I believe making a separated Forum Post about the issue to get the attention
Despite the fact that Force Cascade, Mind Break and Shockwave were fixed to NOT play OSV Gravitar's, Medusa and Grond's over over!
Ego Blade Breach (with the cosmetic ADV Id Blades) STILL to this day plays OSV Medusa's VO, and it's annoying as hell to listen to while spamming the power
WHY AM I SURROUNDED BY IDIOT-YOUR MIND IS MINE-YOUR MIND IS WEAK-I WILL MELT YOUR MIND-EGO MEET SUPER EGO (the last line is basically my characters' lore in the nutshell)
There is no issue with the single bladed Ego Blade Breach, I guess its because OSV Medusa is using Dual Wielding to fight and the Voice was merged with the power's code
No its not really pleasant to hear my Male character (who is one of my 4 mains) spamming Medusa's voice all the time! Doesn't help i hate Medusa's VO (well it would be better if it was Gravitar but thats not the Point)
Of course im annoyed by it, thats why I posted it in the PTS when they fixed the other powers but left Ego Blade Breach out
(trying to find the PTS archieve of that right now, but no luck)