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I've got zero confidence in this Dev Team



  • spinnytopspinnytop Posts: 16,467 Arc User

    I do like having replacers, i would actually like a res replace that wasnt tied to becoming a celestial being.

    There's not a self-rez - but then that was always a bit silly. There is a rez-other-player device that anyone can have, though, and that should be more commonplace than it is. On a 90 second healing cooldown and a minimal stack level it wouldn't be a game-breaker and would be a great help during "tough" content.

    The issue being that if such things are commonly available then it greatly devalues Rez powers. If you're planning to run "tough" content, then having a Rez power is actually something to seriously consider. For a long time, Rez powers were kind of a joke, with the punch line being that people could respawn faster than you could cast your Rez.

    Sure, ATs don't have access to this choice, but it's only one of many choices they don't have access to - perk of being FF.
  • lbc2013lbc2013 Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    whoops, wrong button
  • riazanriazan Posts: 7 Arc User
    True it would make the res powers less used if there was a solid device alternative, though i have had many instances where the cooldown on the celestial beings res just didnt cut it because everyone was dying for whatever reason, not much different from any other devices that do roughly the same as the power counterpart but have long cooldown in comparison i think, i just dont want to become jesus to do it.

    Kinda makes me think of psionic accelerator i think its called, the power that has a large cone aoe and holds the enemies AND does damage, kinda seems unfair to other hold powers considering it has about the same cooldown always thought that was wierd but im probably overlooking something.
  • riveroceanriverocean Posts: 1,690 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    - Rez Powers
    There is a simple power available in the Supernatural Power Framework that allows you to rez yourself. Both my FF builds now have it. But I usually build with at least two empty slots, open for utility. There's no reason that any FF hero shouldn't be able to self-rez.

    - Dev Feedback
    Just because the dev team didn't do what we wanted doesn't mean we were ignored. Trust me. We are miles ahead when it comes to developer interaction then we've been in years. I've personally seen several (if not more) changes made in the last few updates, that were directly implemented from player feedback. *See knockdown added to Hypervoice.

    - My Crackpot Theory & Yes, Change Sucks.
    So when it comes down to it. Change sucks. I 100% agree with that. It's disruptive. It upsets the status quo and forces us out of our comfort zones. Especially, in a game that's all but been ignored for half of it's life.

    But those days are over.

    It's obvious PWI has something in store for it's existing offerings. I'm not sure exactly what, but my guess is they want all of their properties available for console play. I also think they are standardizing their games, so that a central dev team can maintain and update them all easily.

    Again, it's my crackpot theory. But if I were running PWI - it's what I would do.

    But if that is indeed the case. CO and STO are going to be getting lots of changes before the year is over. If you don't like change - take a break or play a little less. When the dust settles your heroes will be here waiting for you. :D
    Questions About AT Play? Visit Silverwolfx11's Updated AT Guides!
  • jaazaniah1jaazaniah1 Posts: 5,575 Arc User
    Or, keep playing and earn big stacks of various kinds of currencies and tokens to spend once the change dust settles.​​
    Perseus, Captain Arcane, Tectonic Knight, Pankration, Siberiad, Sekhmet, Black Seraph, Clockwork
    Project Attalus: Saving the world so you don't have to!
  • crypticbuxomcrypticbuxom Posts: 4,634 Arc User
    I just want my devices unbound since having versatility in device variation (and ultimately spending money on super devices) is frowned upon.​​
  • magpieuk2014magpieuk2014 Posts: 1,268 Arc User
    - Rez Powers
    There is a simple power available in the Supernatural Power Framework that allows you to rez yourself. Both my FF builds now have it. But I usually build with at least two empty slots, open for utility. There's no reason that any FF hero shouldn't be able to self-rez.

    But that's not how many people build. Nor should it have to be. And Archetype characters, obviously, don't have that facility at all. Rez devices don't devalue powers; they're a compliment to them, to allow characters with specific/thematic builds to equip themselves correctly for a mission according to need. Personally I find the expeditious use of powers from utterly unrelated power trees more irksome than devices, all told....
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