This idea is inspired by Clarence's passive - l didn't test it myself, but from what l heard a "Stuffing" passive makes Clarence resistant to Piercing damage & vulnerable to Fire. Now l think that could be pretty of theme to add that to cosmics & another strong enemies. Gravitar, btw.: already has it, it makes Gravitar less vulnerable to ranged physical & on lesser degree - melee physical (like Kinetic Manipulator passive).
So let'z imagine cosmics got something like that. Then it's logically to Kigatilik (& his dogs) to receive less damage from Cold attacks, for Qwyjibo - less damage from Fire attacks, as they can control these elements. Add to chart that Teleiosaurus might be resistant to Toxic damage. Then lMO Kigatilik should receive MORE damage from Fire attacks (as his & his dogs fur is quite flammable), Teleiosaurus - from Cold damage (since she's cold-blooded), and Qwyjibo's weakness might be Toxic element. Kind of RPS so to speak.
Now let'z continue these ideas - Grond cosmic, if he'll ever revamped may have increased Particle damage resistance, since he absorbs radiation, but take more Ego damage (as hesn't too smart & may be easily mind-controlled). Mega-Destroid may be weak to Electric damage, since it runs on electronics & EMP's can destroy it, but hard to hit with all Physical, Toxic, Ego damage (tho Physical resistance may wither away as it loses its armor). Megalodon... well l never seen that but from what l can imagine, Fire doesn't work well underwater & it also may be strong to Cold (because of fat layer), and again - weak against Electricity. Oppositely Bleak Harbinger is mass of rocks & seaweed, thus resistance to Physical, Toxic, Electric damage, but (animated by dark energies), so opposite, light energies (Dimensional) could damage it even more.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Sorry but nope.
Champions Online.. where we sell lockboxes by the dozen.
If anything it would create more divisions between players.
I would prefer if boss fights going forward had "Vulnerable" Phases which temporarily increased the amount of damage they take by lowering their resistances for a while. Such a phase would only occur once players have fulfilled a certain objective.
Similar to how the Harbinger has vulnerable phases.
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.
A little.
Same number both ways, topping out at 5% or so.
Still, you have to keep in mind that just because something might use some power type it doesn't mean that they would be automatically immune to said power type.
In some cases they may be more sensitive to it. In an issue of Fantastic Four Diablo sent elementals out to fight the team. The fire elemental was defeated by fire; The Human Torch burned out the oxygen it needed to survive.
A villain might have poison powers, but so what? Is a Rattlesnake immune to Cobra venom?
So a small amount, only used occasionally.
And if the game tells me that Sunforce can not participate in some content because he uses fire powers, that is not encouraging alts, it is bad game design.