This is the part I kind of don't like. There are certain things you absolutely should not do (e.g. most of the time pet builds, or even pets of any sort, should not be used), or just aren't that helpful (e.g. most of the time sigils evaporate and aren't really useful). A debuffer who doesn't do much damage might be a liability in a damage check against dino. So yes, people may have a character/build they leveled with and enjoyed (may even be their favorite character) and may even be great in ramapages, but they may be of little use against cosmics. A player who wants to contribute may have to change certain key parts of a build that take it far a way from the build they enjoyed up until then. I admire the players who can create a character that can cc tank all 4 kiga dogs ad infinitum, but I can't see myself building a character for such a specialized role (that's just me). I'd love to see more types of builds/powers have a substantial use against cosmics.
What I am curious about but will likely never accurately be determined is how many of this now-phantom group actually want to go private and how many of them were convinced to do so. I wonder if the latter number is larger than the former.
Well, as evidenced by the fact that the vast majority of this shadow government eagerly participates in public runs, the truth is that they don't want to go private at all. Private runs are the last resort after it has been made clear that on that day the public runs aren't going anywhere. Some folks have convinced themselves that these private stealth runs are happening around the clock, but the truth is they're a lot more infrequent than people think. After all, how often could the elites be running these private stealth runs, considering you always see them at every public cosmic attempt?
Problem was they were appropriate challenges before being dialed up to stupid levels, Spin. Now they're PvP all over again: a few hardcases holding on as the majority of the playerbase slowly loses interest due to the three-pronged assault of unfun-for-them gameplay, absurd time required for rewards due to idiotic pricing, and obnoxious attitude of the 'elite' set.
The first one drives off the really casual set. The second drives off those who would be willing to suffer the first in name of rewards. The third gets the rest, as honestly no one likes the elitist set anywhere and to deal with them in a game where their idea of 'fun' has never really been seen as important and is oftend derided as being 'too easy' makes hem seem rather Napoleonic in Complex - too pathetic to be the big man in a town, so coming to a small one to feel like the bigfish in a small pond.. and getting surly when the rest of the fish don't care about their 'elite-ness'.
The "really casual" probably just aren't that worried about it.
Anyway, this isn't some "elite" only thing. Anyone that wants to can show up. And you know what most of the experienced people at such gatherings will be happy to do? Answer any questions someone might have. That is in addition to the general statements made before pretty much every fight.
Yeah, I know... It goes against your preconceived notions, but it's true. Sure, there are some folks that are on the rude side or that might come across as a bit short, but so what? If you want to know the fight, know the rules of the fight, then someone will explain them. All you have to do is follow those rules.
Kigatilik? Stay on the same platform, no pets, no crippling challenge, challenging strikes, or defender gloves (unless you are the tank), wait for the tank to say "go" before starting DPS. If you are a melee toon, stay as far away from Kigatilik as possible while still being able to hit him with worthwhile attacks.
The priority is to destroy frost tombs, stay alive, and then deal damage.
There are reasons for all of these, but the middle of the fight isn't the best time for those explanations.
Every cosmic has it's own rules. Follow them and you are golden. Break them and you risk causing the fight to fail. How much patience should someone have when another player repeatedly breaks the rules and risks the fight, if not causes it to fail outright, after everything has been explained?
How much time is supposed to be wasted because some supposedly adult human refuses to not use an attack with crippling challenge attached, causing Kigatilik to repeatedly turn and wipe out several DPSers and healing himself back up to full in the process?
How many times is someone supposed to ask nicely that they stop despite being answered with silence every time?
Chap gimmicks still cheap gimmicks no matter player skill level. By general tone get from most here seems like cheap gimmicky fights guess it fits the cheeseball, gimmicky theme of Champions suppose. And rules are meant to be bent sometimes broken rules are simply limitations on fun and that is a bad thing for all involved.
Perhaps, but I have been around long enough to notice several players - or I should say alts - have disappeared for a while since the formation of said private group.
In the last few days the cosmic player participation level has risen and the success rate has gone up also. Thanks to BK leading and a few others things have improved quite a bit. It remains to be seen whether those other names return. And as I said before, the cosmics are being done every day by the regular folks so it isnt like there are that many spare private opportuinties out there.
