Hello, im a new player and i recently got 40 lvl and i need help to find 40 lvl gear. Can anyone tell me what are the best items(expect justice gear) i can get? (total 6 items 3 of them should be legion what are the other 3 should i get?).Can u please tell me the name of 6 items i should get?.. Here is the build im using:
http://i.imgur.com/1fP7a3g.png ( switched those travel powers for acrobatics and teleport). I really prefer legion than justice gear because its easier to get.Thanks in advance

Legion gloves of offence
- ego enh r7
- dex enh r7
- impact r7
- impact r7/DU core
Legions plate of defense- ego arm r7
- dex arm r7
- impact r7
- impact r7
legion helmet of utility- ego enh r7
- dex arm r7
- impact r7
- gamblers r7
Secondries would beViglanties impacting belt
the +hp viglantie bracers that i forgot the name of atm
viglanties bolstering eyepiece.
at least that is the gear/mod setup i would recomend... also, I would strongly suggest that if you are going to PvE that you look into the "rush of battle" spec under the vindicator tree.
Member of Paragon Dawn: Because some people like friendly helpful communities.
Yeah some things are broken... no I don't use/abuse them.. where would be the fun in that?
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