Andrithal- been in there several times, never found the room he was in but found pretty much every other and the side missions. Did notice the recent video of defeating him, requires several legacy device for healing and dodge.
Just wanted to comment on this one because I've kindof made a habit of soloing Andrithal every now and then and it absolutely does not require legacy devices, high end gear, or anything more than a moderately tank-y build. (My main, Razula - build link here - was quite able to solo the place in the blue gear I'd picked up while leveling to 40.)
What it does require is a solid understanding of how the last fight works and what in that fight will kill you. (Also, make sure your difficulty is set to Normal! Turning it up is very bad, for reasons I'll discuss later.)
First up is the fight trigger - Vikorin will engage when all four pillars are destroyed*. His protective golems will activate in sets of four as soon as each pillar is damaged. If you try to fight the golems and Vikorin at the same time, you will almost certainly die. So destroy a pillar, kill golems, repeat for pillars 2 & 3, tap the fourth pillar with a single hit from your energy builder, kill the last set of golems, and then go back to destroy the last pillar and start the fight.
*major snip*
That was the video I saw. Did you miss the bit about not being able to find him? I have found a large section of the map but never him. Nor can I find a map of the place.
That was the video I saw. Did you miss the bit about not being able to find him? I have found a large section of the map but never him. Nor can I find a map of the place.
Did you miss the bit where I didn't link a video? And there's not much point to making a map - the lair's linear. Really. Each section has exactly one entrance and one exit. There are two places - one before each boss fight - where there's a closed doorway that you have to walk up and interact with. If you still can't find it, toss me a message in game sometime and I'll be happy to take you on a tour. Edit: And there's one kinda loopy area just before the first boss - if you see two rooms side by side with zappy pillar things in them, take the path onwards from the T intersection between them.
Other - please elaborate....the more specific the better.
I suspect the problem is that you can't enter Andrith without the mission (either in your quest book, or completed), and if you have been leveling up by running Alerts and never running missions, it won't be unlocked for you. The only lair that is trivial to enter is Teleios Tower (you can pick up the mission with no prerequisites), all the others have at least modest length quest chains before you can enter.
Other - please elaborate....the more specific the better.
If we could re-do all the missions we've ever done up to redoing an entire zone and we had new reward style missions so:
Each mission completed = 10G (@ Level 40) + 400Q
Each Zone completed (ALL MISSIONS + ALL PERKS) = 250G (@ Level 40) + 410,000Q
For example, I think that would be great (also if we had access to every mission we have ever done, both for replaying boss fights and for RP purposes).
But back to boss fights....
Mind Slayer, Medusa, Psimon, Menton, Qliphothic Vibora's Caringorn Stoneblood, Edmund Cully, Courtney Olmacher, Baron Cimitire, RIPPER etc...pretty much ALL boss fights which could be solo'd or teamed for I'd be happy to re-do for better rewards.
It would be a great function instead of having to catch people who are leveling to see if they can share a mission so I can access a boss fight for some fun.
Naturally I'd expect all bosses at level 40 to use Skull Tech, move a lot faster and deal more damage to level 40 players (perhaps scaling to resistance levels? More resist = more damage? So players would have to team or play smart.)
For example:
Menton, as the most powerful human psionic alive, would need to have some form of good resistance penetration vs all non Ego Damage Resistance as well as making his raptors and other pets dangerous like equal to or greater than Teleiosaur Pheromones dinos.
I'd probably include the mechanic where he tries to push players outside of the hot sleep room, and if successful gains a massive damage boost, when he also joins them. Something fun like that.
Outside of this, I'd like some way for Nemesis SV's to be threatening or to be worthy of a five man team (In their current state in nemcon, most really are not worthy of it)
Wow some of this really blows my mind. We have a giant pool of players for whom the entire game amounts to just what's in MC and in the alerts.
I'd like to re-iterate that the goal of this thread is to see if we can come up with ideas that would be easy and fast to implement. I don't imagine that re-doing all the missions is a realistic task....I would love it too but it may be too tough to pull off. The same could be said of the point regarding "none of the old content deserves new rewards because it's all solo-able"....all of the content in the game right now is solo-able [though certainly not for everyone]....yet a lot of it is played often while the rest is ignored entirely.
What could be done quickly and easily, such that the devs have no reason not to do it, that could improve things in terms of getting some of the existing high quality content in front of most of the playerbase? In my mind that condition of "easy enough to do that there's no reason not to" is most readily met by updating rewards.
But maybe there's other stuff that could be done easily?
Therakiel, he's the closest we'll ever get to Dark Falz Loser in PSO2. And Dark Falz Loser is the best boss in a vidya game I've experienced in like 15 years.
