Im sorry, is this some kind of Cruel Joke?
with the update, Reaper's Caress got AoE aspects and Shredded Debuff as an ADV
now only the 1st and 3rd hits of the combo have a LOW chance to apply Bleed, the 2nd strike lost it and the 3rd strike is not 100% Bleed guarantee anymore
This chance is a pathetic 15% which is only gets Doubled if you use Focus
15% chance to apply bleed, the 100% chance on the 3rd strike is gone
That 100% chance on the 3rd hit was what build my Enraged! No Im not using Focus in ALL my Swordmen, Im using Aspect of the Bestial as well
BUT WAIT THERE IS MORE! I cannot help but compare
Reaper's Caress with Shred
Lets see Shred now
it has 25% chance to apply bleed in the first 2 Hits of the combo, the chance of applying bleeds is DOUBLED if you are effected by Enraged!
Worst is the 3rd strike is 50% chance (100% on ENRAGED)
- Reaper's Caress 15% (30% on Focus) chance to apply bleed only on 1st and 3rd attack
- Shred 25% (50% on Enraged) chance to apply bleed in the first 2 attacks and 50% (100% on Enraged) with the 3rd one
and before you ask, the Cleaving Strikes ADV on Reaper's Caress only apply Shredded Debuff, it doesn't increased the Bleed chance
wow, just WOW! REALLY Smooth move there DEVs
WHY did you removed the 100% chance for Bleed of Reaper's Caress, Why the second Strike doesn't apply Bleed and WHY Shred got BETTER Threatment?
It seems the Bias and the Appeal for Beastial Supernatural were true after all
Consider me Disgusted with this chance

I'm not convinced that it is a good balance choice.
Similar to the changes to 2GM, it looks more and more like powers are being changed to make reliance on one or two powers to maintain a battle strategy (such as keeping up a form or debuff) won't be viable anymore.
There seems to be a move towards requiring a rotation of powers in a set, or to find combinations of powers in multiple sets to make some strategy work.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
What is the single-blade power that is meant to reliably apply bleeds, then?
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
The Description is even more Misleading now with the Update
It states that the Third hit will apply 100% Bleed and it Doesn't
and the Tooltip in the Powertray that the SECOND attack makes the character 100% Bleed which is ALSO doesn't
For the First time I saw my Bleeding Stacks stuck in 3 and then falling apart
Spamming the combo 4 times and it failed to give a single Bleed stack
Oh and the Three Bladed Edge ADV from the Reaper's Touch sucks (as well all the FOCUS adv of MA energy builders)
It helps having 100% chance to apply Bleed, but the chance for it to trigger is so low
Yes, and lets kill all the possible synergies Powerframes while doing that as well
This Breaks the Synergy Single Blades had with Aspect of the Beastial! OF COURSE im
AND NO I'M NOT gonna use Shred on Swordbuilds neither DEX primary with Form of Swordmen in my STR-Based builds! forget it
Reaper's Caress and Scything Blade, and thats pretty much it!
The whole point of Single Blade powerframe is to Stack Bleeds and RAPTURE them with Reaper's Embrace, nothing more nothing less
Reaper's Caress's AoE Damage is the same with the Single Target BTW
I can see the frustration at the change, though, as this means ya wouldn't get a guaranteed bleed proc from each combo w/o Focus, and Shred can still bleed more often overall. I guess should get clarity on what the baseline bleed chance is intended to be for the last hit(s).
- Be safe and have fun, champs - for science!
well the good news is that your plans won't be ruined because the issue with Reaper's Caress is gonna get fixed
We just have to wait and see!
for the meanwhile, I suggest the Advantages the Martial Artes Energy Builders have which apply Focus on self