Heya, I'm Illay. For those who don't know, I'm an artist. I'd like to show you my arts in this little art corner!
It's order is going down from oldest to my latest.
That's some kind of ages old commission art. I really was bad at planning backgrounds.
Some growth hero there, a gift to a friend of mine.
An art with really lazy background (Sorry Epelesker xD) which is a gift to
@Epelesker. He once inspired me by Atomac so much that I wanted to draw an art with this toon.
That's a concept art to Infinity Comics' Young Saviors.
Gift to
@Reldin, his Particle Man inspired me as much as Atomac.
Thundrax is another hero who inspired me that much. I'm into classic heroes to be honest.
MIGHT OF THE KING, POWER OF THE RULER. CAAAAAA-...Okay, that's enough. Yes, Caliga. My first art after a big 4 month break of art depression.
My latest art is related to my friend, Cat@Splaid. I really liked her heroine and also I needed some female art for this thread. Drawn it like... yesterday I suppose?
My DA Page is
http://illaykonon.deviantart.com/Piece, you all.
@dr490nbr347hi / Playing since January 25, '11
Display normal Internet behavior. Come and make fun (yes, make fun) of my PRIMUS page.
Oni, the Unleashed Rage: