Release Notes for FC.31.20151015.11
This build is available on PTS as of 11/06/2015
PTS Store
- Added Nighthawk Favor tokens to the PTS store for testing the Nighthawk event.
Costume Fixes
- Fixed Gadget Pistols and Munitions Handguns from not playing theirappropriate stance in the tailor.
- Fixed unlock issue with the new Gravitar Side Cape and Grond Horns costume pieces.
- Fixed the Flight Helmet so that the detail texture is no longer required.
Reward Fixes
- Increased the amount of Silver Recognition Vikorin and Bronze King drop to 3.
- Added Silver Recognition as a reward for defeating Kigatilik, Teleiosaurus, and Qwyjibo.
- Qwyjibo's action figure once again drops from the Qwyjibo Cosmic in monster island.
- Added a action figure as a rare drop to Teleiosaurus.
Release Notes for FC.31.20151015.9
This build is available on PTS as of 11/05/2015
Nighthawk Event
- Created "Lady Nighthawk" event contact with a new Nighthawk Event store.
- Created new "Nighthawk Favor" Event Currency and added "Nighthawk Favor" currency drops to the event.
- Created Nighthawk Favor Currency packs and added them to the Drifter store.
- Created new "Magpie" Hawkwing variants for the Event store.
PTS Store Items
- Added a new 30-slot "Multi-Dimensional Bag" to PTS store for testing. This will become available as a new Zen Store item for 600 Zen.
- Added temporary and permanent versions of the new sidekick "Windchill" to the PTS store for testing.
- Added Avian costume set for testing. Removed Turakian Coins and Deathreach emotes.
New Onslaught Rewards
- Added Gravitar's Cape costume unlock as a reward.
- Added Grond's Horns costume unlock as a reward.
Animation Changes
- While in beast stance certain travel powers should no longer break your back.
- Fixed superspeed from sliding when charging up.
- Fixed certain resurrection powers from looping their animation.
- Fixed Rising Knee from not animating with certain travel powers on.
- Fixed the block idle from not animating with certain travel powers.
- Fixed Phoenix Flight from having an awkward walk animation while charging. After using Expulse your legs no longer slide on the ground.
UI Changes
- Super Group rosters should now properly scroll.
- Action Figure window now defaults to 4 rows for easier viewing.
- Auction sell tab now displays all of your items for sale and properly scrolls.
- Fixed the auction buy tab to no longer always scroll. Set default levels to blank.
Costumes Fixes (Guess who's been busy).
- Added the Avian Warrior set to the Gold Subscriber store. It requires the Vanguard of Thaar perk (900 days subscribed) to unlock. This is being placed in to restore the costumes that players recently lost
- Added new striped textures to lizard and fox tails.
- Added non-skin materials to many tails.
- Improved textures on the Avian set and changed Categories for many pieces.
- Fixed mirrorgeo error with Lemurian Hand Wraps and added Cloth and Metal materials.
- Fixed mirrorgeo issue with Maniacs Skull Boots and added leather and cloth materials.
- Fixed mirrorgeo issue with Robot Samurai leg accessories.
- Females now have access to power armor weapons in the weapon coloring tab.
- Added alternate textures for the Dino Skull helmet and mouthpiece.
- Male Skin Chest: Normalized all the textures across materials.
- Female Chest Skin: Textures have been normalized across materials. Removed Animal/Serpent/Monstrous materials and merged the textures in with cloth/leather/metal/oiled.
- Realigned the left Vikorin shoulder on females.
- Fixed straps arm accessory mirrorgeo issue and added cloth material. Also renamed other materials to leather and metal.
- Fixed Steampunk Electro Backpack from not properly displaying its texture by default.
- Fixed the Variable Robot texture.
- Fixed straps arm accessory mirrorgeo issue and added cloth material and renamed other material to leather and metal.
- Fixed Steampunk Electro Backpack from not properly displaying its texture by default.
