Every other time I do the MC mission where you rescue cops from various gangs at the docks, I get knocked into a shipping container and get stuck. The /stuck command no longer worked but you are advised to enter /killme.
I am really tired of this. It should not be that easy to get stuck in any object anywhere in the game. And /stuck should be the de facto way of getting unstuck. /killme forces you to respawn, which leads to an otherwise unnecessary trip back from a spawn point.
I got lucky tonight. An elder worm summoned a mindworm underneath me, which actually freed me from being stuck in the shipping container. I'll never get that lucky again.
Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, /stuck still doesn't work regardless, and it really should. No, skip that--the getting stuck should be fixed. We've waited more than long enough.
This alos happens in, Stitch in time alerts.
sometimes you can slide yourself along the containers and get off, most times you have to .
stuck usually just shoves you a few feet from it.
under help, theres a stuck option but that involves going through menus. not good in combat
/stuck.. /killme were changed due to an OV exploit
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I have actually walked out of being stuck, but sometimes when you get knocked you get stuck against the container in the air and can't move. Then it's a choice b/t defeat and defeat, usually. Not good options, as I'm sure you're aware.