So, content comes along, in a new -content poor game, that excludes a good swath of players and characters. And we're surprised it gets backlash from the excluded players?
There are very few players it would be useful to exclude if those players actually made a sincere attempt to be useful (this includes listening to advice).
Someone would have to be a) delusional, or b) not actually be attending cosmic fights to think that this content is excluding people, or dividing the player population. Or both, not ruling that possibility out either.
If anything, this is bringing more people into the fold and is bringing people together as a community. I'm not sure where this snobby elitist class is that some people keep telling stories about, but I haven't seen it... I mean there's baleogventure who loves to talk down on people, but I don't think we can blame the cosmics for that. For the most part the people I have seen engaged in this content value productive communication - sometimes things get a bit sassy during fights when things aren't going well ( surprisingly the most sass comes from the old men around here ), but it seems everyone is largely being mature about it and not letting it get under their skin; after the fight ends, everyone is buddies again.
Cosmics have become a daily event for people now where they get together, socialize a bit, then work together to achieve a common goal, with lots of back-patting afterwards. That's been the effect of this content - bringing people together, whether they be elite, casual, or any other silly word you want to use.
Someone would have to be a) delusional, or b) not actually be attending cosmic fights to think that this content is excluding people, or dividing the player population. Or both, not ruling that possibility out either.
If anything, this is bringing more people into the fold and is bringing people together as a community. I'm not sure where this snobby elitist class is that some people keep telling stories about, but I haven't seen it... I mean there's baleogventure who loves to talk down on people, but I don't think we can blame the cosmics for that. For the most part the people I have seen engaged in this content value productive communication - sometimes things get a bit sassy during fights when things aren't going well ( surprisingly the most sass comes from the old men around here ), but it seems everyone is largely being mature about it and not letting it get under their skin; after the fight ends, everyone is buddies again.
Cosmics have become a daily event for people now where they get together, socialize a bit, then work together to achieve a common goal, with lots of back-patting afterwards. That's been the effect of this content - bringing people together, whether they be elite, casual, or any other silly word you want to use.
I think a lot of the problem is that people feel entitled to the content and get annoyed when it happens without them, whether they are offline, afk, not subscribed to Cosmic HQ channel or just plain not paying attention to chat, and they feel they were left out deliberately so it must be the fault of an elite few. I'll admit to getting a little miffed myself when I find out I missed a hunt while I was otherwise occupied during my usual play time, but then my brain is a bit scrambled.
We can all fly as high as the dreams we dare to live. Unless we are a chicken.
As I've mentioned several times (and once at length in a deleted thread), the problem is caused because the devs do not seem to know the definition of "team." It has been made clear by the devs that this is supposed to be team content, and yet, they did not design it as such. A team is defined as a group of people focused on the same goal, it is not a group of people randomly doing whatever they want, that is a mob. One of the key aspects of a team is the ability to manage the members and remove those not focused on the same goal. Open world content has always caused problems in this game. We have talked to the devs about it since closed Beta, but yet it still comes.
That being said, I was on a relatively smooth round of runs just last night. I wouldn't call them rofflestomps, but everyone got in and got going with minimal spamming of commands and standing around. If things got spazzy, people pulled off without crying about whatever, got reorganized and got back into it. And, once things settled down, burned the beasties down in reasonable time. It was actually quite fun.
I actually think things will get better, not worse. The veterans ("elites" as some people call them) got that way because they are patient. Are they leaving? Not likely. They are waiting for all the impatient Leroys to get bored of sucking dirt and then will be back at it. Many of them were on the successful runs last night, actually, so I know they haven't bailed.
The thing is, I don't blame anybody at all for organizing secret runs. See definition of "team" above. They are doing exactly as the devs suggest, forming a team of people focused on the same goal, so you can't really blame them for just playing the game as designed.
- - - - -
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
A team is defined as a group of people focused on the same goal
Which is exactly what I see every time I go to a cosmic attempt. Team content.