- Made it so the capes on Cape Attachment Arcane, Cape Attachment Tech, Cape Mantle Webbed, Mantle of Takofanes, Cape Luchador, and Wrapped Scarf are no longer required.
- Fixed vikorin cloth material on gloves and boots to use skin channel.
- Added another color channel to the Hipan belt to color the gem and added glow to this channel to be consistent with the other pieces.
- Fixed Hipan metal material from not matching up with other metal materials and added cloth and leather materials. Fixed inconsistent categories and glow options.
- Added mirrorgeometry entry to Dragon Armor shoulders. Changed metal to look like other metal materials and added cloth and leather materials.
- Reordered on male hairs to be sorted alphabetically.
- Added Werewolf Monstrous 03 to 2 more categories to match others.
- Fixed certain male categories locking out the skeletal category.
- Fixed male lower tights category locking out the hips layer bone.
- Removed bracer restriction on the long gloves category.
- Corrected Teleiosaurus Pheromone dino costumes. They are no longer multi colored.
- Vikorin Costume Set: Fixed some materials from not working. Added Cloth and Metal materials that were missing. Updated glow channels to be consistent across the set. Added to additional categories.
- Fixed Vikorin hipwear metal material not working. Added cloth material and added costume to additional categories.
- The Urban Anime Tube Top's normal maps should no longer be inverted.
- Fixed the Variable Robot chest for females to correctly display textures and normal maps.
- Arcane Tattoos legs for females metal material should now properly display as metal.
- The Space Scoundrel Jacket leather and metal materials should properly display its texture.
- The Fantasy shoulders should now properly display its texture. It also now has cloth and leather options and is available in more categories.
- Male Arcane Tattoos head now has access to ghost and skin materials to match with the female version. Female Arcane Tattoos head is now under additional categories to match with the male version.
- Added the Wolf 1, Wolf 2, and Werewolf Monstrous 01 heads to more categories for both genders.
- The female Werewolf Monstrous 02 and 03 head is now using the correct texture. The costume is also available under additional categories for both male and female versions.
- Added a few of the bird people beaks to mouth accessories.
- Updated the Avian Veteran Costume unlock. It should now unlock the entire costume. (Players will need to reacquire the unlock from the Gold Vendor store.)
- Reorganized some costume categories to be more intuitive.
- Renamed Foot Extras costume pieces so it's apparent that they are a Foot Extra piece.
- The Foot Extra costume pieces now properly mirror.
- Fixed Pet Construct Arcane 01a helmet material from calling to a non-existant material.
- The Firefighter Hat costume no longer requires its detail texture.
- Head Cage costume no longer requires the rust texture.
- Head Spikes costume no longer requires its rust texture.
- Added Mechaniste back costume as a rare drop to Mechaniste. Added cloth and leather materials to the costume.
- Fixed Rat, Cat and Lion tail skin/noskin options.
Please format any bugs you find in the following format:
Where it happens
What happens
Please stay on topic in this PTS thread. We use bug reports from this thread to decide whether a PTS build is ready to go live, and so we need to make sure we're seeing everything in it. Please do discuss the changes, but if you find yourself writing about something that isn't specific to what's on PTS, then that should probably go here:
These player & moderator maintained threads are checked weekly by the development team. The costume one probably needs to be updated.
Epic Stronghold
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I am super happy with this massive range of costume fixes.
Also, glad to see Nighthawk come back. Currency is a great thing, though some will complain about (heavens!) having to scroll through the currency list. I am happy to see currency instead of rare tokens or drifter salvage.
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
Caliga's PRIMUS Database! --XXX--The Caliga Build: Threatening Haymakers! --XXX-- Caliga and Conquer fanart!
Auction UI
Window does not save resizing or positioning values.
RIP Caine
Good golly Miss Molly....those are some fabulous fixes. Good on ya Kaiserin!
Click here to check out my costumes/milleniumguardian (MG) in-game/We need more tights, stances and moods
The costume unlocks are grayed out in the onslaught store, even if you don't have them unlocked yet.
