I know... I know... beating a dead horse bringing this up again... but you know what, it needs to happen... so I'm going to bring it up again...
Currently we have 2 DPS roles, a Hybrid role, a Tank role, and a Support role... most players lump Crowd Controllers into the support role, which technically they do belong to but the role itself is focused towards healing and it's role icon even implies that anyone in that role is a healer... So here's the suggestion... again...
Characters in the Control role receive a large crowd control strength bonus, a small damage bonus, and a small threat generation reduction from super stats. The control role also grants:
+35% control power strength
+100% base equilibrium
+100% energy recovery
-50% energy decay
+15% healing
-10% threat
-10% max health
-10% damage
The main thing that would set the new role apart from Support is that instead of getting bonus healing from super stats a Controller would get CC strength from super stats... it would also have a different role icon, a chain link or lock perhaps, to properly distance it from the healer Support role. Additionally instead of +25% to both healing and CC strength the control role would have a larger innate bonus to CC strength and a smaller innate bonus to healing... the support role could be reworked to have mirrored innate bonuses as well.
Champions Online would actually have to care about the dead mechanic that is Crowd Control...to warrant a role.
Otherwise it would be a hilarious waste of Development time.
Also if you wanted this role to be something that works effectively that boost to Crowd Control Strength would have to be around about 10 times bigger. Consider that 51% bonus CC str = 1.8 seconds worth of CC time.
So it wouldn't add much.
There would have to be a plethora of POSITIVE changes to the mechanic to even think about granting it a role.
That is of course not to say, this is a bad idea. This is a good idea...if Champions cared about the mechanic...or maybe on another game.
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Anyways, at this point with CC I'm just looking for small victories... a CC role would be a nice small victory that hopefully wouldnt upset those who are opposed to CC... and perhaps it might even lead to your pleathora of positive changes to CC...
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
And I
All that said... I really like the OP's ideas. I just have zero hope anything like that will be implemented.
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If it retained variable hold HP and everything it needed to be a viable mechanic in CO, and this came with a global (or one at a time) update of all NPC mobs then it would be where it should be. But that isn't the case.
That's why I call it dead.
As for interrupts...I can't disagree there. The alternative would have required way too much work to invest and to create for such a dead mechanic.
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I am @RavenForce in game
I think the mass that are opposed to CC would view it as a waste of development time, on the other hand you could see it as a victory.
Either way, personally I'd like to see changes which follow through and lead up to something. In my eyes that would be the fake patch notes I posted on my CC Discussion thread and once all that is said and done the final result is a new role "Dominator/Crowd Controller Role".
That would make more sense than creating a role which is practically useless with the current CC system.
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
And as to the suggestion the devs would have to care about crowd control to actually you know . . . work.
If you're looking for crowd control to be viable, play another game.
DPS is pretty much the main point of this game.
This. If you don't think it's broken then play it in team content where everyone else' style of play can flourish, but CC can't.
42 40s, LTSer.
A significant chunk of the problem is that CC is fundamentally a defensive tactic, and much of the game doesn't need defense (this is also a problem with tank and healer builds being valued).
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Yes, that means a good controller should be able to control a boss for ~90% of a fight. And that would literally be no different than trinity gameplay in actual effect.
But for some reason developers think bosses wasting time attacking tanks in a damage/defense comparison is engaging gameplay (note: it's not), but a controller carefully meting out control abilities to direct boss damage into hold hp is not, even though the controller gameplay would actually be vastly more interesting because of managing hold-resistance stacks.
(And yes, the only place control matters in this game is the place it can't be used: boss fights).
As far as pvp goes: stop worrying about pvp. Let pvpers deal with whatever is good for the pve game. There's plenty of player counters to holds, and pvpers whining about not be able to learn how to use them is just that: whining, and should be accorded no respect or mechanics modifications. Tantrum-throwing should not be rewarded.
My bigger problem with CC is that it doesn't work for controlling crowds -- i.e. "keep mobs B, C, and D out of our hair while we beat up A".
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Tanks are built to take damage. Controllers are built to apply holds which absorb damage. It's the same thing done two different ways. And the tank can be healed, while the hold cannot be. Holds are inherently more limited because of hold resistance stacks.
I would not be opposed to bosses being designed to be able to use some powers they could use while held, generally the same kinds of powers which are AoE/untargeted (with a delay between uses so the control is still effective, and at the expense of applying breakfree damage while they're using it). (There's no reason holding Frostie or Kenina should stop living fire/ice from spawning, for example). But I don't think it's necessary either.
Just giving every boss an AO which applies a lot of breakfree damage and a minor damage boost for a short time thereafter would be enough to keep controllers on their toes and create risk. (It would have to be a smaller damage boost than player AOs, because bosses are mostly base damage, probably ballpark 5-10%). And that should be relatively trivial to create one boss AO and apply it to all of them.
42 40s, LTSer.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
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[#]WeNeedHeroicFashion - <Aura Suggestions> - <CO Wiki (WIP)> - <Crowd Control Discussion> - <Telepathy in Champions Online> - How to review The Force Power Set - Join the Champions Online: On Alert Discord!
I am @RavenForce in game
42 40s, LTSer.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Stuns are supposed to be short and brief (3s max should be the hard limit)
Paralize, Incapacitate, and Hold are meant to be long term with varying levels of strength...
Sleep is supposed to be a "remove from combat" type hold that breaks from the slightest breeze...
So fixing holds to actually do what they were intended to do in the first place would be what would make a satisfying CC experiance... it's fine if holds break from damage... it's not fine if all holds break from damage almost as soon as they get applied (as it is now)...
As I said if you want to play a game with a viable controller role, play anything else other than CO.
And that's not a knock on CO, its just that this game choose to go the route of focusing on dps.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained