything. This is regarding 2 stupidly unimportant costume related issues, one purchased and one awarded... they are missing. Both apparently due to game glitches. I am a new player, and a new subscriber for gold status, and frankly between the game glitches I'm encountering and the poor customer service, my attitude toward this game is beginning to sour quickly. Champions/Arc is at risk of losing a paying customer. Please have someone with the authority to help contact me ASAP.
Thank you.
-First, tell us what the costume pieces/sets in question are. Sometimes the name of the item that unlocks the costume and name of the costume in the tailor is different. You might be looking for something in the tailor with a different name than what you're expecting.
-Second, have you tried using the search function in the last tab of the tailor to locate the pieces in question? Subject to the issue raised above, you might be striking out because of the name change.
-Finally, there's an older thread covering all the costume pieces through last year (i.e. not updated for 2016 stuff) that can be found at:
Give us some more info and let us see if we can help. I understand issues like this can lead to frustration with a game, but remember we have a friendly (most of the time
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Who uses phonecalls nowadays anyways. Emails seem to do just fine.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.