Franklin Stone Alert is not active on test for testing.
Quality of Life
The Onslaught Villain Vendor in Westside has a spawn of Nighthawk thugs right next to it. May wish to consider moving them.
Considering moving the Nighthawk repeatable mission from Defender to Lady Nighthawk for simplicity sake. The dialog box for Nighthawk Investigation Frequency would have to be updated for this but I think it would be a lot easier if we are going to start having special event NPCs for these events.
Personal Opinion
Permanent sidekick is cool and all, but the fact it can be easily defeated and only has a 15 minute duration with a 5 minute cool down. I am not sure I care for that limited duration part.
Can confirm. The costumes are greyed out and not able to be purchased.
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Looking forward to if any Power Fixes, we all know this game needs some more fixing.
I take this quote from a review that I agree with.
"customisation is so linear; everyone is after the optimal dps:survivability ratio with 0 reliance on other players = autonomous gameplay... Players don't need each other anymore... which in my opinion is a bad thing."
Not sarcasm, this is truly an amazing quality of life improvement from my perspective.
So with Avian Warrior being basically a pack now, does that mean that it applies to characters during creation finally? Its always been a hassle having to enter play prior to having them on the list rather then apply these parts during the original design.
Also regarding the below (really all the many costume changes, but especially the below)... wow!
But I'll just take your word for it at this point
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
They're fixing broken, screwed up costumes that have been broken and screwed up since the game launched!?
Also cloth/leather textures for full helmet side accs and ventilator tech/smoth side accs would also be nice.
Dragon armor belt eye still not coloring independently, or glowing for that matter.
I had some other ideas but cant remember =p.
Lower Bird People tights is not customizable like the upper tights
Excellent work.
@dr490nbr347hi / Playing since January 25, '11
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So many things.. the Mechaniste Backpack and Permanent Sidekicks.
Please add my voice to the chorus of people wanting a few more Permanent Sidekicks to start. I know you're probably testing to see if they sell, before investing too much work in them. I've literally wanted this since I started playing!!! I'll probably buy Windchill just to support the effort. I think R.O.D. would be nice as second choice though. And maybe more later if it's a success?
I have to admit - the only thing that would make a perm sidekick better would be for them to lose the 15-min duration timer. I've always wanted them to work more like "Away Team" crew in STO. Not sure if that's asking too much. But them being a permanent toggle that lasted until de-toggled would be very nice.
Cat(lion tiger etc), or a bird(hawk etc) just throwing it out there
Bug: Can't get Circumstantial Evidence to complete daily? I thought the mobs in the events dropped it, but they don't appear to be dropping any.
Bug: The First two items in Men's Hair (Mohawk/Feather Plume) weren't alphabetized.
Other things:
I love all the costume updates. Still hoping for leg hair diffuse, but the lion skin options are super sweet~! I can't wait to check out the dragon armor changes.
Oh Yeah, livestream.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
It's missing leather textures.
Any chance we can get the fantasy mantle added to the bunch of mantles that don't require capes? If not I almost don't even care just because of ALL THIS STUFF??????????
No seriously, I'm almost crying at all these fixes and changes. I love you.
I have to say, Im looking forward to the Perm Sidekicks, but for sure, we're getting all sidekicks we got in the Z-Store perm right?, I'm really hopeing for a Perm R.O.D!
Also Feedback:
I love it, always wanted Perm Sidekicks, but it whuold be nice, that if we chuold have the Sidekicks, we got from events, such as the Mechanon ones, as Perm as well, but as long the Z-Store ones are all Perm (S.O.D) I'm happy.
Now AI on pets, and sidekick still needs adjusting, sure someone in the comments can point them out better, then me. And other thing I disprove of is, the 15mins out-time, does that mean, how long they will last until vanishing?, It be nice if that was much MUCH longer, or Perm. Just of course with a bigger Cool-down.
Edit: Also are we getting a sidekick system by any chance?, to make our own, or is this just a teaser?