Takes about ten minutes to see all of the different attacks and phases possible there, then the eventual progressive enrage mechanic that all bosses in that game have where as their HP % drops they attack faster and more randomly until defeated.
And yes kids, boss fights are supposed to take longer than 2-5 Minutes. Otherwise what you're fighting isn't much of a "Boss", is it?
And yes kids, boss fights are supposed to take longer than 2-5 Minutes. Otherwise what you're fighting isn't much of a "Boss", is it?
This game doesn't really lead up to it, though, in terms of challenge, and Boss fights are generally a disappointing mix of knock spam, insta-death attacks and lockouts. Fewer bosses, more mobs, to be honest.
Vibora Bay - does not have a cosmic, but it should!
I definitely wouldn't mind a VB cosmic, it's always bugged me that we don't have one. But, as far as making boss fights useful? I'd bring back the old cosmetic drops, and give them a small chance to drop off of all cosmics and lair bosses. I'd then do a quick bug pass on the lairs (some of them are nigh-unplayable now because of software rot), and slap on a big q-bonus for killing them.
Problem is right now that content is pointless because of how much quicker and easier alerts are. The obvious solution here, if we want people doing the content, is to nerf the alert rewards a bit. Dropping the XP reward from the XP alerts was supposed to accomplish this, but now people just do an XP alert and then beat up on the smashes for extra G.
All I know for sure is, something needs to be sorted. What I was worried about happening definitely has: People jump in and play, then start doing alerts. They do alert after alert after alert, then eventually get bored of them and uninstall. I've met many many people who were level 40 and literally never left MC. I've met 40s that didn't even know we HAD other zones. This is bad design, imo.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
And yes kids, boss fights are supposed to take longer than 2-5 Minutes. Otherwise what you're fighting isn't much of a "Boss", is it?
Well, unless those 2-5 minutes are some of the most hectic and challenging gameplay you've experienced in your entire life. 5 minutes can feel like a major boss fight if you do it right.
The obvious solution here, if we want people doing the content, is to nerf the alert rewards a bit.
Nah. Nerfs are never the option. Giving out leads to mission content and XP buffs for completing it is is much more positive.
Yes, because as long as alerts are going to be the easier option, that requires minimal effort, giving leads will get people interested in doing things beyond the alerts... wut?
The obvious solution here, if we want people doing the content, is to nerf the alert rewards a bit.
Nah. Nerfs are never the option. Giving out leads to mission content and XP buffs for completing it is is much more positive.
XP buffs don't really matter when you can get quick xp and a metric ton of G for doing alerts. The inherent problem right now is, the effort to reward on missions isn't there compared to alerts. If you scaled up the G/gear rewards for missions and scaled back the G reward for the alerts, to where the time invested ends up being equal to the reward on both sides, missions become viable. This is literally the only way they do. Problem with scaling up the mission G to current alert levels, imo, is that it might play hell on the economy. Inflation's a bastard. I can't help but think the "only play alerts all of the time" thing we have going on was never intended in the initial design. having the G alerts give a bonus to all g collected over a time would be preferable to just a big chunk every time you run it, imo.
Besides that, they already do give leads a few different times during the game. Prompts to check out canada, etc. We also get a popup telling us about adventure packs. Doesn't matter if nobody wants to do em, and xp only goes so far in being an incentive. The world stuff and APs dropping more Q? That'd do it. I feel like they were going for this with story xp and q hour, but it needs to go a bit farther than that.
In game, I am @EvilTaco. Happily killing purple gang members since May 2008.
Other - please elaborate....the more specific the better.
You can't really buff mission xp rewards without breaking stuff -- most mission chains have a quite small level progression, and even at the current state of xp you're quite likely to wind up overlevel by the time you hit later missions in the chain.
I'm strongly in favor of unusual items for every chain-ending mission, though -- preferably something on a per-character basis rather than a per-player. I have a bank tab full of mission uniques sitting around somewhere.
I think all of them should have new rewards, the dungeons themselves redesigned and have new mechanics to encourage teaming and mechanics that prevent soloing so the team aspects of the game can be emphasized, and of course a queuing system that allows players to queue for the normal and a heroic version of said dungeons. Maybe some rewards can be specific powers from the bosses, costume pieces of course, and special mods and such that can make for comparables to things people use now. Maybe even mods that act like power replacers, but of course fixed so they don't shift the power balance.
I also think some of the dungeons that were not made dungeons but soloable should be made official dungeons now;
Purple Gang Hideout
Ghost Town Mine (with Witchcraft's sister)
Project: Awakening
Stronghold Prison
and a few others to name a few.
Yah pretty much everything Championshewolf said. The reward system in the game is behind the times and hasn't really been maintained well.
This is RiverOcean's 2nd Account. Can't combine my STO and CO accounts for some weird reason.
