Having a bit of a problem here. About a few hours ago, i lost connection to the game (The red timeout counter popped out, you know the song and dance) and haven't been able to reconnect since. When i was trying to re-enter, the launcher kept getting stuck on the "patching" verification. Then i thought that maybe the launcher itself was at fault, so i reinstalled the game. Aaand now it doesn't even get to this stage since it's stuck on that tiny "autoupdate" box. My internet works fine as usual, i made sure this isn't the issue. Just wanted to ask if this is just me, or if something happened to the servers... or something.
EDIT: Looks like it's patching itself now, so i'll just leave this quick note here. Going to post another EDIT depending on the results, hopefully a final one.
EDIT2: Works. Save me further embarassment and delete this if you may.