Too make a long story short in no particular order, I tried too play CO on Steam in order too charge 5 Dollars from Paypal too buy some Zen. But while it was patching, I ended up getting the Blue Screen of Death.
So I tried too download it through Arc again & I was getting the same thing, I'd get the BSOD instead just like on Steam.
So now I've been trying too figure out what too do & how too fix it.
None of this has been happening before, it all started when downloading CO through Steam ended up deleting CO itself & having too reinstall & patch CO again entirely.
I actually had Arc completely removed for Weeks now & I was able too play CO without it.
But ever since I tried too patch CO through Steam, I've been getting BSOD's. A Friend of mine thinks that it might be a memory leak from Steam, but if that's the case why is it still happening with Arc?
Please help me, I don't know what too do & I just want too play CO again.