Just because the team sucked for a bit doesn't mean they're not a team, that means they're a new team. Just wait and we'll get past the part in the movie where the team makes a bunch of goofy mistakes and we'll get to the part where they beat the bad guys like a well oiled machine.
Smash, Grab, Burst, Rampage, and Special Alerts. 5 different missions that are all team content, quick and easy to set up without meeting up, and none of them are "self-consciously tough" or require "arcane recipes" to build for.
All of which, with the exception of Rampages, scale my character downto Level 30. Along with all their gear, stats, bonuses.... I'm not really playing the build I spent all that time working on. Rampages are OK, but two of them are vehicle based, one of them is just a boss fight, and the other (F&I) has success dependent on having access to a particular build (Frost Tank), without which success is not achievable.
Because if they make a "bring whatever, do whatever" lair-based mission that awards GCR then that is what people are going to do to get their GCR.
It's not about GCR. That's set up fair, to me; if you want GCR, go play TA and the Cosmics. If you like Onslaught gear, play Onslaught.
What I would like - I've mentioned this during discussion of UNITY, too - is some Alert-style auto-queued content with a bit of spark - multiple objectives, mobile bosses, a bit more Nightmare /Bloodmoon type thing, where everyone can contribute - that I can play regularly with my level 40 builds without dying because I didn't see what leg Teliosaurus was standing on when he attacked, feeling like I should have taken CON as a superstat or just gone with some off-the-shelf vanilla tank build instead...
As for rewards.... fun stuff, nothing OP, stuff you'd get just through playing missions: SCR, Tier V mod drops and in-mission crafting nodes, costume pieces, and maybe some currency to get moddable UNITY secondaries (especially those, as I always have far too many mods in my inventory).
What I would like - I've mentioned this during discussion of UNITY, too - is some Alert-style auto-queued content with a bit of spark - multiple objectives, mobile bosses, a bit more Nightmare /Bloodmoon type thing, where everyone can contribute - that I can play regularly with my level 40 builds without dying because I didn't see what leg Teliosaurus was standing on when he attacked....
Unfortunately, your objectives are incompatible. Content with 'spark' requires mechanics that cannot be simply ignored, and that means if you do ignore the mechanics, you fail (this might not be dying, but spending an hour failing to defeat a boss is also highly annoying).
No. That's not what I said. You're being obtuse, espcially as I've given you examples of successful content, both of which have mechanics and challenges to deal with.
It's about being fun rather than dull-stupid-hard. Content which scales well to allow various levels and builds to participate, that doesn't hang success or failure on one task or one build, which has a rich play environment (objects to interact with, that can be used as defence or weaponry), and which doesn't kill players off for not having savant-level rote learning skills ("When Telieosaurus is facing west and standing on one leg and wearing a paper hat, he emits a 90 degree cone shaped AoE. If he is not wearing the paper hat then do not stand near to his tail, unless it is a full moon.... ", etc etc)
No. That's not what I said. You're being obtuse, espcially as I've given you examples of successful content, both of which have mechanics and challenges to deal with.
Of your examples, one has nothing identifiable as 'spark' (Blood Moon has absolutely no interesting mechanics beyond "destroy everything in sight"), the other only requires 3-5 people to be paying attention and everyone else can mindlessly blaze away.
What I would like - I've mentioned this during discussion of UNITY, too - is some Alert-style auto-queued content with a bit of spark - multiple objectives, mobile bosses, a bit more Nightmare /Bloodmoon type thing, where everyone can contribute - that I can play regularly with my level 40 builds without dying because I didn't see what leg Teliosaurus was standing on when he attacked, feeling like I should have taken CON as a superstat or just gone with some off-the-shelf vanilla tank build instead...
I would also like that. I've been hoping that alert-style content gets a bit of sprucing up for a while since it still remains my favorite style of content. Click a button, wait a minute, content starts. Of course, my "sprucing up" is probably a bit more intense than yours, but the idea remains the same - take that auto-queue content out of the "aoe down a group of cardboard cutouts" era.
Some quick side notes:
- You don't actually need to see Dino's legs at all during any encounter where you fight them, I don't know why people keep saying to watch the dino's legs... that's not something you can really do since there is a mob of melee down there.