Simple answer we should all be giving: All of them. Any missions that saw new/better rewards would get ran more often, instead of maybe once each with a players first four or five toons, at which point most of us just switch to alerts for leveling toons while only doing certain missions purely for the chance at a rare reward we can sell.
So no nerfs, no balancing, just make some new rewards. Heck, increase the chances of drops for the current rewards and slip in a new rare drop to keep the grind going better.
~I'm a figment of your imagination, a mass hallucination, only real because you feel I am~
It's two fold, really. Experienced players with higher level toons want more than alerts; there's demand for replayable, teamable dungeons and lairs which drop consumables, costumes, devices, tokens - all those things which can be used to improve the gear and customisation of toons.
Lower end players often aren't made aware of some of the basic facets of the game: other zones, other areas even. The mission arcs are designed to go in a fairly linear fashion which no longer follows the play style or level progression of people doing alerts - so they need to become something which is offered to the player via the Crime Computer, or Alert messages, to get people to explore. Rewards aren't so important here.
This might also help people find the mission arcs that lead to some of the high-end lairs and zones. It's no surprise there's no-one in Lemuria when the lead-in mission comes from some bloke on Monster Island you only come across after hours of play; ditto the Andrithal mission chain - as that's the only level 41 mission in the game, surely people should know about it when they hit 40?
I can't help but think the "only play alerts all of the time" thing we have going on was never intended in the initial design. having the G alerts give a bonus to all g collected over a time would be preferable to just a big chunk every time you run it, imo.
I dunno, Taco. Part of me feel that part of the intent was to focus players on Alerts, on staying in Millennium City, This makes events simpler, and keeps the population fairly concentrated in a few instances. Might be easier upkeep on server end, and it definitely makes the game seem more populated [instead of having the population distributed widely among several maps].
Other - please elaborate....the more specific the better.
or alternatively they wanted to do a bigger live test for NW skirmish system,( Closed beta finished the day after on alert went live)
along with the gear enchant system- you know our, not really a crafting system.
spec tree- their level up tree system.
---- dang, where's my tinfoil hat gone. FINN! you been cooking in it again?
Rework the Desert and Canada back to low-level options, and double the mission reward XP. Multiply the G rewards by 3x-5x. Restore the old school drops - Power replacers, legacy costumes, etc.
Train people not to take the quickest and easiest option.
Train people not to take the biggest reward option.
and in another thread, we have someone asking for VB alerts to be removed from the roster as they take too long and don't give enough rewards.
Good news- we had a player , who had HEARD about other maps and asked how to get to them. At level 15 they promptly went.
Did you miss the bit about not being able to find him?
I have found a large section of the map but never him.
Nor can I find a map of the place.
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And there's not much point to making a map - the lair's linear. Really. Each section has exactly one entrance and one exit. There are two places - one before each boss fight - where there's a closed doorway that you have to walk up and interact with. If you still can't find it, toss me a message in game sometime and I'll be happy to take you on a tour.
Edit: And there's one kinda loopy area just before the first boss - if you see two rooms side by side with zappy pillar things in them, take the path onwards from the T intersection between them.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Each mission completed = 10G (@ Level 40) + 400Q
Each Zone completed (ALL MISSIONS + ALL PERKS) = 250G (@ Level 40) + 410,000Q
For example, I think that would be great (also if we had access to every mission we have ever done, both for replaying boss fights and for RP purposes).
But back to boss fights....
Mind Slayer, Medusa, Psimon, Menton, Qliphothic Vibora's Caringorn Stoneblood, Edmund Cully, Courtney Olmacher, Baron Cimitire, RIPPER etc...pretty much ALL boss fights which could be solo'd or teamed for I'd be happy to re-do for better rewards.
It would be a great function instead of having to catch people who are leveling to see if they can share a mission so I can access a boss fight for some fun.
Naturally I'd expect all bosses at level 40 to use Skull Tech, move a lot faster and deal more damage to level 40 players (perhaps scaling to resistance levels? More resist = more damage? So players would have to team or play smart.)
For example:
Menton, as the most powerful human psionic alive, would need to have some form of good resistance penetration vs all non Ego Damage Resistance as well as making his raptors and other pets dangerous like equal to or greater than Teleiosaur Pheromones dinos.
I'd probably include the mechanic where he tries to push players outside of the hot sleep room, and if successful gains a massive damage boost, when he also joins them. Something fun like that.
Outside of this, I'd like some way for Nemesis SV's to be threatening or to be worthy of a five man team (In their current state in nemcon, most really are not worthy of it)
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I am @RavenForce in game
I'd like to re-iterate that the goal of this thread is to see if we can come up with ideas that would be easy and fast to implement. I don't imagine that re-doing all the missions is a realistic task....I would love it too but it may be too tough to pull off. The same could be said of the point regarding "none of the old content deserves new rewards because it's all solo-able"....all of the content in the game right now is solo-able [though certainly not for everyone]....yet a lot of it is played often while the rest is ignored entirely.
