I'll be blunt and to the point... for the thrid time in three days I have gone to do my OV daily, only to find myself unable to do it due to the lack of living UNTIL defenders, all becasue a selfish player went before I did and killed them off, leaving the troops alive.
something needs to be done about this...like i don't know, maybe making the until defender respawn timers run weaither the troops are killed or not.
In all things, a calm heart must prevail.
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.
Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.
Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
Honestly, i think they should just wholesale revert back to how it was. Who cares if no one is bothering to kill troops and farming targets? Who does that hurt, exactly?
Trying to get to Onslaught Guardians before other players, the true PvP of the Onslaught event.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Some points had incomplete groups though. One was totally empty, another had a single soldier and the Defender, but not the other soldier... hunh what? yeah, that's what I thought too.
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