- You don't need CON, I'm still doing these bits of content with glass cannons; atm I'm doing them on my PA character which has no ADs and only has the PA heal as a self heal. Not needing CON will always remain on my checklist as a requirement for any content in this game, and is always the first thing I verify when something new comes out.
- Tank builds are generally only good for tanking the new encounters, and if you don't like difficulty then you should avoid tanking in the new encounters because it's one of the more challenging and high pressure positions no matter what your build is ( Behemoth or ultra-min/max'd FF, you'll face the same pressure ). Tanks who aren't tanking are generally more of a liability than anything.
No. That's not what I said. You're being obtuse, espcially as I've given you examples of successful content, both of which have mechanics and challenges to deal with.
It's about being fun rather than dull-stupid-hard. Content which scales well to allow various levels and builds to participate, that doesn't hang success or failure on one task or one build, which has a rich play environment (objects to interact with, that can be used as defence or weaponry), and which doesn't kill players off for not having savant-level rote learning skills ("When Telieosaurus is facing west and standing on one leg and wearing a paper hat, he emits a 90 degree cone shaped AoE. If he is not wearing the paper hat then do not stand near to his tail, unless it is a full moon.... ", etc etc)
Uhhhh... that's like 97% of the content. Just skip the Cosmics, TA and the end-game boss runs, and the rest is exactly as you described. Even more specifically, the comicbook serieses are designed as exactly that type of content. Doable at most any level, with most any gear and build, with some interesting mechanics (the prison escape in Resistance, for example). Everything you want is already in there.
- - - - -
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
savant-level rote learning skills ("When Telieosaurus is facing west and standing on one leg and wearing a paper hat, he emits a 90 degree cone shaped AoE. If he is not wearing the paper hat then do not stand near to his tail, unless it is a full moon.... ", etc etc)
Wow... I can't wait to see what happens when you try to play a game that's actually difficult. There's a reason I never say "git gud" in this game... because you don't actually need to yet.
I think I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you realize just how ridiculous of an exaggeration you're making and that you realize the game is nowhere near as difficult as you're trying to portray it as with that statement.
I think I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you realize just how ridiculous of an exaggeration you're making and that you realize the game is nowhere near as difficult as you're trying to portray it as with that statement.
There is some comic exaggeration there, yes. I thought that was pretty obvious. But have an emoji, anyway, for reassurance...
What I was driving at is just this; What is a challenging attack - but not fatal - to one toon is a total wipe-out to another. Add to that the clunky nature of CO's interface, the constant skips, freezes and rubber-banding (maybe I get more of this in the UK than you do in the US) and miss-it-and-you-die becomes a bit annoying.
The thing about endgame content, overall is that it needs to be varied and accomodating. Some content should just be tough, and the Cosmics are. That's cool. I hope they put one in every zone, tbh. But players that want that type of content have been thrown a big, juicy bone this year, and they can chew on that for a while. Can we have some other stuff for everyone else, now?
Uhhhh... that's like 97% of the content. Just skip the Cosmics, TA and the end-game boss runs, and the rest is exactly as you described. Even more specifically, the comicbook serieses are designed as exactly that type of content. Doable at most any level, with most any gear and build, with some interesting mechanics (the prison escape in Resistance, for example). Everything you want is already in there.
I've played all the Adventure Packs. They're fun (ish). But quite long, with a lack of save points, and some irritating boss-difficulty spikes. There are loads of things to do at lvl40, I agree - but there's also loads of content not being played at all, by anyone, due to a general lack of reason to do so and a lack of ease of access. With all the reworking going on it shouldn't be too difficult to put something in place which is fun, uses all this existing content and allows for character improvement, post-40.
Wow... I can't wait to see what happens when you try to play a game that's actually difficult. There's a reason I never say "git gud" in this game... because you don't actually need to yet.
I'm a grown-up, spinny. I got gud at real life and I play games for fun. That gamer stuff.... don't matter to me. Enjoy if it matters to you, though.
I'm a grown-up, spinny. I got gud at real life and I play games for fun. That gamer stuff.... don't matter to me. Enjoy if it matters to you, though.
You're so obsessed with this "git gud" thing, even though nobody is even saying it to you. Stop hitting yourself.