What could be done quickly and easily, such that the devs have no reason not to do it, that could improve things in terms of getting some of the existing high quality content in front of most of the playerbase? In my mind that condition of "easy enough to do that there's no reason not to" is most readily met by updating rewards.
But maybe there's other stuff that could be done easily?
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE
For reference:
Takes about ten minutes to see all of the different attacks and phases possible there, then the eventual progressive enrage mechanic that all bosses in that game have where as their HP % drops they attack faster and more randomly until defeated.
And yes kids, boss fights are supposed to take longer than 2-5 Minutes. Otherwise what you're fighting isn't much of a "Boss", is it?
Snark never dies.
This game doesn't really lead up to it, though, in terms of challenge, and Boss fights are generally a disappointing mix of knock spam, insta-death attacks and lockouts. Fewer bosses, more mobs, to be honest.
I definitely wouldn't mind a VB cosmic, it's always bugged me that we don't have one. But, as far as making boss fights useful? I'd bring back the old cosmetic drops, and give them a small chance to drop off of all cosmics and lair bosses. I'd then do a quick bug pass on the lairs (some of them are nigh-unplayable now because of software rot), and slap on a big q-bonus for killing them.
Problem is right now that content is pointless because of how much quicker and easier alerts are. The obvious solution here, if we want people doing the content, is to nerf the alert rewards a bit. Dropping the XP reward from the XP alerts was supposed to accomplish this, but now people just do an XP alert and then beat up on the smashes for extra G.
All I know for sure is, something needs to be sorted. What I was worried about happening definitely has: People jump in and play, then start doing alerts. They do alert after alert after alert, then eventually get bored of them and uninstall. I've met many many people who were level 40 and literally never left MC. I've met 40s that didn't even know we HAD other zones. This is bad design, imo.
RIP Caine
My super cool CC build and how to use it.
Nah. Nerfs are never the option. Giving out leads to mission content and XP buffs for completing it is is much more positive.
Yes, because as long as alerts are going to be the easier option, that requires minimal effort, giving leads will get people interested in doing things beyond the alerts... wut?
Silverspar on PRIMUS
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Besides that, they already do give leads a few different times during the game. Prompts to check out canada, etc. We also get a popup telling us about adventure packs. Doesn't matter if nobody wants to do em, and xp only goes so far in being an incentive. The world stuff and APs dropping more Q? That'd do it. I feel like they were going for this with story xp and q hour, but it needs to go a bit farther than that.
RIP Caine
Nepht and Dr Deflecto on primus
They all thought I was out of the game....But I'm holding all the lockboxes now..
I'm strongly in favor of unusual items for every chain-ending mission, though -- preferably something on a per-character basis rather than a per-player. I have a bank tab full of mission uniques sitting around somewhere.
Epic Stronghold
Block timing explained
Yah pretty much everything Championshewolf said. The reward system in the game is behind the times and hasn't really been maintained well.
So no nerfs, no balancing, just make some new rewards. Heck, increase the chances of drops for the current rewards and slip in a new rare drop to keep the grind going better.
Lower end players often aren't made aware of some of the basic facets of the game: other zones, other areas even. The mission arcs are designed to go in a fairly linear fashion which no longer follows the play style or level progression of people doing alerts - so they need to become something which is offered to the player via the Crime Computer, or Alert messages, to get people to explore. Rewards aren't so important here.
This might also help people find the mission arcs that lead to some of the high-end lairs and zones. It's no surprise there's no-one in Lemuria when the lead-in mission comes from some bloke on Monster Island you only come across after hours of play; ditto the Andrithal mission chain - as that's the only level 41 mission in the game, surely people should know about it when they hit 40?
Whoever you are, be that person one hundred percent. Don't compromise on your identity.
along with the gear enchant system- you know our, not really a crafting system.
spec tree- their level up tree system.
---- dang, where's my tinfoil hat gone. FINN! you been cooking in it again?
Train people not to take the quickest and easiest option.
Train people not to take the biggest reward option.
and in another thread, we have someone asking for VB alerts to be removed from the roster as they take too long and don't give enough rewards.
Good news- we had a player , who had HEARD about other maps and asked how to get to them. At level 15 they promptly went.
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So far the top choices have been:
Therakiel's Temple: 28%
Other: 28%
Desert - Grond: 15%
PARSER USAGE GUIDE: click here for an easy how-to ٩(๑・ิᴗ・ิ)۶٩(・ิᴗ・ิ๑)۶
Spectre beats Eido in an SG run: VIDEO HERE