Thank to recent Dual Blades Lunge for Dual Blades powerframe, we got a really cool and stylish thematic lunge for twinswords
However Due to the amount of characters I own who use Single Blade powerframe, i'm a little inpatient about WHEN we will get a SB lunge! NO I don't want to any other lunge, neither Strike Down, does it make sense to you when someone with a single sword suddenly pops out a second out of nowhere?
I want a thematic lunge to fit my Paladin, Magic Knight, Musketeer and Flying Gargoyle-wyvern who dives
My concept is that a Lunge should NOT only exist ingame to provide movement utility for Melee but it should also exist for Thematic Purposes
The truth is that the Lunge is ALREADY ingame but it;s used by Enemies only
(Red Banners) or reskinned from other framework
So the resources and the animation are already ingame, they just need to be reskinned for players usage (
Lightspeed Dash,
Ego Blade Dash)
DEVs postponed the creation of a SB Lunge since they want all lunges to be unique and have a special effect to benefit each powerframe, so Im gonna throw some unique build in and Advantage abilities to make a SB lunge stand out
Standard build in and Advantage stuff:
- Root and Snare
- Accelerated Metabolism
- Clipping Challenge
List of Sugesstions for unique effects and Advantages
- Shredded: Slashing damage debuff for the powerframe
- Knock Down Mundane but it would be useful
- Bleeds single enemy target and his allies receive a single stack of bleed
- Stun
- Tree Edged Blade: Executing the lunge Provides a single stack of focus when you are not effected by focus stack (due to the recent change of Reaper's Caress, this will be extreme useful for not Form of Tempest/Swordman/Tiger/Master users)
(This advantage exist in all MA energy builders but with different names, still same effect)
- Slash Cyclone AoE: The lunge is dealing a 10-15 feet sphere Slashing cyclone around the main target! If the target is effected by Bleed, the Bleed stacks are consumed and the damage is increased for each stack (inspired by Ninja styled games)
- Line of Damage: The lunge is damaging everything inbtween you and your main target! Everything touched by your blade will suffer damage
Im not asking for Sonic Thrust
of course there is a hidden single blade animation in the game code, but thats more like a cone AoE
This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
Yeah the AoE Splash damage is basically what I REALLY WANT! Just to be Cool! just like my JRPGs Eh, its boring! i would prefer something more unique
if the Lunge has either stun or knock, there is absolutly NO reason for interrupt advantage! Since Knocks and CC act as one
Besides, interrupts will no longer work on bosses
No Trauma/Healing Debuff on a lunge neither
a power with 50feet range is a no no for Balancing Point
Also, most of the lunges are fairly generic. They all apply either a Root, Snare or Stun when used from a certain distance and deal a small amount of damage. It's the advantages that give each Lunge its uniqueness, and each Lunge helps accent the powerset it comes from. Single Blade's focus is mostly on Bleeds, so I feel like this would make the most sense. Additionally, Single Blade is fairly single-target, so dealing damage to multiple targets in a Lunge wouldn't really be powerset-fitting (assuming it's even possible due to the engine).
Depending on how exactly the lunge would appear, the advantage could be related to "Impaling" the target on your sword. This is assuming the Lunge looks like some sort of blade-first, thrusting animation, perhaps even similar to a Fencing Riposte (The guy on the Left). This could apply a bleed, or even some sort of defense/armor penetration debuff.
Most often Slice N Dice@zap-the-eradicator in-game.
(that or balance all lunges to be on pair if they arent actually?)
This is a big journey, so far if you're reading this, wish you a good day
Also my main is still waiting-forever-to-retcon
Hey Hey, im not asking for all of those effect together, just throwing ideas
one effect will be build in the power and the other one shall be an Advantage
there are Lunges like Void Shift and Land Slide who have unique effects to help their frameworks