PS - if the "gamer stuff" doesn't matter to you at all, then just run around killing low level stuff for luls if they make the end-game stuff too hard, cause it doesn't matter right? I mean, someone who thinks it doesn't matter certainly wouldn't be on a forum somewhere arguing about the thing they said doesn't matter.. right? I mean, that's not the sort of thing a grown up would do right? ( please do not direct your attention at all the old men we have on these forums who frequently argue about things like video games and comic books ). Maybe you should just leave the conversation to those of us who do think it matters.
No. That's not what I said. You're being obtuse, espcially as I've given you examples of successful content, both of which have mechanics and challenges to deal with.
It's about being fun rather than dull-stupid-hard. Content which scales well to allow various levels and builds to participate, that doesn't hang success or failure on one task or one build, which has a rich play environment (objects to interact with, that can be used as defence or weaponry), and which doesn't kill players off for not having savant-level rote learning skills ("When Telieosaurus is facing west and standing on one leg and wearing a paper hat, he emits a 90 degree cone shaped AoE. If he is not wearing the paper hat then do not stand near to his tail, unless it is a full moon.... ", etc etc)
Uhhhh... that's like 97% of the content. Just skip the Cosmics, TA and the end-game boss runs, and the rest is exactly as you described. Even more specifically, the comicbook serieses are designed as exactly that type of content. Doable at most any level, with most any gear and build, with some interesting mechanics (the prison escape in Resistance, for example). Everything you want is already in there.
And hasn't been updated in ages.
Some new content not focused on the End Game would be nice . . . but that will ofcourse come when the actually flesh out the endgame.
I'm doing the Cosmics on a Soldier at, an Unleashed At and If I'm feeling Masochistic on my ranged /support FF. (For some reason it goes splat more)
Best Gear on any of them is Heroic. Rank 7 mods at best.
I'm in Australia, so the lag gremlin , has it in for me as well.
I'll take back what I said in the OP. It looks like we're doing pretty well as far as people coming out to do the cosmics goes...and the number that ask in chat about whether they're up or not.
Just comparing this weekend to last and the one before. They've been quite fun! Going back to regular content or even the Rampages after some cosmic runs feels rather dull.
Again y'all over thinking again. Most people do cosmics because they like punching giant monkeys in the d**k.
POWERFRAME REVAMPS, NEW POWERS and BUG FIXES > Recycled Content and Events and even costumes at this point Introvert guy who use CO to make his characters playable and get experimental with Viable FF Theme builds! Running out of Unique FF builds due to the lack of updates and synergies! Playing since 1 February 2011 128 + Characters (21 ATs, 107 FFs) ALTitis for Life!
Not sure why, you're still right. People just stopped being knuckle heads ( or the knuckle heads stopped showing up...mostly ). Evaporation was prevented \owo/
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Anyway, this isn't some "elite" only thing. Anyone that wants to can show up.
And you know what most of the experienced people at such gatherings will be happy to do? Answer any questions someone might have.
That is in addition to the general statements made before pretty much every fight.
Yeah, I know... It goes against your preconceived notions, but it's true.
Sure, there are some folks that are on the rude side or that might come across as a bit short, but so what?
If you want to know the fight, know the rules of the fight, then someone will explain them. All you have to do is follow those rules.
Kigatilik? Stay on the same platform, no pets, no crippling challenge, challenging strikes, or defender gloves (unless you are the tank), wait for the tank to say "go" before starting DPS. If you are a melee toon, stay as far away from Kigatilik as possible while still being able to hit him with worthwhile attacks.
The priority is to destroy frost tombs, stay alive, and then deal damage.
There are reasons for all of these, but the middle of the fight isn't the best time for those explanations.
Every cosmic has it's own rules. Follow them and you are golden. Break them and you risk causing the fight to fail. How much patience should someone have when another player repeatedly breaks the rules and risks the fight, if not causes it to fail outright, after everything has been explained?
How much time is supposed to be wasted because some supposedly adult human refuses to not use an attack with crippling challenge attached, causing Kigatilik to repeatedly turn and wipe out several DPSers and healing himself back up to full in the process?
How many times is someone supposed to ask nicely that they stop despite being answered with silence every time?
In the last few days the cosmic player participation level has risen and the success rate has gone up also. Thanks to BK leading and a few others things have improved quite a bit. It remains to be seen whether those other names return. And as I said before, the cosmics are being done every day by the regular folks so it isnt like there are that many spare private opportuinties out there.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
If anything, this is bringing more people into the fold and is bringing people together as a community. I'm not sure where this snobby elitist class is that some people keep telling stories about, but I haven't seen it... I mean there's baleogventure who loves to talk down on people, but I don't think we can blame the cosmics for that. For the most part the people I have seen engaged in this content value productive communication - sometimes things get a bit sassy during fights when things aren't going well ( surprisingly the most sass comes from the old men around here ), but it seems everyone is largely being mature about it and not letting it get under their skin; after the fight ends, everyone is buddies again.
Cosmics have become a daily event for people now where they get together, socialize a bit, then work together to achieve a common goal, with lots of back-patting afterwards. That's been the effect of this content - bringing people together, whether they be elite, casual, or any other silly word you want to use.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I think a lot of the problem is that people feel entitled to the content and get annoyed when it happens without them, whether they are offline, afk, not subscribed to Cosmic HQ channel or just plain not paying attention to chat, and they feel they were left out deliberately so it must be the fault of an elite few. I'll admit to getting a little miffed myself when I find out I missed a hunt while I was otherwise occupied during my usual play time, but then my brain is a bit scrambled.
Unless we are a chicken.
That being said, I was on a relatively smooth round of runs just last night. I wouldn't call them rofflestomps, but everyone got in and got going with minimal spamming of commands and standing around. If things got spazzy, people pulled off without crying about whatever, got reorganized and got back into it. And, once things settled down, burned the beasties down in reasonable time. It was actually quite fun.
I actually think things will get better, not worse. The veterans ("elites" as some people call them) got that way because they are patient. Are they leaving? Not likely. They are waiting for all the impatient Leroys to get bored of sucking dirt and then will be back at it. Many of them were on the successful runs last night, actually, so I know they haven't bailed.
The thing is, I don't blame anybody at all for organizing secret runs. See definition of "team" above. They are doing exactly as the devs suggest, forming a team of people focused on the same goal, so you can't really blame them for just playing the game as designed.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
Just because the team sucked for a bit doesn't mean they're not a team, that means they're a new team. Just wait and we'll get past the part in the movie where the team makes a bunch of goofy mistakes and we'll get to the part where they beat the bad guys like a well oiled machine.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
All of which, with the exception of Rampages, scale my character downto Level 30. Along with all their gear, stats, bonuses.... I'm not really playing the build I spent all that time working on. Rampages are OK, but two of them are vehicle based, one of them is just a boss fight, and the other (F&I) has success dependent on having access to a particular build (Frost Tank), without which success is not achievable.
Because if they make a "bring whatever, do whatever" lair-based mission that awards GCR then that is what people are going to do to get their GCR.
It's not about GCR. That's set up fair, to me; if you want GCR, go play TA and the Cosmics. If you like Onslaught gear, play Onslaught.
What I would like - I've mentioned this during discussion of UNITY, too - is some Alert-style auto-queued content with a bit of spark - multiple objectives, mobile bosses, a bit more Nightmare /Bloodmoon type thing, where everyone can contribute - that I can play regularly with my level 40 builds without dying because I didn't see what leg Teliosaurus was standing on when he attacked, feeling like I should have taken CON as a superstat or just gone with some off-the-shelf vanilla tank build instead...
As for rewards.... fun stuff, nothing OP, stuff you'd get just through playing missions: SCR, Tier V mod drops and in-mission crafting nodes, costume pieces, and maybe some currency to get moddable UNITY secondaries (especially those, as I always have far too many mods in my inventory).
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
It's about being fun rather than dull-stupid-hard. Content which scales well to allow various levels and builds to participate, that doesn't hang success or failure on one task or one build, which has a rich play environment (objects to interact with, that can be used as defence or weaponry), and which doesn't kill players off for not having savant-level rote learning skills ("When Telieosaurus is facing west and standing on one leg and wearing a paper hat, he emits a 90 degree cone shaped AoE. If he is not wearing the paper hat then do not stand near to his tail, unless it is a full moon.... ", etc etc)
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Some quick side notes:
- You don't actually need to see Dino's legs at all during any encounter where you fight them, I don't know why people keep saying to watch the dino's legs... that's not something you can really do since there is a mob of melee down there.
- You don't need CON, I'm still doing these bits of content with glass cannons; atm I'm doing them on my PA character which has no ADs and only has the PA heal as a self heal. Not needing CON will always remain on my checklist as a requirement for any content in this game, and is always the first thing I verify when something new comes out.
- Tank builds are generally only good for tanking the new encounters, and if you don't like difficulty then you should avoid tanking in the new encounters because it's one of the more challenging and high pressure positions no matter what your build is ( Behemoth or ultra-min/max'd FF, you'll face the same pressure ). Tanks who aren't tanking are generally more of a liability than anything.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Used to be coach on the forums. Still @coach in game.
I think I'm just going to go ahead and assume that you realize just how ridiculous of an exaggeration you're making and that you realize the game is nowhere near as difficult as you're trying to portray it as with that statement.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
There is some comic exaggeration there, yes. I thought that was pretty obvious. But have an emoji, anyway, for reassurance...
What I was driving at is just this; What is a challenging attack - but not fatal - to one toon is a total wipe-out to another. Add to that the clunky nature of CO's interface, the constant skips, freezes and rubber-banding (maybe I get more of this in the UK than you do in the US) and miss-it-and-you-die becomes a bit annoying.
The thing about endgame content, overall is that it needs to be varied and accomodating. Some content should just be tough, and the Cosmics are. That's cool. I hope they put one in every zone, tbh. But players that want that type of content have been thrown a big, juicy bone this year, and they can chew on that for a while. Can we have some other stuff for everyone else, now?
Uhhhh... that's like 97% of the content. Just skip the Cosmics, TA and the end-game boss runs, and the rest is exactly as you described. Even more specifically, the comicbook serieses are designed as exactly that type of content. Doable at most any level, with most any gear and build, with some interesting mechanics (the prison escape in Resistance, for example). Everything you want is already in there.
I've played all the Adventure Packs. They're fun (ish). But quite long, with a lack of save points, and some irritating boss-difficulty spikes. There are loads of things to do at lvl40, I agree - but there's also loads of content not being played at all, by anyone, due to a general lack of reason to do so and a lack of ease of access. With all the reworking going on it shouldn't be too difficult to put something in place which is fun, uses all this existing content and allows for character improvement, post-40.
Wow... I can't wait to see what happens when you try to play a game that's actually difficult. There's a reason I never say "git gud" in this game... because you don't actually need to yet.
I'm a grown-up, spinny. I got gud at real life and I play games for fun. That gamer stuff.... don't matter to me. Enjoy if it matters to you, though.
Do others like pie?
Cookies are very popular.
Maybe if they offered cookies as a reward, more people would do cosmics no matter their skill / gear level.
Unless we are a chicken.
PS - if the "gamer stuff" doesn't matter to you at all, then just run around killing low level stuff for luls if they make the end-game stuff too hard, cause it doesn't matter right? I mean, someone who thinks it doesn't matter certainly wouldn't be on a forum somewhere arguing about the thing they said doesn't matter.. right? I mean, that's not the sort of thing a grown up would do right? ( please do not direct your attention at all the old men we have on these forums who frequently argue about things like video games and comic books ). Maybe you should just leave the conversation to those of us who do think it matters.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Some new content not focused on the End Game would be nice . . . but that will ofcourse come when the actually flesh out the endgame.
My characters
Best Gear on any of them is Heroic. Rank 7 mods at best.
I'm in Australia, so the lag gremlin , has it in for me as well.
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Just comparing this weekend to last and the one before. They've been quite fun! Going back to regular content or even the Rampages after some cosmic runs feels rather dull.
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Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
I did not punch him in the d**k. I used swords and guns. Much more hygenic.
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My super cool CC build and how to use it.